Reading my 80s comics

>reading my 80s comics
>listen to 80s music
Is there anything more comfy?

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Only one thing.

le wrong generation

Not as comfy as reading 80s manga listening to 80s Japanese music.

>le wrong generation

The eighties fucking sucked and I’ve been living the nightmare of having to spend more of my life with that culture than I did in the nineties or the aughts.

I mean, capeshit and arguably the entire medium peaked in the 80s, but:
>listen to 80s music

Why has this been posted so often on Sup Forums lately. Who is memeing Plastic Love onto everyone?


Mariya's hip parade~!

What did they expect? Reading a Vice Top Ten list for comics is like reading a Glamour Top Ten List for Video Games.

>tfw you're an old fart that grew up in the 80s and love the stuff from there because childhood but now Millennials love it because it's retro in the same way kids from my generation loved the 60s.
So this is what it sounds like when doves cry.

Reading JoJo while listening to the songs that the writer was inspired by to create the characthers

Reading 80s comics while listening to 80s music on a Sunday afternoon along with your girlfriend.

What was so sucky about the eighties? Honest question, I was born in the next decade, so I really have no idea.

The political landscape of the 80s was an absolute hellscape that caused lasting damage to Western culture, if not dealing a fatal deathblow to it.

But that fucking idiot is probably talking about how he didn't like the cartoons or music or some shit, which is objectively wrong.

that image is pretty good

different from typical tumblr cgs

It appears on a lot of people's reccommendations all the time. Some may have given it a shot and seemed to like it.

Do you have a list for the inspirational music?

There’s one on Spotify

Why did Plastic Love get so popular? Was it just the YouTube recommended bar?

mariya a cute

>The political landscape of the 80s was an absolute hellscape that caused lasting damage to Western culture, if not dealing a fatal deathblow to it.
what do you mean by this?

Yes plus it's a really good song


>The political landscape of the 80s was an absolute hellscape that caused lasting damage to Western culture, if not dealing a fatal deathblow to it.

No, you're thinking of the 60's.

Danke, Anons.

Any good city pop recs?

I love all the movies from the 80s ripping on communists. Like the bit nick sister from license to drive

Why is city pop so fucking good? How does it capture the tone of every song from the 80s perfectly.

Yeah, the one-two punch of Reagan and Thatcher left a cancer in Western society that'll probably kill it completely.

You had massive deregulation and the institutionalization of trickle down economics as the religious core of the Right. It wasn't just economics either; the foreign policy of the 80s caused incredible damage across the globe, including the United States directly funneling weapons and money into Al Qaeda (and we all know how that turned out.) Reagan also set the stage for the Democratic Leadership Convention, which hijacked the DNC and established Neoliberal Clintonism as the only "alternative" to Neoliberal Reaganism.

We've been paying the price for the 80's ever since.

Have you considered moving to Venezuela, you commie faggot?

Reagonomics worked. The Forign policy of the 80's was largely an extension of earlier policies that existed since Woodrow Wilson appointed himself of the world.

>he thinks Reagan killed western society and not FDR's socialist programs sucking the life out of the work force combined with the neoliberalism of the Clinton era


FDR also created the military industrial complex.

I imagine most people here watch something anime related, and Plastic Love was Sailor Moon's ED for a while.

maybe wearing a hip pack, jordache jeans and izod polo and penny loafers.

>jordache jeans
Did you trade in your dashiki for those?

>listens to music while reading

This thread would be more fun if it was one of those "Sup Forums in 1985" threads.

I wonder if this is some kind of social experiment, many people have discovered Maria Takeuchi because of YouTube's recommendations. One day I sent the Plastic Love video to a friend of mine and he said he was listening to it minutes before.

80s is where mainstream music started to go wrong, but there was still some good stuff.

Ulver made syth pop a legitimate genre this year

Then again, Ulver can make any genre great

I even see this in Sup Forums. I love the threads though. The music recs are comfy.

Thriller killed mainstream music.

The 80's are more experimental and exciting than people give it credit for, just not in America.

It just gets suggested a lot. It pops if when you're searching for vaporware, for anime soundtracks, for video game soundtracks etc.

Tatsuro "Tats the Man" Yamashita is the superior artist.

It's the Metropolitan factor.
Comfy city life is appealing to everybody.



It's right up there with the 50's.

>It's right up there with the 50's.

You mean the last decade before everything went to hell?

I don't get why people shit on 80s music so much. There were a ton of great New Wave acts. The Indie scene, especially in England, produced some great pop bands. The American underground and hardcore scene produced great stuff and eventually led to the alt rock domination of the 90s. I mean the mainstream music from any era probably will have a bunch of shit, but if you dig a little you'll find tons of great stuff.

FDR took us out of the Great Depression and through most of WWII, faggot

FDR prolonged the great depression through reckless spending and got is into a war we had no business fighting in in the first place.

>being this retarded
I hope to god you are drunk

Dimwit reactiontards detected. You free market globalist faggots had your chance for the last 30 years. Rep or Dem, fake conservative or fake liberal makes no difference, you're going down.

Youtube recs is truly a scary thing. You could push whatever video you want and you'd end up, consciously or otherwise, influencing the tastes of millions of people

>Mariya Takeuchi
My nigga.

'80s Jap music is just really good desu

Even if it's stuff that's maybe not technically the best it's usually at least really catchy and well done. I also like a lot of that old funk/R&B stuff as it's all really well made. Even outside of Jap stuff one of my favorite stations to listen to when driving is The Groove on SiriusXM.

There's plenty of good '80s pop though. Debbie Gibson is one of my big guilty pleasures. need to go to school

Reading 70's comics and listening to 70's music

70s comics were shit though

it's when they started getting good though, a shame that only lasted 2 decades

>Roy Thomas Avengers
>Dennis O'Neil Batman
>Conway/Wein Justice League of America
>Elliot S! Maggin Superman
>Gerber Man-Thing/Howard the Duck
>Fourth World
>Richard Dragon
>Marvel and DC horror comics
>Grell Warlord
>Jonah Hex
>Superboy and the Legion
>Swamp Thing
>Unknown Soldier
>Roy Thomas Conan
Just off the top of my head

Real compelling counter-points you've got there.

>Posts GL/GA

Nigga, that kind of shit is the reason Marvel has been floundering lately.

>I'm so wrong at such a fundamental level that it's indicative I'm ignorant to the point that literally no argument that can convince me otherwise

No, that's because the modern comics fanbase are nothing bu manbabies that don't want anything but shitty soap opera, edgelord garbage or nostalgia wank in their books.

And the hamfisted political stories aren't helping, which is what GL/GA pioneered.

I'm glad I live in the generation I'm in, means I can pick all the comfy shit of the 80s without the exploding space shuttle

God forbid comics tackle anything that isn't brainless fantasy and interpersonal drama

There are ways to do that without the hamfisted approach Denny O'Neil used. He used not!Jesus to die for the sake of some vague enviromental commentary, and who could forget the "Black skins"?

You can't really criticize anything in fucking superhero comics for being "hamfisted" without criticizing the entire genre

Larry Hama managed to do social satire right in GI Joe. O'Neil just wrote preachy liberal nonsense.

>not liking GL/GA
back to /trash/ with you. You know it was right with and left wing, don't you?

>You know it was right with and left wing, don't you?

And managed to be terrible at both.

> " the right bases its New Deal revisionism on the short-lived recession in a year straddling 1937 and 1938.
>But that was four years into Roosevelt's term -
>four years marked by spectacular economic growth.


I posted the opinion of an actuyal economist (from UCAL nonetheless, hardly a right wing think tank), and you respond with some liberal opinion piece? Pathetic.

The 80s was the best decade for comics. Best decade for Marvel, best decade for indie comics.


This. I was born in '84, which means I spent more of my childhood in the 90s, but I can still look back fondly on the former decade without remembering Cold War paranoia and space shuttles exploding.

80s music only seems bad if you're a white kid from the suburbs who thinks that what MTV played at the time is what people listen to.

Try getting into freestyle and other "urban radio" music from that era. Look up these on youtube:

"Play At You Own Risk" by Planet Patrol
"I Can't Wait" by Nu Shooz (I think that was how they spelled it)
"Don't Wanna Fall In Love" by Jane Child
anything by Zapp & Roger in general

Reagan is the biggest scapegoat in the history of politics. You liberals need to let that shit go. Reagan did a bunch of stupid shit, but his economic policies worked, as did his foreign political platforms.

And I say this as someone who has never voted republican even once. But I'm also not biased. Reagan was the last republican that had SOME positive qualities. Trump is... really just a lesser evil AT BEST.

I agree that both parties are fucked, especially nowadays, but you're just a gullible meme-spouting idiot who has no opinions other than what the media tells you to think.

reminder that no one died in the space shuttle explosion

look it up

>actuyal economist
economics is the worst field of hive mind 'science' they've had the base of many of their theories proven wrong by other fields and yet they still cling to the same theories.

I'm gonna use "actuyal economist" as a meme.
The problem is that it tries very hard to be physics, and ignores things like human motivation: regret, status, asymmetry of information, etc.
Hell, even Adam Smith wrote "Theory of Moral Sentiments" which boils down to: "economics only works if you don't piss off your neighbors by taking more than your share of pie"

Also, to add the pile:

Off the Wall and Triumph are both better than Thriller desu

>80s music only seems bad if you're a white kid from the suburbs who thinks that what MTV played at the time is what people listen to.
But a lot of the stuff MTV played in the 80s was good, user. David Bowie, Metallica, Michael Jackson, Black Sabbath, Prince, Twisted Sister, Journey, etc.

All I'm saying is, I'm not down with anyone who's not down with Duran Duran singing "Hungry Like the Wolf".

Of course he is better. He wrote the songs for mariya-chan, his waifu

the 80s was THE generation for music for suburban white kids, what the fuck he talkin bout?

>Space Shuttle Challenger (Orbiter Vehicle Designation: OV-099) was the second orbiter of NASA's space shuttle program to be put into service following Columbia. The shuttle was built by Rockwell International's Space Transportation Systems Division in Downey, California. Its maiden flight, STS-6, started on April 4, 1983. It launched and landed nine times before breaking apart 73 seconds into its tenth mission, STS-51-L, on January 28, 1986, resulting in the death of all seven crew members, including a civilian school teacher.

I think might be referring to the evidence that the crew died on impact with the water.

The Cold War and emphasis on being the "correct" kind of American lead to most of the subsequent problems with American culture and the fallout of which helped fuck up the rest of the first world.

>Bane's favorite record

For fuck's sake why does this image of Takeuchi keep following me everywhere? I already listen to Plastic Love every day

>Is there anything more comfy?
Listening to Bass Rattle Stars Out the Sky.
