Oh, don't mind me. Just being, you know, like the best Batman comic of the decade over here.
Oh, don't mind me. Just being, you know, like the best Batman comic of the decade over here
Prince Charming is better.
Storytime it then if you're so great.
It sure is, sweetie.
>what is desuarchive
A retard who does genuinely care about the replies in storytime threads and not the storytimed content replied to my same post in such a thread yesterday in assblasted fashion.
This and Dark Prince Charming are so good.
>it's fucking 2018 already
I also like White Knight, but most of this board would lynch me for this opinion
A simple "No I don't feel like it check the archive" would've sufficed, but okay?
I'm a little iffy on it but still enjoying. My main problem is it feels like it's deliberately shitting on batman and Bruce Wayne. But we'll see. I like how it's written, and the art.
That's not Batman/Elmer Fudd user.
The story is pretty good but the dialogue and fan service is just pure shit.
I get what he's going for, but the poor exercution just kills it for me.
Is that the one-eyed is the king shit?
Not saying much is it?
>tells someone to spend hours of their time posting images for him to read
>gets told to fuck off
>wow why are you being so rude
Very much this.
That's not Odyssey
Is this like Superman Secret Origin?
Not at all. It's more like Superman: Secret Identity.
>the best Batman comic of the decade
Morrison's run was this decade
>being rude
>not hard to say, sorry, don't have the time
>thinking being a dick is justified
>hours of their time posting images
>hours of their time
I wonder how many hours it takes for you to post a comment without any pictures.
Morrison's run was a decade ago, actually.
by far the best Batman of the decade, Busiek's story is good to though