Was it good?
Was it good?
More boring than good, unfortunately.
I don't know why netflix insists with this 13 episode format.
by episode 9 I found myself skipping a lot of the stuff that wasn't Frank. I went into it with out any expectations but by the end I still felt a little let down.
I just wanted to see some dirty gangsters getting FRANKED
More boring than either Iron Fist and Luke Cage, which is a shocking feat.
It was Frank.
It was not a Punisher series, fucking borderline scam, you could had replaced him for Black widow or hawkeye and shit wouldn't change a bit.
It was an OK spy thriller.
But no, it wasn't good.
Is it Netflix? Didn't Defenders only go 8 episodes?
Not enough underage niggers getting killed for a Punisher series
this shouldve been something like season 2 minus all the retconning of who killed his family
It stopped being a Punisher series after the first episode, so no, it was pretty fucking bad. Like half of the first six or seven episodes were about Frank soft-cucking Micro and the other half is military drama, and that's about when I dropped it.
what was the point of the whole micro family - frank scenes?
It was great, second to DD s1. Lieberman/Castle interractions were the best. Didn't dislike any character even goddamnit madani.
Loved Orange in Ep. 12 when he flipped.
The action came at the right moments
It was trash. Frank wasn't the main character of his own fucking series and it took 12 episode for Frank to start really franking franks.
The problem isn't he 13 episode seasons, it's the fucking season-long arcs. Punisher doesn't work as a platform for long story arcs, but rather standalone or very loosely connected stories that occasionally culminate in a big climactic showdown, ala MAX.
it was great.
But next season needs to be Frank rampaging like a fucking lunatic like the punisher should.
The first episode was so slow paced I lost interest in watching any more.
2bh the 2nd episode was utter garbage, the first one was okayish.
It was good for what it was, but it recognized that Frank Castle just walking around indiscriminately murdering criminals is actually really boring after a while unless you are still mentally 15. Its fun to watch that happen, but there is too much of a good thing and it wouldn't play well for anything longer than a movie.
Its kind of like Deadpool having to work around the fact that Deadpool is only funny is small doses, and if you had to deal with Deadpool acting like Deadpool for 80 minutes straight you would claw your eyes out in aggravation.
But people who like Punisher exclusively for ultraviolence are not going to like that answer, and they are super duper peeved that the Punisher series didn't cater to their fantasies.
Except for the fact that this punisher show had 0 punisher doing punisher things like turning criminals into little pieces of meat.
So it was a Punisher series made for people who don't like the Punisher?
Only if you think there is exactly one kind of Punisher fan and no others.
Frank yeah it was good. A lot of Franking and some really hardcore Frank scenes
To make us sad when Jigsaw kills them.
Is this supposed to look like an upscaled PS2 game?
The kind of punisher fan that you're describing that enjoy this series is someone who just likes his shirt
I'd say yes.
Netflix Frank =/= Comic Frank.
Comic Frank is a purposefully irredeemable murder. Netflix Frank was a justifiable vigilante.
When the first episode opened with a time skip AFTER Frank did his war on crime and then burning the skull, I knew it wasn't going to be the Punisher.
It's almost like they didn't want to do a Punisher at all and instead wanted to tell a boring-as-fuck Jason Borne show.
Needed more villains from the comics. I hope they bring in Ma Gnucci, Barracuda, Bushwacker, etc next season.
> "Yeah, but no TRUE scotsman..."
If you aren't going to show what a character is known for in a show about said character, why even do the show at all?
Yeah, Nah.
The show completely missed the point of Frank and had him time and time again breaking his code of conduct for drama.
It wasn't the punisher, it was just a military conspiracy drama, with grim killer guy as a backdrop.
>it was just a military conspiracy drama, with grim killer guy as a backdrop.
It's funny that the last show like that I watched actually had lots of street level crime and was actually entertaining as hell unlike any of Netflix stuff sans Daredevil.
>angry white man show kills people
No, sweetie.
Madani is sexy
>In some ways, Marvel’s The Punisher—a guy powered by little more than boundless rage, easy access to guns, and a spirit of classic, all-American murderous industriousness—is the quintessential conservative superhero. That doesn’t mean the Netflix show’s star, Jon Bernthal, has any time for the modern trolls of the internet right-wing, though, bluntly telling any “alt-right” fans of his work that they can promptly go fuck themselves.
What show?
>Comic Frank is a purposefully irredeemable murder.
Nigga what the hell? Frank just hunts criminals. He's a vigilante.
He's never read any punisher.
I was admittedly shocked that I ended up like Madani. Some things were boring as fuck early on, but I feel that it all had emotional pay off.
he's a serial killer with a specific type (criminals) his best stories are when the writer remembers that
Person of Interest.
Okay, maybe "grim killer" is too harsh, but Reese has shades of that.
Everything that didn't directly involve Frank was an utter waste of time. Everything that DID involve Frank was still mostly a waste of time. The amount of actual punishing was abysmal. And if there's no punishing, then why am I watching Punisher?