Is he the only actor who could do Darkseid justice?
Is he the only actor who could do Darkseid justice?
The only actor for Darkseid is Michael Ironside.
no, Michael Cera
Not as long as this man lives.
I don't think there's an actor that could ever properly do Darkseid justice without HEAVY special effects work, at which point you should just go all in and make a good model and have Michael Ironside provide the voice.
Any reason he hasn't done voice for a lot of Darksieds more recent roles? Is it a Unicron scenario? Will studios just not hire him?
I was honestly disappointed in the last season of Smallville that they didn't have ""Darkseid's spirit""" or whatever posses him since he was already playing Lois's dad. Then again Smallville was missed opportunities the show.
Nope, Peter Cullen.
He was my pick for Norman Osborn. Too bad he retired.
I genuinely believe that he could bring something new to the character. Plus it'd be great to read stories about him getting too much into the role and scaring the shit out of his co-stars.
If they brought back Ironside for Darkseid, all my faith in the dceu would be restored. I'd pay good money to hear him monologue on screen as the big man himself.
we need to see him in the exact pose to be sure...
What so he can kidnap Henry Cavill and torture him?
Hopefully he's smart enough to stay the fuck away from DC movies
I don't think he's interested, unless they do some better writing with Darkseid. I'd heard that Ironside is something of a pacifist, and he was interested in DCEU's Darkseid as a villain that was intensely powerful but used his mind more than his might. When they started writing Darkseid roles as increasingly physical, he lost interest.
>Perlman will never be Darkseid or Thanos
Michael Clarke Duncan could have
And Clancy Brown should be Lex, and Rosenbaum should be Wally. Half the JL voice cast could play the real roles.
>Plus it'd be great to read stories about him getting too much into the role and scaring the shit out of his co-stars.
DDL retired because of his last project, so no chance he'll get that into a role for a while.
Clancy is too old and ugly
Rosenbaum is a tv actor no shot he could do a good big screen Wally, plus they've sold out on Barry because of Johns
Yeah, because Affleck is so young to be Bruce and Eisenberg is such a great Lex.
I'd like to see Darkseid with Daniel Day Lewis' accent from In The Name of the Father.
Does it matter
Will Warner Bros really make another justice league any time soon after the first one made less than half of the avengers, which was released 5 years earlier?
larry fishburne
Yes. Studios have more than enough money to blow on movies, it's just a matter of whether or not they want to. People like to play pretend that box office bombs 'hurt' studios, but that's nowhere near the truth and JL made enough to be considered a success in their eyes. For a movie to truly be a bomb, it needs to have invariably low numbers.