
I wish she would come back, but I won't hold my breath.

If she's around, you should.

You like krabby patties, don't you Squidward?

I found her, Sup Forums.

When are they gonna let Butch U draw a Peej book?


My vote is Cho!

is 2018 the end of powergirls dark period? Shes been fucked for almost 6 years now? But shes been making alot more appearance in games (mobile game and basically being the default supergirl cause no one wants to play as chun li)

Cover up her tits or someshit i miss pg :(


But he's good at it.

no way fag


>Shes been fucked for almost 6 years now

I want bueno to meet bruno.

>When are they gonna let
What are they doing to stop him?

describe two good stories she has. don't just name them, tell me what they were about

I hope she never does.

>Sup Forums tiddies thread

I'm for it

The one where she had to fart super bad.



Original comment btw.

Teesa Flowers, I believe. Just search Black Cat on Pornhub and it'll most likely show up.

looks bad



So is there an in universe reason for her boob window to exist?

Huge tits are great. That's the reason.


Ah that takes me back. There was a time when Superbad threads were at least 15% of the board.

No bad, but here's a counter-argument.

1. Kryptonian outfit she liked (since earth clothes don't last near as long she sticks with it)
2. A never-ending quest to fill the void with her own identity but never achieving it.


>all these chestlets


>describe two good stories she has. don't just name them, tell me what they were about

I am not going to do the work for you but Amanda Conner's run and John's JSA. The appeal of PG is that she is superman with sex appeal and a much less bland personality.



>known for her amazing tits
>people sleep on the fact that she has a dynamite ass
It's ok, I notice you ass-kun.

So she needs a buttcrack-window?

>no one even realizes this was meant to be a fart superbad thread

Neo-Sup Forums everyone

Everyone knows it user. Superbad was always a shitty meme, so might as well turn farts into faps.

What a shame this thread turned out to be, fawning over a character instead of a meme...

Superbad was so 2009.

Oh how I love that woman.

....'s art, I mean.

Is this bait? I suggest googling her name


I only recall the fart superbad posts being Halrey Quinn.
Then again I always avoided them.

>tfw no fat-titties gyaru gf

We do. Thankfully we prevented that.

sauce on this pic pls? image search only shows the censored version

Energy Kyo-ka!!

thanks user

Is this a fucking Power Girl thread or what? You guys suck.





Why not?





I don't even read comics or know anything about Power Girl outside of her name, but I still come to these threads for a good fap.


Needs more shouldercape.

Yeah I've been there plenty of time. When I don't know the context of the characters but I'm like "but I wanna fap to these women whoever they are".

I know what's going on in this thread, OP. Other people may have forgotten but I know what's up.

Anyone have the HD version of the BE scene after this?


Looks more like a Supergirl to me.


>let’s farty

My dick thanks you.

I miss when Amanda Conner drew more than covers and didn't write terrible poop jokes for Harley Quinn

I miss the glory days.

>I miss when Amanda Conner drew more than covers and didn't write terrible poop jokes for Harley Quinn

Hey at least its over now! that was their last issue, I just wonder where they are going to next?

I just noticed the genie kinda resembles Dan Didio.

Tessa fowler. My favorite video to wack to on pornhub

Never trust a tripfag


>Hey Sup Forums
I gotta fart.... SUPERBAD


I see a lot of references to Amanda Conner's run on PG, but wasn't that Grey's and Palmotti's? I thought runs were usually attributed to the writers, not the artists.

They all worked on it, but Conner's art really nailed it. She's never put so much work into it before.

> No one wants to play as Chun Li
You take that back.

Fair enough.

Her whole damn body is dynamite. If Power Girl is not drawn with substantially more muscle than her peers then the artist doesn't get her.


Have any examples?

She did pretty good work on Codename: K.N.O.C.K.O.U.T. back in the day as well

She's technically stronger than superman so yeah she needs the muscle.

>She's technically stronger than superman

Definitely not true.

what show is that?

yeah she is!

You like big titties, don't you user?



new series when?