Look at how this bitch looks in the thumbnail.
Sigh. Adult Swim has a new show. Please discuss.
Look at how this bitch looks in the thumbnail.
Sigh. Adult Swim has a new show. Please discuss.
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Oh look China IL just got a new season.
Justin is really phoning it in isn't here
Well to be fair his dialogue here is no less intelligent than anything in rick and morty.
i remember this when it was called we solved the case.
Scrapping the bottom of the channel 101 barrel to see if they can find the next rick&morty
The few times I've seen a commercial for this show they announce that he voices the dog, and it sounds just like morty, like you said, he is phoning it.
This show doesn't look that bad, I will actually give it a try, apparently there is a pilot, but I can't find it
got the name wrong
Isn't the pilot on the adultswim website?
With every one of Jen Sanders's lines, all I hear is pic related
Man, what a garbage artstyle. It just looks like Mr Pickles but without the gross, unnecessary detail, so a bland Mr Pickles. In fact it kind of looks like an early 2000s Flash animation, and not in a good way, I mean, it doesn't make me want to watch the show, especially when it just looks like yet another "wacky" parody of Scooby Doo style mystery shows, which is already an incredibly overdone concept. Nothing about it really fills me with much confidence, the humour, the artstyle, the concept, the "wackiness" all just feel tired and played-out by other, better shows on Adult Swim. Like, what am I getting here that I don't get from any other show on AS? Not much.
I hope despite my complaints the show turns out good, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
>Early AS animation tier but without the charm
I await the day an adult cartoon has decent animation
why not just watch mike tyson instead. looks better and is funnier.
it will never happen, good animation is too "childish"
Because they only produce about 3 hours of it per year.
>That stock pained grunt 5 seconds in
Wow, not only does it look like a low grade Newgrounds flash animation from 2002, it sounds like one too!
Extra points of authenticity.
Happened 15 years ago with The Venture Bros, and 4 with Mike Tyson Mysteries. Other than that, that's pretty much it for currently running shows, even though their both on hiatus until new seasons sometime this year
> specialty is stop motion
> make an animated show
I remember when everybody was complaining about Problem Solverz looking like shit.
In retrospect it's either a masterpiece in character design compared to today's cartoons, or an omen of a future yet to come.
I cannot wait for this to air, not because I want to watch it but because I am sick of hearing the promos for it. Its always the same one about how badly that woman wants to go to the bathroom. I am done with the show before it even starts.
Shit like this is why Anime got so popular in the west.
Fuck I loved this guy's youtube videos and how they looked. Why did he turn it into this shitty style? The old one is perfect.
They're both animation, and stop motion and drawing animation follow the same basic principals.
Roiland's character is basically the same as the brown turd from problem solverz
If that was true, this wouldn't look as ugly as it does compared to their stop motion. Go look at Supermansion and Buddy Thunderstruck and then look at this.