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Comics #980
ITT uncommon pairing that you ship
It's been 20 years since TaleSpin last aired reruns on The Disney Channel
Animation Domination General #1: Valentine's a Month Before Valentine's Edition
Gumball marathon
I only realized how good this show was after it got cancelled
Almost done
RWBY/RT General #1387: Cummy in Mummy edition
Is Namor relatable?
What does Sup Forums think about this show?
See Paddington 2 today
But what if.. The Simpsons remade steamed hams except 100% more unfunny and soulless?
Should I just give up hope for a season 3? I feel like everyone else on this board gave up a long time ago...
Bare feet in the kitchen
Favorite tails gets trolled panel?
Why can't this artist work on Star Wars instead? Why is Marvel so bad at managing their people?
Dan Harmon Admits To Sexual Harassment
Numbuh 1 is the most "balanced" - jack of all trades in pretty much everything, but is the best tactician
Filename Thread? Filename thread
What is it about this bastard being able to write the most inspiring...
Amelia Bedelia 2018 Edition
Seconds, by Brian Lee O'Malley
ITT: Obscure as fuck Hanna-Barbera characters that will never see the light of day again
Why did this fail so miserably? Garfield & Friends was a massive success during its time, but this was a huge flop
What Sup Forumsgirl resembles your girlfriend the most?
This movie was supposed to start a new wave of mature animated features. What happened?
How do you think Disney/Marvel will handle the inevitable live action CGI Gargoyles movie that their bound to make to...
Season 5 premiere
Why do so many American cartoons make Canadians out to be such weirdos or crazy people?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
What would happen if one would drop The Supergods into the Marvel or the DC universe?
Do you think there's a correlation between being into Sup Forumsshit and being bad with women?
SuperBro thread
Who was your first waifu?
An Extremely Goofy Movie
Keep it Sup Forums related
Reborn storytime 3
Im going to the national holocaust museum today...
Is sexual lobster the greatest Newgrounds animator still currently active?
Is Superman this most unrelatable comic book hero in comics?
RWBY/RT General #1387: Appropriate Name Edition
What was Nicole thinking about here?
Justice League Gods and Monsters
classic concept but innovative execution
Sup Forums-related shit normalfags say
December & Calendar Year 2017 Comic Book Sales Report - Top 100's
Why are white people complaining about Valkyrie but never said a word about Marvel whitewashing Maria Hill?
This is Violet, say something nice about her
What is Sup Forums's thoughts?
Do non-Americans 'get' King of the Hill?
A villain is introduced as a fucking horrifying and chilling monster and later rewritten into a joke character
Official Win-O'-Thread
This is Eclipsa, Queen of Darkness
Time to choose for your new chapter of Goriland, niggers!
Oh, egads! my Sup Forums post is ruined
Conan the Barbarian is Returning to Marvel
Why is she so horny?
Miraculous Ladybug - seasalt edition
Sunday Funnies Thread
Superhero comes to save your ass after your illegal spy sub sinks in Chinese waters
Is he right about sidekicks?
What Sup Forumsgirl resembles your girlfriend the most?
It's /ss/unday!
Anyone else learn with Muzzy?
Why didn't you buy it?
Iron Man is now ripping off Blue Beetle
Was Watterson right?
Symbiote Thread
H-hi guys. I know, user isn't my personal army...
Box Office: BLACK PANTHER Forecasted For $120 Million Opening Weekend
ITT: Times when the adaptation was way better than the original material
This is Panda Delgado
Norman Osborn
In your personal mind, is Eddie Brock a hero or villain? Or neither?
ITT: Cartoons with badly written romance sub-plots
Ralph Bakshi
Protip: If your show has a unicorn, it's shit
Robert Crumb Stories
Batman's having an affair
/CTG/ Channel-tans General
Cartoon 'for kids'
ITT: Best Alt-Costumes
Theriomorphism in Sup Forums
Miles Morales
Name a bigger JUST than the MK50 (Infinity war)
Veronica: Did they kill her off?
Characters (you) wish you were
This is Renet
Tom King Announces Sanctuary, About DC Superheroes Dealing With the Mental Trauma of Violence
Let's have an X-Men thread boys
Why are superhero's whose main abilities are strength based, like The Hulk...
Sup Forums drives home after seeing The Last Jedi in theaters
Why does Slott hate Pym?
The worst comic art thread
What did this show get right?
Why did they turn him into a total retard?
Be honest now: has Sup Forums given you any fetishes?
Undisputed best voice actor coming through
Pearl bestgem
Best Ben 10 reboot girl
Black Panther
Do any other films do stuff like this?
Toonami General #7
ITT: Characters who suffer 24/7
What does Sup Forums think of Tiggle Winks?
Family Guy Yourself
What are your personal views on the Sonichu comic book series?
Can we have a Disney conspiracy thread? was disney frozen in ice, was disney a satanic worshipper...
Anna is better than Elsa
Toonami General #6
The Girl from Dinosaur Island
Scooby and Batman
Toonami General #5
Reborn storytime 2
Why does this show give Sup Forums a collective brain aneurysm?
RWBY/RT General #1386: Healing Edition
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Toonami General #4
Huh huh huh, theyre funny because they eat too much
Mouse or Squirrel?
Ultimate Universe Revival
Toonami General #3
Did you just congratulate me for reading?
Was anyone else disappointed with how little the other Daughters of Aku and the Mother actually mattered
Toonami General #2
Tfw gotten so use to reading storytimes digitally
What would the perfect cartoon be for you?
Opinions on Ahsoka?
Bendis on suicide watch
Literally more unlikable than Kevin
Unimportant side character comics
So Sup Forums, pic related has just been transported into The DCU...
/hyw/ How's Your Webcomic? #444
Is character development really necessary to create an objectively good character?
What's your favorite comic(s) from Image Comics?
ITT: You are given the option of applying one of these changes to the last cartoon you watched...
Cartoon Versions of Rappers
Toonami General #1
Work on your Art!
New Bravest Warriors
First three episodes were 10/10 kino material
Spider-man (1967) Sky Harbor
Why didn't she get a happy end?
Haven't posted in 2 years, what ever happened with this?
Who did you save?
Where do you go for Sup Forums related reviews?
Who are some girls in comics that are severely mentally ill?
Canon gay ships
RWBY/RT General #1385: Almost an Anime Edition
With the bat and super families gaining more prominence would you want to see these families do a big get together?
Show me your bedroom eyes, Sup Forums
Old Man Hawkeye #1 storytime
Tanks missiles
Jeez this movie dropped off the radar. I don't see any of you guys even bothering to bring it up to make fun of it
Can someone explain why maggie is in authoritarian right?
Whatever happened to those stupid Edit threads?
Starlight storytime
ITT-characters with mushable faces
Which would you rather own, a Lantern Ring, or a Reach Scarab?
Fusion Thread
"The idea that anybody, young or old, past or present...
Is she a good writer?
ITT: Shows that never should've gotten popular
Is Scarlet Witch relatable?
ITT: Strong female characters
I haven't kept up with her after King's Vision. What exactly happened to her?
Tom King Announces Sanctuary, About DC Superheroes Dealing With the Mental Trauma of Violenc
Well Sup Forums i made it despite your directions
ITT: good Sup Forums games
LCS Stories
Power Armor
Awesome comic moments
ITT: heavily implied gay couples on cartoons that are not directly stated to be a thing
RWBY/RT General #1384: Boop Edition
Did anyone else notice this?
L- lewd
Quick, name your top 5 graphic novels and your reason behind liking them
What’s your biggest fears, Sup Forums
Sup Forums approved cartoons
A better place
ITT: We talk about who did Joker the best
How is General Grievous a complete coward who's all growls and no fangs in the prequel movies...
TTS thread
This puny board has been conquered by Darkseid, Master of Apokalips and Lord of Despair
What went wrong?
Would you a dr deli?
ITT: Favorite Characters
Is there anything I'm allowed to like on this board?
Just how EVIL do you like your villains in co-stuff?
Why was she such a bitch?
RWBY/RT General #1383:JUST FUCK MY VILLAINS UP edition
Well shit it looks like Homestar Runner is updating all of it's stuff to HTML
How would you fix this character?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Sup Forumssplay thread
Steven Universe
Western comics
BFB 5: Fortunate Ben Talkback
Weekend Sup Forums creation thread
”You’ve just started a war, Captain America! Civil War!”
The Girl from Dinosaur Island
ITT: Post your favourite underused/forgotten characters that you like and think they deserve more recognition
Remind me again why people hate this relationship? I really don't see what the problem is
Who was in the wrong here?
What are the webcomics a majority of Sup Forums likes and why?
New Mick short
We get it, Batman punched Guy in an EPIN MEME SCENE. It's been three decades...
How old are the Justice League members?
Comic stockholm syndrome
/CTG/ Channel-tans General
He was always tried to do the right thing and just tried his best at all times, but after this moment...
Would Homestuck be a good story if she stayed dead?
Which duo is better? Which do you like more?
South Park
What does Sup Forums think of German animation?
Choose you're fate
This is Marco Diaz, squire to the princess of Mewni
Thoughts on the success of Cuphead as an independent animation project?
If you rotate the X-Men logo ever so slightly it kinda looks like a Celtic cross
I miss him, Sup Forums. He fucked up my childhood. He fucked it up real good
How powerful is Jubilee?
“Nobody bats an eye” cartoons
Favorite member of the Xmen?
What I watched, What I expected, What I got
You laugh you lose thread
Post cute Sup Forums characters
Wonder Woman recommendations
What's the problem with board-driven shows?
Hey, it's me again, Sup Forums! Let's spice it up a little and draw a seal, any kind of seal
Venom Movie Thread
Name a low-super or street level Sup Forums character who can beat him?
Satisfying deaths of Sup Forums villains
I was not ready for these feelings Sup Forums
Steve or Morty Sup Forums?
Looks like they are really going to try to make this film happen
Let's say one day you are looking out your window and you see Brian Michael Bendis crossing the street...
Only the BEST webcomic artists here
This might be my favorite one yet
Look at how this bitch looks in the thumbnail
What went wrong?
If these characters were male, none of you would give a shit
Did actual detective work
RWBY/RT General #1382: The Next Spring Maiden Edition
Why? Why is this awful shithole the only place to go to discuss cartoons...
Is it really this good, Sup Forums?
Honestly, why doesn't Bruce just ever put this fucking freak down or even consider it...
"Look, he hated white people! Doesn't that make him an amazing character?"
Characters who are girls and nobody can tell you otherwise
Realistic ayy lmao comics
ITT: Video Games that should get comics/cartoons
Nakia or Shuri?
Super croocks storytime 4
Characters who are boys and nobody can tell you otherwise
Can you imagine the discourse this film will generate if it ends up getting better reviews than horse show movie
TFW i had to see the TTG trailer on the big screen tonight
Have a comic by bike cuck
ITT: Evil versions of good characters
Cartoons that have yet to see a dvd release but need to
It's over
So the madmen in charge over at Nickelodeon decided to let Dan Schneider make a spin off to his live action series...
Can we all agree that Rabbit is the cutest?
Who was in the wrong here?
Random Superpower Thread
Agents of SHIELD Livethread
Isn't the whole "mutant conflict" illogical in the Marvel Universe?
How did this even get popular with such an obnoxious character design?
Is this a modern day Watchmen ?
Mods check the catalog, there's no South Park thread up except this one
It all makes sense now
Remember that time Doom threw Franklin into hell?
SCP 096
Is Wolverine a relatable character?
Do you like green eggs and ham?
What were the worst episodes from the good seasons?
Does anybody have Sup Forums related tattoos?
Seriously, Sup Forums, why don't you like Gwenpool?
Why is Doom considered as villain while Black Panther as hero?
Wouldn't it make more sense for her codename to be Succubus?
What was his name again?
Avengers Thread!
Since Disney picked it up in Europe, do you think it'll come to the US?
How come that moder comic book art sucks really hard in a lot of cases...
ITT: shows Sup Forums would hate had they come out today
DC won't stop raping Watchmen's corpse
Meanwhile in another universe
New episode of Unikitty tonight at 6:30
How do Batman fans feel about the Telltale version of the story...
South Park
What are your thoughts on Über?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Is she the gf you'd want?
New episode of Gumball tonight at 6
Wait why are krabs and larry look different?
So which Rugrats movie was the best?
Highly trained warriors
Do you like italian comics?
Who will be Wonder Woman 2 villain?
Best Thunderbolts team?
Wholesome thread
Anthropomorphic animals universe
Jupiters Circle storytime 3
So, which was the better Care Bears villains? Which movie was a better film?
RWBY/RT General #1380: Bringin' it WAY Back Edition
Reminder that this is Canon
What do you guys think of jones? and if you hate it , why do you?
The rosenbergs deserved it
Ok, HOW THE FUCK, he did that?
Cosplay thread
Has anyone seen this show?
Marvel's Mangaverse
ITT: Fan theories that are better than what actually happened
Do you consider machinima animation?
Why is it that all "le nerd gurl" are into Harley and only into Harley, and barely know a thing about her?
Three seasons and done
Fuck antiwaifu faggots, waifu threads have always been a Sup Forums tradition...
Conan the Barbarian Returns to Marvel
Bcb - Bittersweet Candy Bowl
What Sup Forums think about Unikitty?
So Stan Lee is a chauvinist pig?
Kitty "White" Pryde
Holy shit why didn't you guys tell me this was amazing?
Which is the best girl for Donald?
So the last of my four hermit crabs i got during the summer died...
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Why do so many people like him? Is there anything about him that's better than Pete?
What are some examples of good legacy characters? What are some failures? Why?
Favorite Disney Princess?
ITT: "Villains" who did nothing all...Rose is retarded
It's a pandering to foot fetishists episode
December 2017 Comic Book Sales Report - Top 10's
Best Ahsoka Tano?
Legend Quest thread
Is Hopper (voiced by Kevin Spacey) the most evil character Pixar has ever made?
DC Announces New Prestige Format Miniseries THE OTHER HISTORY OF THE DC UNIVERSE
Characters switch bodies
Is this the only SJW comic that's actually good?
Champions #16 (Preview)
Library of Congress new exhibit on how women got Sup Forums-related
ITT: Sup Forums characters that came from shitholes
Rewrite the lyrics to any song so that it is now about Garfield
Why didn't you buy it?
What was her catch phrase again?
Why are girls of all ages and backgrounds so into Harley Quinn?
User 10
Cases of Misandry in comics?
Uh, why did Marvel make two guys who swing balls on chains? House of ideas, pfft
Batfags BTFO
Are any of her comics good?
Marvel artist
G'day folks, it's been a while since we have looked at bleedman's works, and now?
Webby gets her own medal in the Kingdom Hearts mobile game
Is Giganta the best DC girl?
Why did the 70s have such terrible cartoons?
Gunnerkrigg Court
Post IZ reaction images
Rose Quartz lied to somebody
So finally caught up on Mr Miracle and enjoyed it
What's the moral of this film?
Do you have an ideal bodytype for certain heroes...
Tfw Disney uses a Culture only ONCE for a film
ITT: We construct the perfect Sup Forums neighborhood, one character at a time. Pic related. Carl from ATHF is a given...
Jupiters legacy storytime 2
Is the Incredible Hulk inherently sexual? A small, mild mannered guy turning into a massive, muscular...
Why aren't you niggas talkin about this?
Which one is better?
Devil's Candy
Our Cartoon President
So is anyone else in love with The Justice League of China...
Random superpower
Why is the Earth kingdom such a shithole?
Can we have a thread for best girl?
Galaluna will never be free
Is Wakanda a shithole country?
Why the hell do comics "journalists" keep trying to tell me this is good...
Avengers 4 finished shooting
And The MayMay is dead
What are your favorite webcomic artstyles and character designs?
Jason mentions killing Joker would be nothing as morally questionable as killing Two Face, Penguin, or Scarecrow...
Is moviebob right about marvel's agenda?
Adventure time
Theoretically speaking: You got a magic wand and met up with Tinkerbell...
Anyone else think she was kind of a bitch in the end?
Why did Nicole leave "El Bachillerato de la Maldad y el Crimen" to marry a pink gringo?
Favorite Miraculous Ladybug Concepts
KSBD kill six billion demons
You ready for Marvel's newest Korean character?
RWBY/RT General #1380: Weiss is the Fairest of Them All Edition
Why did Danny Phantom have so many great wiafus?
ITT: Underrated Sup Forums performances
ITT: Shows most of Sup Forums likes/loves but you don't
What did she see in him?
Who's your favorite Heather?
It’s a Bill episode
Brian literally gets cucked as he watches her get rammed by a big dog, holding casual conversation
Filename Thread?
How come Canada doesn't put out quality cartoons anymore?
Favorite Adult Jokes In Childrens' Animation?
Left or right?
Sup Forums General Drawthread
How do we fix Mr Freeze Sup Forums
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
(Actual) Original Characters
Why are feet considered ultra-hard when it comes to being an art-guy?
Convince me this show isn't Rick and Morty for girls
Wanted Storytime
Are there any more redpilled comic heroes?
Azulon was Fire Lord for 75 years of the hundred years war yet we know nothing about his life...
What are some of the most unique/innovative comic layouts or narrative techniques you have seen?
Was it good?
Has the subject of anorexia and other eating disorders been brought up in recent cartoons?
Who was in the wrong here?
Villains that would work really well in other series thread
Gwenpool is at the end
Dey kno de wae
What do you think of Frank Miller's work?
Thailand Saves Western Animation
Kitty Thread
ITT we create superpower sets with drawbacks that make them worthless to the person with the powers
What's his name again?
I do believe it's Kelly Time
BREAKING: DEADPOOL 2 moves up 2 weeks, from June 1 to May 18, one week before SOLO arrives. Unfortunately...
How do you buy comics?
Hey Sup Forums let's talk about costume/character design?
It's been 662 days since the Venture Bros season 6 finale aired
*Ruins Superman forever*
It still lives
Would you date Rapunzel or Cassandra?
If you kill him you'll be just like him
DC Superhero Girls season 4
X-Men thread? X-Men thread
Why is FoX-Men and FF movies still being made and not MCU ones?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Final Space Official Trailer
Real political cartoons that might as well be parodies
What's up with Warner bros?
Who was wrong?
My understanding of Batman continuity is that pretty much most of the major stuff is still canon, right?
Superman Potter and the shitty Tim Drake Shilling
Opinions on Ariel?
Caused Adventure Time to go downhill
It's a heroes and villains team up to take down a drug lord episode
Why is the government so inept at stopping super villains from doing what they want?
Is there any Sup Forums character who could take him
"hold my mead"
Avengers 676 preview
Black Bolt - Medusa
How come girls' designs in western stuff are so bland and prudish?
Oh snap Suicide Squad is getting another animated movie
Something I rarely ever see talked about here - lettering
What is Sup Forums's opinion on this new Homestuck character?
New Loud House episode title cards revealed
”Hey user, sorry you didnt like my show and think im annoying...
First picture of Sonys Venom
Has anything unironically good come out of this
Which of these "hero breaker" big guy characters from the late 80s or early 90s was the best...
A Steven Universe reboot is currently in the works
Felix Colgave made another video
Why are the french so okay with having naked children in their comics and cartoons
Why hasn’t anyone created a poor Batman or a incompetent Batman to relate to other people?
Cartoon Idea
Who would win?
Hey Sup Forums, someone who doesn't really read superhero comics here...
Can boys and girls be best friends?
MCU Tony Stark is a killer, in Iron Man he killed those people, terrorists or not. That being said...
Hostess comic's thread
Why is Scott Kurtz such a fucking hack?
How come best girl rarely ever wins in western stuff?
Why don't I see this show talked about anymore?
ITT: come up with a superhero with a completely useless power, but could be useful in very specific situations
Are the Crystal Gems getting slowly written off the show?
Why was it called Raisins?
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #18 Storytime
RWBY/RT General #1379: Doki Doki Edition
Superwoman #18 Storytime
How jealous was Batman?
What was some PBS Kids kino?
Supergirl #17 Storytime
Aren't Elsa and Anna the most attractive women in animation?
Why are a bunch of grown ass men complaining about a kids show?
Storytime: Dejah Thoris #1
Someone put him out of his misery already
Oh, don't mind me. Just being, you know, like the best Batman comic of the decade over here
ITT: Characters you feel would be better in a different comic company
Remember that one time when the Kingpin dissolved Spidey and Mary Jane in motherfucking acid
What's your opinion on not!Vriska and blue Karkat?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Unfortunate implications
SyFy Krypton Planned For 7-8 Year Run
This will be the character Kristen Bell will play in Teen Titans Go To The Movies
New Felix Colgrave Short
What does Sup Forums think of Coco?
Commercials that stuck with you in between cartoons
Was looking thru CN on Demand and found this
Bringing The Sexy Back
Is this show any good?
Old thread hit limit
Most underrated Pixar movie?
Who was in the wrong?
Is Candy an example of a good Asian character?
Sup Forums, I would like to buy a hamburger which I will gladly pay you back on tuesday
Name a better capeshit cartoon. I'll wait
Spanish newspaper: Ferdinand is 'manipulative' and 'deceitful'
Sup Forums vs Sup Forums
I've never seen a Hanazuki thread on Sup Forums
Alex Ross art that isn't Marvel or DC?
Butch is our guy
New episode of Happy! tonight lads
Are you ready for the new big three Marvel will push after Avengers 4?
I read the preview of The Terrifics and I'm pretty hyped for this book because I like the idea and I'm somewhat...
E-celebs already have bargain bin voiceover movie roles, How long until networks give them their own cartoons?
Sup Forums sports wear Thread
Which is your favorite Spiderman?
I stopped watching this show after they met the diamonds
What if Marvel pulls a Snoke and kills off Thanos unceremoniously in Infinity War just to have nebula take his place...
Would this be dismissed as forced diversity SJW shit if it came out today, Sup Forums?
Mr. Krabs is the most misunderstood character in fiction
I've read 68 issue of Spawn trying to figure out why it was ever so popular, and besides the art I can't figure it out
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Let's have an Offspring Thread...
JSA Storytime: Question
How long do we have to wait until we have pink diamond episode? also i love sassy pink diamond
She-Hulk(2018) #161
ITT the last screencaps, gifs, or webms you took
Finn is 17, that makes him legal in 39 states and 4 US territories
If you overlook the animator abuse, is Sausage Party a great movie or a piece of fucking dogshit?
‘Masters of The Universe’ Movie Eyeing April Production Start
What does it mean
Finn...put down the gun
We're making a wrestling league of comic book characters
Taught Lucky wrong intentionally causing him to fail his GED
Black Widow Movie in Development
I guess work on a potential Black Widow movie is starting up, despite not being greenlit
Did you guys remember to call the FREAK PHONE today?
Hear ye, Hear ye! It is on this fine day that we have come together to behold the fine union between Jon-El, Son Of El...
”like, do you know how many things women have created that men have taken credit for”
It should not be a crime to enjoy cartoons and comics
Talk about Scooby-Doo
Avengers 4 set pictures
South Park needs to either plan its serialised plots in advance or give it up altogether in favor of weekly episode...
Pantasaurus says NO! You can not look inside his pants
Who else is hoping the panties come back someday?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
X:Men Evolution
As an actual manga reader (I have way more manga then comics) but I never really got the appeal of "let's turn american...
What will her master plan be in Ant-Man and The Wasp?
Ra, Odin, and Krishna defeat the original evil monster
Butch Hartman Thread
Did Alonso's strategy pay off?
Marvel animation
Pig! Leave this land or else!
Cast her
Has anybody seen the pilot? Is it good? Is it true Netflix is making a full season? Any more info on that...
Please tell me that sonebody orher than me watchd Fantastic Planet before
About 10 girls who read comics have told me that this eccene with bruce made them be exited...
WTF Crewniverse??? How do they manage to mess that up that badly?
Scooby Doo Thread
Why was Dormammu okay but Parallax wasn't?
Can we all agree this is the best Disney movie?
Venom #160 Storytime
Why do you even enjoy reading capes...
Who was the best girl?
Did the fanbase ruin Adventure Time?
Do you like Toph?
When will the shitty Calarts style die out in Western Animation?
Bcb - Bittersweet Candy Bowl
"I want Teen Titans to get a movie"
/hyw/ How's Your Webcomic? #442
RWBY/RT General #1378: Dust in the Wind Edition
Bad People Don't Deserve No Love
ITT: Sup Forums required reading
Would you fuck your clone, Sup Forums
Sup Forums said this would bomb
This week's Star Wars comic because the general is pure cancer
New Nedroid
Runaways (2017) Issue 5 storytime
Are there any comics about slashers that aren't tie-ins to existing movie franchises?
ITT: People Sup Forums need to stop talking about
This hottie gets in you're car and don't leave, what you do?
The Next Generation of Super-Heroes!
Classic Animation Thread
Why does DC have such a strong grip on the porn market?
Worst Panels 2017
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?!
Ben 10
Left or right, Sup Forums?
Official Win-O'-Thread
ITT: Sup Forums related characters you can relate to on a certain level
Love & Rockets Storytime part 2
How come girls don't get into comicbooks in middleschool like guys do?
ITT:Fathers that aren't dumb/retarded/stupid/lazy
Harley Quinn Lootcrate Issue STORYTIME
Archie/The Archies
Are there non-human Sup Forums characters who are obviously black?
Harley Quinn #34 STORYTIME
The Unbelievable Gwenpool
Seth MacFarlane is a Cuck
Mister Miracle #6 Storytime
Red Hood and the Outlaws #18 Storytime
Are stylized LoD models for 2D animation the worst single technical idea Steven Universe has come up with...
Avengers #675 - NO SURRENDER PART 1 (OF 16) Storytime
Which show is Sup Forums of animation?
Reminder, this stupid bitch caused human extinction
SPURRIER SKWAD Part 1 (#33) Storytime
Buckle up, buttercup
Flash #38 Storytime
Phoenix Resurrection #3 Storytime
Wonder Woman #38 Storytime
Why is ok to mock a Scotsman with Willie, but when they mock an Indian it becomes a “problem”?
Superman and Lois
Titans #19 Storytime
Rate your approximate interest level for each of these books
Is she, dare I say it, /ourgirl/?
Actually good comic villains
How is it that Kryptonians physically resemble humans to such a great extent and they can reproduce with one another if...
Has the Punisher ever come into conflict with a villain that isn't slasher movie levels of evil and actually makes you...
To all the texans on /co, what did you think of this episode of Spongebob? Were you offended or did you like it?
Redesign: thread
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
If you would like to see Hulu, Amblin, and Warner Bros...
Justice League of America #22 Storytime
New Super-Man #19 Storytime
ITT: Things you tried because you saw it in a Sup Forums show
Realistically speaking...
Action Comics #995 Storytime
Hal N Pals #36
Is it weird if I wish Harley Quinn took over the Jokers spot and made me her boy "Harley"...
Detective Comics #972 Storytime
Gunnerkrigg Court
Jimmy Olsen Photobook
So why did almost all the female animals like him?
ITT: Characters that are hated more than they deserve
If she were real, what bands would she listen to?
Seriously, how hard would it have been to do this?
Wilma or Betty?
Why does trying to save the environment make her a villain?
Characters who just kinda have to crap themselves
Well at least she has a Saturn logo on her costume
Questionable content
Tony, you're gay
Heathcliff is pouncing
New Krypton Trailer (With Bonus Brainiac)
Symbiote Thread
Waifu thread
RWBY/RT General #1377: Counting Is Hard Edition
Why is this comic so funny? I mean that in a literal sense...
Who's your favorite strong female Sup Forums character?
At what point can you say there is decrease in quality in the King of the Hill?
Despite being made by Nickelodeon and winning an Oscar, nothing came out of this movie; no sequel or even a TV show...
Love & Rockets storytime
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics and Cartoons
When will the "aquaman is completely useless" meme die off for good?
Okay, let's get something straight
I need good Sup Forums reaction pics. Preferably ones that represent anger, pain, and depression...
What happened to Saturday morning cartoons?
Dubs decide if I open it or not
Highly unlikely but if Oprah wins in 2020, do we get camel threads...all...night...long?
Well, lets see your cartoon then!
Who should voice them
"This character design is bad"
Squirrel Girl Thread
ITT: Girly cartoons you secretly watched as a kid
He’s now after the pretty mamas of the last comic/cartoon you last saw. How does it go down?
Just saw this
Stan “hold her tighter, she’s a fighter!” Lee
Support your local Chinese fucking thing at the Oscars!
Tell me, what is the Linkin Park of comic books?
Will Star and Marco end up together?
Jem thread
Shanna the She-Devil
Monster is known to be some kind of a reptile
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...