Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #35 Storytime

Twilight of the Guardians part three!






This book has been really good lately



How do I get ass like Hal?



Wow they really set on resetting things










I love Guy. Thanks for storytiming, OP.


The designs of these henchmen are bretty nice.




Vibrations are the end all be all of DC. I’m not surprised Hal and Pals are getting their shit kicked.






People who say Dick has the best ass in DC are plebs

Well it's a logical weapon to direct against Lanterns; the fact that they can hear things through their shields means that sound vibrations can get through. If you can weaponize that, it exploits a fairly glaring weakness in the way their constructs function.

This book is the only one I can say I've loved since Rebirth #1.

I love this four corpsman shit.

Guy is lovely

Do people really like men's ass?

only some real faggots don't

This is comfy

Why the fuck wasn't this storytimed earlier?

There was a lot of stuff to be storytimed yesterday. Thursday is comfy reading day.

Thanks, OP.

bumping for others

>People complain last issue's storytime no mention of the Zamarons
>Passing reference here

Do you think Venditti could be reading this thread right now?

soldiers with guns taking on the laterns seems anticlimactic and generic
should have been fleet of space cruisers.
now that would have been something special

So who's Ric

It's great. I hope they keep going with it. Guy liking pro wrestling makes me happy.

A better question is which one is Chris Benoit?

I mean, you're asking me the one who everybody loves to watch fight but most likely has so much brain damage from taking shots to the dome that his brain probably looks like that of an 80 year old man

95-6's incarnation:
Ric Flair - Hal
Brian Pillman - Guy
Arn Anderson - John
Chris Benoit - Kyle

This is pretty great

It actually makes sense. Guy is from Baltimore, an old Mid-Atlantic/Wrestling area.

>Guy=Arn(w/Mongo & Pillman dashed in)

How can you not love this?!

I love this shit

Why does Zod work so much better as a Green Lantern villain rather than a Superman villain?

didn't expect these feels

there's not enough time to change dialogue in two weeks for an issue that's already printed, user

this is actually really nice, you got me Venditti

Hal is such a drama queen

This run has been fucking fantastic since Rebirth.

Sandoval has been so good on this book

>Diamonds are Forever and so is The Green Lantern Corps! WHOO!

I love the fact that the old lanterns are respected equally as the new ones are
Green Lantern is really the best title to be a legacy of
Except Alan

Alan will be back soon. Right?

Doomsday Clock #2 had "green flames" on the newspapers in the end, so maybe.

Assuming the JSA comes back during/after DClock... maybe in 2019-20?

Is Sora still evil?

She hasn't been seen since she burned a Sinestro Corps logo into Kyle's chest and took off with the rest of the Sinestro Corps

So... probably, yeah

I want to make babies with your daughter, Sinestro!

Check your fridge, Kyle.

You know how when men get possessed by parallax they tend to get those teeth?
Do you think Sorallax has vagina dentata?

Why? Did you make cupcakes?

Yes, but they'd still be very loving.

All I can feel toward a hot lady in thigh-high latex boots is lust. Where's my corp ring for that?

When will he return bros?

Who should be Hal new gf?

Does this mean Hal is the Benoit of the Four Corpsmen?

I think Hal and Diana should be better friends. Dunno if they should be a couple, though

Power Girl

She is dead Jim

Not the black one


didn't Guy and Kyle rings used to look different? like they were a 3d model of the GL logo instead of just the regular design?

>Having to deal with Slade for the underage Black power pussi
Is it worth it lads?

Slade is also cunny connoisseur

Great. Now I want a Green Lantern and Deathstroke crossover or team up book


Except for Terrifics these all seem like 90's Image titles.

yeah their rings usually look a little different

Hal got a new design when he reforged his ring too

bumping to read

Doomsday Clock ends in 2018

I told you she became evil since she no longer had her tits exposed like the old times

A lot of people tend to get small details of Lanterns' designs off. Kyle's insignia, Guy's sleeves, Hal's boots, Kyle's hair and John wearing gloves are all just little things artists have gotten wrong in the past few months alone. No surprise something as small as the rings aren't consistent

>Kyle's insignia,

The insignia is back
Really the biggest thing that must be done right is that and the overall design

Some artists draw Kyle with the actual GL insignia, others draw him with the half and half one he had in the 90's. I don't really fault artists for it, though. The costume's cool but it looks like a pain in the ass to remember all the details. Least it's not as overdesigned as his gay biker look

I think i a change for the better, it makes it equal to the others while it is still different with the black and white background
Also i think i works better on the suit
John's 3d symbol in the other hand i dunno why is still there

this still has to happen

Which brings me to the question, if they bring back Alan too, will they change his symbol and his ring?
The original design was great i hope they will never go with the earth-2 one that was so damn Nu52

That is now the only ring design, since is the same as the one the first lanterns had

When was this teased? Green Lanterns?

hal and pals before the saint walker arc