Who else is hoping the panties come back someday?

Who else is hoping the panties come back someday?

Nah, Battleskirt is a great look that feeds into the Greek Aesthetic well

she needs to put some goddamn pants on she looks ridiculous

The red/blue Xena outfit manages to be just as sexy and make more sense for her than a woman from a pseudo-Greek culture running around in an obviously American-styled leotard.

Why? Battleskirt looks better.

The culottes are the best.

I didn't ask you

I’m actually a big fan of the big skirt Hippolyta wore as the Wonder Woman of the JSA.


lol user gets pissy because people don't agree with him

You actually did.

Anonymous public forums might not be for you.

I've always said the only lasting change that could get rid of the panties was some form of skirt because that's what she started with

Like the black bat for Batman

Actually you did, but that's the joke,
isn't it?

bring back the jeans

I asked for people who shared my sentiment

Unf. Those hips, man.

They will eventually come back to style

Skirt is better but if the panties are used they need to have a minimal amount of stars. Chiang was on point with the two star design.

>greek aesthetic
that isn't a chiton

Love the battle skirt, what I always imagine she would wear. High sandals are also nice. But we can all agree to say no to pants


They somehow made it not look like a stripper bathingsuit with just adding a skirt and a sword. Brilliant, really.

Battleskirt all the way.

>make more sense for her than a woman from a pseudo-Greek culture running around in an obviously American-styled leotard.

Pretty sure the outfit was specifically modeled on the US flag because she was sent out as an ambassador and wore the colors out of honor. No idea why they try to avoid that in so many interpretations.

Chiang's Wondy costume is legitimately pretty great. My favorite thing about it was the color shift he did. It's amazing what a difference it makes to swap the red out for burgundy, the blue out for black, and the gold out for silver.

>I've always said the only lasting change that could get rid of the panties was some form of skirt because that's what she started with

The "skirt" was actually loose fitting pants called culottes, one of the first modernizations of it before the panties look was making it into short trunks. I actually like the look a lot.

>Chiang's Wondy costume is legitimately pretty great.

Only in the color sense. Wonder Woman's color scheme is too busy, and they really should consider changing her gold to silver or the silver to gold. Either, she's just got too many colors going on.

Hate the Hot Topic choker he gave her.

Kind of have to agree on that.


Looked good on the JLAction Wonder Woman.

>imaginary fighting game has better costume options than injustice 1 or 2
This makes me sad.

>ywn fight as old-timey bathing suit Diana

Hear me out... Battleskirt with star panties underneath

>no cool Boethian/Thracian/Corinthian helmet that flies off when shit gets serious, letting her hair flow
>no shoulder straps to make the weird one piece closer to a proper Linothorax and also to attach a cape when she needs to look specially fancy
>no sculpted heroic muscle in the suit either
>skirt isn't styled to have real Pteruges
>big, fat 2-handed sword with a stubby blade instead of a proper curved Xyphos or Kopis
>no occasional spear even though spear fighting is even cooler and more unique than using a sword
>lasso not cleverly integrated like being rolled on the shield's interior

D- design

i absolutely love heroes that have a big shinny full set of armor that they bring for big fights and gets broken or peeled off to reveal them, if Wondie were truly Greek themed she'd be toyetic as fuck