What does Sup Forums think of Mark "The Man" Millar?

What does Sup Forums think of Mark "The Man" Millar?

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Edgy writer who has a few good hits and a lot of god awful misses but has the devils luck in Hollywood probably knew the right dicks to suck

I think The Unfunnies is hilarious.

He licks goats.

I kinda like The Unfunnies a bit.

>and a lot of god awful misses

Unfunnies, civil war, trouble and American Jesus are a few I can name

Happy is his best work.

The film did the evil dick scene better than the comic.

What the fuck? Did they really included it?
I though the movies where supposed to tone down all the edgy crap.

They did. And it was truer to the character. He couldn't get it up.


Swamp Thing
>Civil War
Red Son
>American Jesus
Superman Adventures
Red Razors

Two hits for every miss I'm counting la.

>the cops then go after everyone in a costume EXCEPT for these people

I like his stuff.
It's FUN.

I liked Huck.

That's not by Millar


Wait a second, didn't they went after Kick-ass "girlfriend" in the comic?
Why did they went after one of the heroes?

One of my all time least favorite comic writers. Easily the most overrated. Even his "good" work is overly edgy garbage.

The only good things he's done were Swamp Thing and Starlight. The rest is fucking unbearable.

Ultimates is the definition of overrated.

Any kickass other than the first
Unfunnies actually counts as three misses

Are you asking me to storytime a Millar story? I think you're asking me to storytime some Millar. Which would you prefer?
>Jupiter's Legacy Vol. 1
>Jupiter's Legacy Vol. 2
>Superman Red Son
>Kickass Vol. 1

We wouldn't have the MCU without Ultimates Vol. 1-2 by Millar. Ultimate Avengers on the other hand was batshit insanity in the Ultimate Universe.

Do the Unfunnies, just for shits and giggles.

>The only good things he's done were Swamp Thing
And that was literally plotted for him by Grant Morrison because he wanted to give the guy a leg up in the industry. The minute he ran out of Morrison-penned scripts to write, he gave up and ended the run about five issues shorter than he planned.


>We wouldn't have the MCU without Ultimates Vol. 1-2 by Millar
Oh no.

What a loss.

If you're being serious I'll do it. The version I have is only 4 issues. Is that the one?

Please no. Not again. I'm not strong enough.

Do it.

>We wouldn't have the MCU without Ultimates Vol. 1-2 by Millar
Like all adaptations of Millar's works, the MCU is the result of other people taking his ideas, removing the most tryhard edgy and shitty parts, and actually making it not shit.

In the movie, that is his girlfriend. Well, tight squeeze at least.

There's a scene where Chloe and Kickass have an argument in school, and naturally his girlfriend thinks 'he's plugging the eigth grader', so she dumps him.

He then proceeds to have sex with one of the female heroes he hangs around with. Hence this scene, which was indeed truer to his character, and a lot less edgy. The edgy part comes later when 'not red mist' finds out kickass' secret identity, due his dad giving himself up to the local jail, and sends thugs to beat him to death, all while texting pictures of this to kick ass

Presumably they're the same police from the spiderman movies, who become suspicious of anything remotely Peelian when it comes to policing.

no you don't

You're right.
But I like trainwrecks, so there.


I keep wondering why Mark Millar doles out edgy garbage when he's so good at writing Superman.

Why don't people like American Jesus?

The adaptions of his work always end up better than the actual thing.

Anyone else have the issue where you can't actually see the image when posting in Sup Forums x? I have no idea what to spoiler because of it


There's a theory that he's clinically depressed or something, so he works that shit out in his writing.
Fun fact, the guy is almost never that edgy in real life. He actually avoids swearing in cons, believe it or not.



Meant for:





Please stop.

I wonder how Millar though this was a good idea.


He is an incredibly talented edgy 12 year old.

The problem is that he's a middle aged Scottish guy.








No one needs to see that shit.


you liked the reaction to it


What the fuck is that thing?
A squirrel with a lion's face?


That makes it good?

Everyone needs to see that shit. It might be sparse on plot but McNiven knocked it out of the park on art duties and managed to kick major ass when limiting himself to five or fewer panels on the page. It reads like a dream (although it may not alleviate all of the issues with plot). I'd love to see this adapted with Nicholas Cage as the main villain but I think I'd be getting my hopes up.


that shit is so creepy
did Millar really got his dad to appear in this shit?


Alright, this is where I draw the fucking line.







Probably the only good page out of this abortion.



That could explain a lot but he’s rich as hell and gets a lot of love for his good books Red Son cemented his name in DC maybe Morrison meme magic fucked him up

>unfunnies storydumping at 4am

Sleep is for the weak anyways.


Please no

is that MIllar's dad?
that's fucking disturbing AND sad

Superior and The Jupiter books fuck nemesis

I say yes for a variety of reasons.
>I'm going to be talking about Vol. 1 exclusively
Firstly, Hitch knocked it out of the park on art duties.

Second, the paneling keeps the book moving at a brisk pace throughout it's 13 issues and never once do you think the story is dragging.

Third, it incorporates a classic Avengers story (Avengers vs. Hulk) while also incorporating an alien invasion plot (that was used as the basis for the first Avengers movie).

Fourth, Millar managed to strike a unique tone of comic book ridiclous and current political landscape of America at this point and a weaker writer would have botched that. No other writer could pull of GWB meeting Captain American in a completely earnest way. Hell, Joe Kelly incorporating Steven Colbert was already atrocious enough.

Fifth: In terms of characterization, Millar brought a healthy dose of realism making Captain a product of his times rather than the Marvel equivalent of jesus and while he's a little rough around the edges, he still has that heart of gold when it counts. Thor was a hippy with "delusions of grandeur" and TOny was the best he's been written in the past decade. Black Fury was a genius creation and was incorporated by nearly everyone because of how solid the concept was.

Sixth: WHile I would have been okay with just the main avengers lineup (captain america, ant-man, wasp, iron man, thor), Millar still managed to introduce Hawkeye, Black Widow, and an Ultimate version of the Hulk and still managed to not make the story feel cramped is nothing short of amazing. The only issue of have is with the Ultimate Universe Hulk (not their Bruce Banner) in that he was such a jarring separation from the 616 version. This version was increasingly violent (cannibalistic in multiple titles) to frightenlgy sexual, this Hulk manages to actually feel like a regressed form of Banner while the 616 personality feels distinctly separate (bording on the line of the bomb having its own consciousness)











