Robert Crumb Stories

I'll post various comics about Crumb, including some about his own life.
if you never read him and wanna know more about him, that thread is made for you.

Other urls found in this thread:





>wanna know more about him
Sign me up.




This page is basically Bakshi's Fritz the Cat. I can't understand why Crumb was so upset with the film and why he felt it didn't accurately portray his comics.


apparently when the movie came it was still 1972, and Crumb disliked it because Fritz said something against socialism in the movie, he was very contrarian on the 60's-70's, his work started to really improve during the 80's.








Awesome, thanks for the story time



>before Sup Forums
>after Sup Forums








what did he mean by this?

















keep in mind it was made in 1989.








After watching the documentary Crumb, I have to concede that Freud was right and the Oedipal complex is a thing.

>you got out
>you won and got Mother







For those who do not know there is a documentary about him and also his brother. Both are completed fucked up.

Can't post that on a Christian board.

Post moar

everyone keeps saying that the 60s where this crazy era full of drugs and sex but if you look at the top albums sold during the decade that shit isnt represented at all
The whole hippy movement was obviously a niche thing concentrated in a few areas, of course to anyone living in the center of it it seemed like it was taking over the world, reality disagrees tho

of course, Crumb moved to San Franscisco to live that kind of lifestyle, he know all of this because he was part of the underground subculture.
i'm a fan of him but i admit he made mostly uninteresing shit during the 60's and 70's, his best work during these decades was basically Fritz the cat stories, he really started to be awesome on the 80's.







>I hate shallow people but I'm shallow
"Nice guys" in a nutshell?



After that book I read by this Glover guy about nice guys, it's narcissism in the clinical sense on the pathetic end of the spectrum.



I want the top right panel as a t-shirt


well i can't made a thread about Crumb without Fritz inside it.

AHAHAHAH. This guy is too much









Yeah. He is the sanest in that family

no more crumb?

>white male privilege
So the phrase has been around for over 50 years. Huh.

And people denied it was a thing in the 60's too

>Jerking off to your own art
how many people actually do this?

Of course but it was limited to some californian universities or very very liberal areas during these times.

Was Peter Parker based on Crumb?

I did. But it was long time ago