Just saw this.
Can anyone recommend a comic similar?
Just saw this.
Can anyone recommend a comic similar?
Other urls found in this thread:
Human male x Anthro/xeno female is superior.
Saw this a couple of days ago. Didn't find it particularly compelling but I guess it succeeds in rotating the triangle of roles between the Man, Woman and Fishthing.
Man becomes villian, woman becomes hero, fishthing becomes imprisoned creature in need of rescue if you haven't seen it
I think I was most put off that they felt compelled to emphasize that it was an animal with the eating the cat scene and then have her fuck it anyway
I really think the next rotation of this set of roles would be much more entertaining though Woman is a soul sucking bitch ruining some guys life who is saved by his bromance/ romance with a fish thing
It's pretty much the same character design as Abe Sapien
Yeah no shit anyone with taste knows that. That shit in OP is gross a fuck.
I came here to suggest the same thing. Well done. FPBP /thread
Boring, smut isnt even good.
>The infinitely superior version is basically non-existent
Fucking normalfags
Mermaid of the Hudson?
true, however storywise they couldn't be more different
Dear Creature by Jonathan Case is literally just a reverse of this, some changes are the creature can talk and is also not in containment at the beginning while the woman he falls in love with is a shut in who is implied to not be mentally well. It's a very cute comic
There's also after the dance scene where the monster is shown to not he caring at all after it. It feels like GDT didn't really know what to do with the story at times, trying to make it realistic in some instances for no reason with like you said.
>There's also after the dance scene where the monster is shown to not he caring at all after it
you realize that was a fantasy right?
I'm saying the movie trying to build this romance is showing that the monster seems like an uncaring monster still, until the ending moment and some sporadic moments before it didn't feel that romantic of a movie.
the tragic part of that scene is that she can't properly express her feelings to him, it's literally the entire point.
I wanna do a story of a human girl and a kitsune, but I don't know how it would work.
Dear Creature is probably the only similar thing in any medium. It's the same shit fish man romance with human girl. No fucking in it though.
Well fucking DUH it’s as good as it is RARE.
You’ll never see that shit get the same treatment this movie did. Never.
>You’ll never see that shit get the same treatment this movie did. Never.
It ain't fair man
Everyone is just going to post Neonomicon fish rape or Hellboy
I can't wait until we get a .gif for when she signs how his dick works.
The usual Kitsune and Samurai story, but with a Bugeisha.
>TFW Na'vi fuckers
FOH furry fags
Shamelessly rip off an existing story?
But really, do you have any ideas? What would the human girl be like? How would you play the kitsune? I would work out the two characters and then figure out a logical scenario where they would interact.
The screener is out, I'll make one of it and see how it looks in webm form
I don't even care that it's samefag. I came to make sure the joke was made, and was not disappointed.
>Human female x Anthro/xeno female is superior.
this, a human woman shouldn't have sex with anyone but a human man, that is who they're made for
Humanity has a destiny, out there among the stars...
... and that destiny is sowing our wild oats into the fertile fields of xeno hotties from Altair to Andromeda
How's the screener quality?
The fact it's Doug Jones under all that as well only helps the similarity.
Always fpbp
Do the dance scene
I was really surprised how nice her body was. I actually found her attractive in an unexpected way. It's pretty difficult for me to empathize with ugly characters and I was worried for this, but del taco didn't disappoint.
That shit don't count either because
1. The dude went into a Navi body before interaction so what's the fucking point?
2. Nazi look too human
came here to say this and feel as triggered as anyone else who would say it.
fuck Sup Forums and fuck the faggot OP.
Isn't that the last act of The Little Mermaid?
>until the ending moment and some sporadic moments before it didn't feel that romantic of a movie.
This. Holy shit this. I saw the movie with my bf and we got into an argument over whether or not there was enough romance in the movie. I really didn't feel as much of a connection between the two as I wanted to and felt that the movie allocated to much time to other things. It felt rushed at times.
I'm on my phone right now, if the thread is up in like an hour I'll do it
You literally just say this because you're a man.
Legit one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen
I'm a fish woman and I agree with him, human men with human women and fish men with fish women! Unless you're a salt water fish man which in that case stick to your own kind buddy.
The internet obviously demonstrates that there are plenty of dudes who want to fuck spooky waifus, so why the fuck is that genre basically non-existent in the media
came here to say this
a lot of the Jap artist who draw human guyXfemale anthro end up begin woman
Or Satania, if they have good taste.