Alright, think of a character/team of characters, Sup Forums

Alright, think of a character/team of characters, Sup Forums.
Those characters have been recruited into the Antimemetics Division and must now face shit like The Escapee and it's manifestations[/spoilers]
How well do they fare?

Other urls found in this thread:



Literally if that character can think they die

This is just an excuse to post SCP shit after the Sup Forums thread went down, isn't it

>This is just an excuse to post SCP shit after the Sup Forums thread went down, isn't it
Didn't even know that there WAS a Sup Forums thread. Certianly owuldnt mind a link to that either if you would. And to answer your question; Maybe


I'm sure he has at least ONE tool for the job.

>Golden Space Worm "Jesus"
He probably does, but Zion is dumber than a lead outhouse. He would likely be unable to apply said tool properly to deal with the situation. But his stupidity may also benefit him, in that he will never be able to grasp what 3125 is, and thus wouldn't draw it's attention in the first place.

Uh...Just been playing Nier:Automata...Well...Androids have memory backups right? So there is potential they could zerg rush their memories into a thought gun to kill it
Speaking of which, the time-loop story still needs to be done, I wanna see how the protag gets out of it.

Get the Tick to carry the machien that fires idea swords at 3125. He is too dumb to think about it.
Or One-Punch Man will just smash like he always does

While there is some overlap in concept, is 3125 related to the Starfish and the Fifth Church?

I think Bill Cipher and his team of freaks would unironically be perfect for this

The Sup Forums thread hit bump limit.
I'm not OP but I always love a good SCP thread.

what the fuck, is that 999?

>While there is some overlap in concept, is 3125 related to the Starfish and the Fifth Church?
It's heavily implied that 3125 is in fact the Fifthist God, and that's why they all act the way that they do. Their minds have all just been eaten by this thing, so they're really just puppets being pulled about by it. Not sure about the Starfish though.

im curious the protag is a scp right? what's his number?
whats the other SCP's featured in the series as of now the only scp's that im familiar with is 82, 93, and the bottomless sack of potatoes whos number i forgot

Connor isn't *technically* an SCP. He has anomalous abilities yes, but he isn't classed as a skip in and of himself. Also, in terms of scp's that have appeared so far, well the little Christmas special gave us things like 1000 and 231 amongst many others.

The Escapee is in the power of Stardust now.

This does not seem like it would be any better for the world at large. In fact, I think you somehow made things worse user.



Is that 3999?

Why is Starro molesting that person

Yes. nothing escapes Japan.

I would probably fuck Conner.

It's 3001, actually. Pic related is 3999.

isnt 3999 the reality bending thing called researcher talloran or whatever?

3125 is the non-concrete reality thing that affects ideas right?

3999 was a high-tier reality warping horror that obliterated existence itself, but decided to keep one Researcher Talloran as a "toy" to constantly torture over and over for it's own amusement in cycles without end. 3125 is a horrific mass of ideas and thought-forms that seeks to straight-up replace all of reality and collective human thought with itself. Because of its nature, the ideas that compose 3125 are so utterly toxic that human consciousness just can't handle them, and is thus overwritten when said ideas cross over into human headspace.

The starfish thing came from the whole fivefold symmetry thing, although it's actually five fingers. the artist just took some leeway

so 3125 is just really really bad memes and 3999 basically neutralized itself because talloran killed himself? did they ever mention why they latched onto talloran?

Pure luck. The more SCPs you read, the more asspulls you realise happened in favour of humanity

I recall some SCP that are all about the end-of-world scenarios then there's that whole little girl that has to be traumatized in order to prevent something. anymore follow up on that?

>an alien doomsday drone fixing itself on Jupiter
>a horse returning to Earth at speeds faster than light
>a star with the personallity of a very edgy 13 year old coming to visit
>a reality rift in the Moon that could expand and engulf the Earth at any moment now
there's also some SCPs and ocurrences confirming Lovecraftian dangers

That kinda clashes with one of the Fifthist SCPs, the musician whose soul is stored in a coil of incense.

3999 gets dumber every time I remember it.

dont forget
>intelligent bigfoots reclaiming earth.
>demon thing in a portal with 7 chains coming back to earth
>stupid door on airplane to hell

Some just feel a bti dumb.
also is Apollyon the most dangerous class of scp?

>3999 basically neutralized itself because talloran killed himself?
Effectively. It had seemingly made Talloran into a 'vessel' for itself, which probably aided it in torturing him. What it wasn't expecting however, was for Talloran to resist it's power enough to kill himself and take it down with him.

>did they ever mention why they latched onto talloran?
Don't think so. It likely just attached itself to Talloran because he was the original researcher who was looking into it, as well as being the only survivor from the reality that 3999 had devoured.

>is Apollyon the most dangerous class of scp?
Apollyon is just the classifucation given to any dangerous or hostile SCP that in the midst of, or has the capability of causing an MK/XK-Class End-Of-World scenario with not even a remote chance of survival. I didn't include ZK-Class scenarios though, because if those were to breach containment, there wouldn't even be enough time to utter a single scream, but they could also be classified as Apollyon.

>implying that Safe SCPs can't destroy the world harder than a Keter

Did Sup Forums ever finish that Sup Forums version of the supernatural organization list?

3999 is 100 times more clever than it thinks it is, and it doesn't deserve the absurd amount of votes that it has gotten.

We are close.
I want one for Church of the Broken god really badly.


i want to know what most of these are. it's pretty rad

church of the broken god did nothing wrong.

This is indeed true. The Church are one of the only actually Heroic GOI's in the SCPverse, in all honesty.

is the hammer fellow Ion? Trying to catch up on lore.

Captain Black from Jackie Chan Adventures would be better than Agent Mansley for UIU. Also if we're doing CotBG then we might as well add the Sarkics too, as they a GoI in practice albeit not a formal one. They certainly have more presence than Nobody, GAW, and the Oneiroi Collective.

Top row from left: Gate Guardian, Yaldabaoth, 2317, the Broken God, 3000, one of the giants from 93, and 682.

The hammer man is Robert Bumaro, Head Of The Church. He's effectively to MEKHANE what Ion is to YALDABAOTH.

he wouldn't accept the existance of 3125

The number of unacceptable things in the SCPverse may very well end up causing his head to explode.





Which scp is that?

It's 1523.

Which SCPs could kill Connor? How would they have to do it?

3125 could do it, since it would simply devour his mind and wouldn't *technically* be killing him. 2935 could also do it but it's pretty heavily restricted in how it spreads to universes.

In case you guys haven't seen the new one. It's pretty good.

It's alright, but the dialogue doesn't really mesh with the concept.

A reverse 079 that also doubles as a form of Santa? That's pretty neat in all honesty.

could someone give me a run down on who these gods are and what each of them do?

Where would I find information on all of these organizations? or is there none.

>Rusty's plan to stop Supernatural Shit
>Sends Brock Samson
>It actually works 89% of the time.


Story about the guy in the time loop hasn't been finished. Fuck I need to see what is going to go down.
Plus wouldn't robots/drones be able to activate the machines to kill/make 3215 kill itself? Just trundle down and press a button

Tickle Monster becomes the Safe, Sane, Consensual Monster! Making people happy through happysex.
Shit, gotta find the /aco drawthread

Here you go.
Theirs a of of SCPs and tales involved with these groups too.

Whoa, translation? There more of this?

Oh 231. I think Clef has gotten a lot of shit for doing that. The way it gets even worse is that the staff/guards have a fuck huge suicide rate and everybody has got to take the amnesia pills.

The best Apollyon one I read was a 001 proposal where the sun turned everyone into goo creatures.

Rat's Nest is a pretty good series.

Tbh I’d still rather Strider for GAW.

This entire convo and the following 3-4 pages is basically my thesis paper on this shit.

>got taken out by some little kids
>tossed into the gaping fanged maw of the scp-verse
user, he will be raped.

Stardust is truly one of those cases where the cure may be worse than the disease.

Quite literally, if we take some SCP's and certain threats (such as the Scarlet King) into account. Bill definitely wouldn't have a good time whatsoever.

There's followipon that right? Since I recall it's tied to the cult and all that.

I just realized that Green Lantern would be great against Lovecraftian stuff.

What scp is the scarlet king? Is it related to that little girl something?

He's not an "SCP" exactly (since you know, he's a cosmic, Multiversal Demon-God who the Foundation cannot contain. At all.), but he's connected to several rather famous scp's. Specifically he's the father of 682, the deity of the cult that lead to the creation of 231, and he's also the father of 999, via 231-7. So yeah, he has a LOT of connections.

'The New Job' is subject to 'No canon' though. The base assumption is that everything is at 'base state' unless decided otherwise(thus some scps get neutralized depending on votes)

I'm pretty sure he's also connected to the Hanged King and indirectly to the Sarkics and the Daevites.

And the Hanged King is also connected to things like Yaldabaoth, the Daevites, and the Sarkics. It's also connected to the Foundation in an odd way, since one of its Ambassadors has been contained by them.


I think at this point they're getting a little too connected to everything, to the point that any groups outside the little clique seem pushed to the wayside.

Getting real sick of the CotBG at this point.

>I think at this point they're getting a little too connected to everything, to the point that any groups outside the little clique seem pushed to the wayside.
Eh, a vast majority of the SCP's still remain uncoectedo to any specific group or organization. Shit like 343 and others are completely divorced from any one acting group, and said entities even have their own agendas that they're working or fulfill. All of the stuff that's been posted previously is more or less just stuff used to fill-out some of the other less used Skips.