"This character design is bad"

>"This character design is bad"
>"It's ugly"

Appeal is one of the key elements of animation

Not even the fact she's 8 redeems how ugly she's drawn

Must be painful being so wrong, user.

>mfw Tanya is getting a movie

>your input on the development of the show doesn't matter because you're just a fan who has no say on the development process

"Ugly" is often synonymous with "uninteresting." If a character is interesting-ugly, they get some slack (e.g. the Scotsman, Aaahh! Real Monsters).

Oh yeah like generic

That wasn't what OP meant. I think he was talking about how people say X is terrible without actually giving a proper explanation as to why that it.

>call out a show for being bad and retarded
>"why do you care about kids cartoons, you are a full grown adult"

Depends, are they supposed to be ugly?

>Character's supposed to be ugly
>Actually the cutest one

>"And by that I mean it's visually a pain to look at, not that it conveys uglyness, although it does that as well."

>is this character supposed to be ugly?
>of course
>wooooooooooooow you mean it's supposed to be shit?

>This show is bad
>It's childish




Every Transformers RID thread

You're in the wrong here
Not because they're right, but because you're asserting shallow opinions as fact

>"It's bad"
>"Because it's not like what I grew up with"

There's a difference between "It's unappealing" and "It's ugly". Gross alien monsters are ugly, but I want them to be ugly. Sometimes I like having an ugly guy in the main cast so they aren't all beauty models. But if everything is unappealing, if it's got a bad art style, then it's bad

No disrespect to the artists, but this is one of the most disgusting cartoons I've ever had to look at

> This show is bad
> Because it is mean


This and As Told By Ginger. If the character designs are repulsive, it will turn people away from the show, period.

>Show is bad
>Because it's edgy bullshit
Man if I had a nickel for every time South Park vilolently killed off a whiny celebrity strawman or "famous person we don't like", I could go down to the fucking corner store and get a midnight snack

cry more

>This show it's bad
>Because of the fandom

They don't look that bad to me, just plain and uninspired really

Wow hello there, mr enter

Being for kids and being written by a bunch of drunk preschoolers are two different things.

>"This game is great!"
>"Because it's fun!"

.....is that not the primary purpose of a game?

>"Because it's fun with friends!"

>This show is bad.
>My ship didn't come true.

>This show is good!
>Because the hero is brown and/or a girl!

>Character transform into some kind of monster
>it's hotter than her normal look