Wonder Woman #38 Storytime
>that wondy
God DAMN she's beautiful.
This is like the opposite of a cover trick. The cover looked sorta bland, the insides look hot as fuck.
I hate to say it, but this series is reaching Meredith Finch levels of bad. Killing off a major character from Perez's run so nonchalantly like Julia Kapatelis is bad enough, but if I have to read Steve calling Diana "angel" one more time...
Lupacchino forever!
Biggest over-reaction to an acquaintance becoming distant ever
you can't tell steve and jason apart
I’ve seen worse, all thanks to social media.
Sameface is just the price you have to pay for cute art
Really wish Diana wasn't such a no-fun-allowed stick-in-the-mud, but that's unfortunately a popular characterization for her.
I don't really get her pointing to the party's mess and saying that's not what being a hero is, unless there were drugs or something. Heroes can't party?
So was this some scheme by a super villain/evil god that involved isolating communication between Vanessa and Diana (possibly by impersonating Vanessa and talking to Diana) and killing Vanessa's mom, or is there no grand plan and no one programmed the nanites not to weaponize someone when they're having a psychotic break?
I kind of get her point about people filling the house with bombs or listening devices, but honestly it doesn't really seem like she has any security to begin with.
Ooooh that's a good team!
Its Iron man 3 all over again
Meredith/David Finch run was an atrocity
more graphic than i'd expect for wonder woman
Finally a Wondy villain who isn't fucking Cheetah
Tumblrnosed, roided up, flat chested, man jawed...
This is going to be great for everyone who subsists on a diet entirely of soy.
>Jason as Diana’s deadbeat brother
>Wasting the Kapatelises on a run about his fucking dudebro
>more pages dedicated to said dude to than classic supporting characters who haven't been seen in ages
>killing Julia offscreen
>Vanessa just becomes Silver Swan with no real build up
This is offensive.
Yeah, I don't really like Julia and Vanessa being used in such a "throwaway villain of the week" fashion either.
>Julia Kapatelis died without a single line of dialouge
>Jason hasn't gone back to his home planet yet
Fuck this shit.
Diana should be more fun. She's always so serious, all business, no frills.
>"thanks" to rebirth the kapatelis are treated like they were longtime friends of Diana even though we NEVER saw them in this actual timeline
>julia is just killed right away
top kek
another reboot when?
>It's more of a trust thing
Well maybe letting the guy tried to kill and helped to restore Darkseid you a couple of issues ago wasn't the best idea.
Why is he even staying with Diana, last time i checked he was a working adult with his own home, they both can fly, and cellphones are a things, how hard could it be to keep contact without him crashing in her place?
She’s pissed because Jason threw a party and wrecked HER house. Are you saying Diana shouldn’t call Jason out for fucking shit up in HER house?
will she be her Zoom?
Why even bother using Vanessa as Silver Swan when her relationship with Wonder Woman is non existent, why not just use Valerie instead?
>Lupa Diana
When did Nix Uotan lend this guy his coat?
>"It's more of a 'trust' thing."
>You're acting like you're still a nobody -- like you're still gutting fish on a beach somewhere."
This is not how Wonder Woman talks and I hate it.
>"Adventures?" You make it sound like it's all fun and games.
I seem to recall Superman calling them adventures in ASS towards the end. Something like "I wish I had time for one last adventure." I've used the term for them since then.
I was hoping after Johns story concluded the run would improve, but this issue continues to be mind-boggling boring.
The Johns story isn't over yet.
Darkseid and Grail are going to come back and try to take over Themyscira so that they have an Amazon army to reconquer Apokalips.
Holy shit hes back after dying off screen in Infinite Crisis
Giganta deserves her time in the sun
the redhead ain't bad either