


>Geoff Johns

I can see why they'd want to, but man, there's a bunch of different ways this can go wrong so I'm not gonna get my hopes high.
Still, would be nice for Garth and John to get a nice payday.

I love Hitman and I've got the full set sitting on my shelf, but I have no faith in this to be anything but CW-tier.

Preacher was shit, so will this

Yeah I doubt they have the guts to pull of half the stuff we see in the book

If they even get to launch it, they will fuck it up royally.
Technically it shouldn't be hard, but they will invent some cheap gimmicks serving as supposed hooks for the show, cast some terrible actors with chad faces, and the general quality will be like CW, meaning total garbage.

McCrea's artstyle would fit better as a cartoon. Live Action won't have the same effect.

I don't think they have the nerve to do "Zombie Night at the Gotham Aquarium", sadly.


No thank

It's my favorite comic ever written, but I don't have tons of faith unless they can do it on HBO and keep the same sense of humor


Just don't get Seth Rogen involved, he already ruined Preacher and he's about to ruin The Boys too. Ennis deserves better.

>do it on HBO
Warner Brothers continues to be one of the dumbest large corporations ever. They fucking own HBO/Cinemax, and so far the only thing that DC has the rights to that they have decided to adapt is Watchmen. They could have done a good Question series by now.

>DCTV Hitman

It's going to CW isn't it. Which...I mean let's just recast the Supernatural dudes in this and make Jeffrey Dean Morgan Noonan.

If it's on the app with lesser censors, it would probably work. Even a Constantine-level rating could work.

I'm just happy that it would mean rereleases or an Omnibus.

It could be on the app.

According to a leak, they're also doing Scalped.

Did that Scalped pilot not get picked up? It was supposed to air on WGN America.

I just want a practical effect Baytor behind a bar shining glasses with a rag. And either Walton Goggins or Danny McBride as Hacken.

Finally, a DC property that won't be completely ruined by being brought to the small screen.

Goggins should be the Mawzir

Is Mike Patton still around? He should bring back his Darkness voice for that.

Not bad

Titans could probably be amazing on HBO with a higher budget

But instead it's gonna be a low budget streaming service show that's gonna be 50% cheap relationship drama

Let’s cast some characters. Who could possibly play Sixpack?

Larry Fessenden

I'll probably watch it to support a sereis I love, but if they don't have Ennis in there then I odn't have too much faith for it. Hopefully they'll stay really close to the source material so theres less a chance of fucking things up.

Danny devito