Regardless of whether the story is good or not, any webcomics with unique artstyles or character designs that drew you to check it out?
What are your favorite webcomic artstyles and character designs?
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I know a certain one that I checked out to see how bad it was.
Hint: 8^U
The kind that actually fills the majority of the screens width instead of just being this tiny ass little picture in the middle of a mostly empty website.
Seriously, why do you bother with making sure the art is good if the resolution is absolute dogshit?
The 'furry' ones like endtown that we are apparently no longer allowed to talk about on Sup Forums.
I actually never seen this before. Are there actually any good "furry" comics that doesn't just appeal to furries?
Endtown is actually very good as least for the first three or so story arcs(there is a lull point eventually but it's getting good again). Poppy o' possum is pretty good too(though it has switched to some hybrid/basterdized web novel format now). I like them even though I don't consider myself a furry and I only got into them because I saw them posted on Sup Forums all the time.
Saw an ad and felt like reading it because the brown girl looked cute(of course hook-nosed colorful-haired brown girls are common now because of tumblr but this was back in 2013 and the artist wasn't including diversity for the sake of it). Anyway, the overall art is a bit rough but the designs are appealing and I like how the characters express themselves. Shame about what happened with the artist though.
>Shame about what happened with the artist though.
What happened you almost convinced me to read it.
The artist got busted for not sending out merch people ordered and hasn't been on english-speaking social media, nor has she updated the comic, for 2 years. I enjoy rereading it every now and then but it always leaves this empty feeling because of all the mysteries and uncertainty that the artist will ever return to finish it.
What is the plot? Is it good?
It's set in 1920s Australia and the main mysteries revolve around the identity/motivations of the serial bomber "Violet" and her connection to the main character, Petunia, and her brothers. Meanwhile, Todd Allison is a guy Petunia's interested in and is one of the men investigating the Violet case. I don't know if I'm a good judge of plot, especially since it's not close to finished, but I enjoyed it and it has a lot of fun moments that don't detract from the more serious aspects of the story in my opinion. The characters are the stronger part of the story for me, though. My only problem is the coincidences in the story, with characters occasionally happening to be in the right place at the right time.
One of the best webcomics with an eastern style out there
Oh what is this from? Monster kids seem cool.
Devil's Candy
>The artist got busted for not sending out merch people ordered
Was she honestly wanted to offer merch but was really unable to do so due to other reasons? Maybe she shouldn't promote her offerings until she's really ready with her supplies. Unless, she was lying about having merch in the first place - in which there would be no point doing so anyway and she might as well have her readers give patronage / donations.
>hasn't been on english-speaking social media
You mean, she's active around other language circles? Can't imagine if readers who speak the language she's using still would follow and ask her about her work...
apart from lackadaisy? not sure. i think ozzy and millie was fine
oh, and the thing about lackadaisy is that the characters being cats is mostly a representational thing - they're not REALLY cats. they're basically people who are represented with cats as the creator finds anthro cats a much more fluid medium of expression than people
seriously, look at what she can do with people
i'd still prefer the cats, but i would just love it if she just dropped a double update - two pages of the same scene, but one would have the characters appear as they are usually, and one where all the characters were human - just for funsies
what webcomics are those
Left: Parallax - in the "Magical Boy" genre, though I haven't read much pages of it
Centre: Check, Please - a sports webcomic about ice hockey...not on my interests, though I hear it has received a cult following.
Right: Paranatural - anime-inspired urban paranormal "monster of the week" series...or at least what it was supposed to be. Used to be Sup Forums's most adored work, until the author pulled his 'brilliant' idea of cramming too many subplots, sudden character flanderization and telenovela-tier takes (last two aspects especially at the latest Chapter Five 3 years on, compared to earlier chapters which took less than a year each to finish). I used to be a fanboy so much I had one beautiful action wallpaper from it decorate my phone, not-so-subtly shown to my I just look on any page or fan artwork with so much anguish.
Is "Magical Boy" an actual genre?
Check Please, I noticed again because the webcomic has been picked up by a publisher to be collected in a hardcover, which I guess is every webcomic artist's dream.
I know the artist, mutual friends, but haven't gotten into the comic yet. Seems like my friends who are furries like it though.
Ava's Demon for all those pretty colours.
Kill Six Billion Demons for all those rather unique demon designs.
This started off pretty strong. I mean, it's a blatant rip-off of Grim Fandango from the perspective of a recently dead, but still. The story also goes nowhere and has no structure. Even the art and character design, which was really the only thing it had going for it took a dip. The dark colours and rough pastel/chalk look it had became generic overly pink and twee tumblr art and the varied character design was essentially dropped the moment Lucy was introduced. Also, the main villain turned out to be Sans.
Goodbye to Halos.
It's a story about a girl who was left in an alternate dimension by her father when she was young. It's got this sleek lineless artstyle that really evolves over time and the artist is very good in her usage of color. I'll just say it's pretty rooted in LGBT themes so if that's not your cup of tea you might want to skip this one (you'd be missing out on some cool boss fights though).
>Was she honestly wanted to offer merch but was really unable to do so due to other reasons?
Apparently she took in more orders than she could handle and didn't really communicate with her customers properly. Some people got their stuff a year later, and others nearly 2 years later.
>she's active around other language circles?
Well, not very much to be honest. At most she's entered in Japanese comic contests and posts on her drawr account.
How is this page supposed to be read? The placement of the top right panel's confusing me.
i really like the meeks deisgn, and the story seems pretty good so far
But the comic has been dead on the water for a while, and fuck me even bleedman pumps up more content overtime, that's how bad the wait has been
Drowtales' art style is honestly pretty standard if really good. But their design for characters, especially monsters, is wicked fucking cool. I think this one's my favorite
>try getting into that comic last night
>It has a mother fucking save/load feature
Holy fuck, every webcomic should have this.
I got into Girl Genius because I jerk off to Foglio's older stuff, and I think it still looks alright. But I'm the only one on Sup Forums who does.
I really like the artstyle for Sakana
Thanks user, been trying to get into webcomics recently, gonna check these out