Kitty "White" Pryde

Kitty "White" Pryde

Kitty "Pull the Trigger on every Nigger" Pryde

KKKitty Pryde

Kitty "Nigger Grave Digger" Pryde

Kitty "I don't like black people very much" Pryde

Kitty “Their nostrils are too wide” Pryde


>not a meme concept invented by insane subcultures

Dude, she's white. How can anyone argue against this

Kitty "just because you're black doesn't mean you can't be a racist fuck" Pryde

>The average Jew in the western world
>Not being or at least passing as white

>white when they want to avoid getting caught being deceitful culture destroyers
>not white when telling you how evil whitey is for keeping down minorities


Why the fuck do Jews pretend they're not white

Like the dindus who chimpout after the apocalypse are gonna differentiate between shades of whitey when they're culturally enriching them in the streets

Kitty (((white))) Pryde making a guy's funeral all about mean words.

Scorpion and the frog

Those who hate white people hate me because I'm Jewish and therefore, according to them, white. Those who hate non-white people hate me because I'm Jewish and therefore, according to them, non-white.

Basically, as a Jewish person, I am not allowed the luxury of deciding. I'm hated either way.

Kitty is Jewish you filthy goy.

Blame your shitty ancestors

>hated in every country they go to
>"everyone else is the problem!"

It's nothing to do with race, people just hate Jews.

Honestly humans have a right to hate mutants. When mutants include alcoholic dwarves who fly into rages and slice apart innocent people, freaks who eat superheroes, homewrecking telepathic thots... It's a wonder they don't make an army of Ben Garrison sentinels.

Fuck off Hank, shitting on other mutants won't make the Avengers actually respect you.

If mutancy covered you in blue pubes, you'd go full "gas the muties, species war now" too.

mutancy didn't cover him in blue pubes though, experimenting on himself did.

>one line about the dead guy
>starts talking about herself
>then her pet politics
Is there some context here that doesn't make her look like a self-centered asshole?

The kid killed himself because some bullies at school said they called X-Factor on him (at the time, they advertised themselves at mutant hunters) But yes, Kitty has always been a self-centered asshole.

>Professor X is training enforcers to police a conformist, authoritarian society

Mutants aren't a race though?

Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews are white. Just because they try using the persecuted minority card, it doesn't make them non-white.

Oy vey, the nerve you have to say such a racist thing.

It's because people think Caucasian only equals European white people. Even thought they're legally classified as white or Caucasian in the states and Latin America (there are a lot of Lebanese people in Latin America), you'd be hard pressed to find an Arab that isn't from the Levant or European passing that everyone considers to be white.

Interestingly enough, Black Africans do consider them white, just by sheer contrast.

>Called "Pryde"
>is known for being an author's pet and saying "Nigger" a lot

Really activatey your X-factor.

"Muh racism" has always been a fucking shitty topical thing for X-men to be about; Blacks can't murder millions of people completely by accident of they Nig to hard and Jews don't run the risk of killing someone in a horribly painful and completely random manner upon hitting puberty.

And, y'know, there are no "League of Evil Ethnic Minorities" running around that are actually capable of inflicting truly massive casualties. At best you just get ISIS which crumples the moment the "Non-Mutants" stop giving it money.

>And, y'know, there are no "League of Evil Ethnic Minorities" running around that are actually capable of inflicting truly massive casualties

Don't let Sup Forums see you saying that. They'll huddle up in their anti-darkie bunkers before you can finish saying "ooga-booga".

I hope you aren't the same kind of person to get mad when niggas get racist and call all white people evil. Because that's hypocritical.

Now that is a Jew I could love.

They're subspecies, Homo sapiens superior. In real life that would make them an actual race, unlike what we have today. But it doesn't make sense, considering Mutants are born from Homo sapiens sapiens.

Both Jews and nigs can pass for white, thus becoming agents of white genocide.

If there are black people who can pass for white (they might as well be white like that bitch Halsey, I hate her and her music), wouldn't that make for a case of black genocide? Because many black people do view it that way.

If mutants did start emerging in our time, what would your thoughts be Sup Forums?

(This also pertains with no context to the X-men)

Chain is best girl

I wanna have a mutant waifu

>bra peek
Possibly my rarest fetish.

See that's adding to the problem entirely.

I'd be a mutant supremacist even if I wasn't a mutant. Powers > No-Powers.



Don't worry Mr. Shekelbergstein, I won't forget the gorillions

>jewish girls

ITT: Lutherans, Beaners, and dagos.

She is literally the worst female character in history. She is literally everything wrong with women. I know that when we talk about the good that fictional females bring, we tend to look at great examples like Princess Leia (OT) or Sarah Connor (T1, T2). In comics gets harder because characterization changes depending on the writer. BUT, I think I can safely say Kitty, under any writer, can be cited as a prime example of everything that's wrong with women. She's all people hate about women. And I'm not even talking about her race. Sup Forumstards can stop reading here. Jewish girls can be great. Awesome even. So no, it's nothing to do with her being Jewish. We are talking about a girl who got into a fight with Storm because she hated her hair!!! How entitled you have to be to do that. People can say, 'she was a teenager back then,' but nothing has changed! She's still entitled as fuck. We're talking about an adult woman who left her fiancée and stole all his things to go play superhero, just because he missed one birthday. One fucking birthday!!! And it wasn't because he was an asshole or didn't care or anything like that, it was because he was fucking working as the president of a whole empire!!! A job SHE told him to take!! How fucking entitled you have to be seriously. How much of an asshole you have to be.

Seriously fuck Kitty Pryde. She isn't even worth as fap material. She's as tiny as it gets. If you're a fan of her, you can honestly fuck off. I hope one day you get a girl like her in real life. Can't think of a better punishment.

Good post, quality dubs

>She's still entitled as fuck. We're talking about an adult woman who left her fiancée and stole all his things to go play superhero, just because he missed one birthday. One fucking birthday!!! And it wasn't because he was an asshole or didn't care or anything like that, it was because he was fucking working as the president of a whole empire!!! A job SHE told him to take!! How fucking entitled you have to be seriously. How much of an asshole you have to be.

You're right. That's too fucking realistic depiction of a western woman for a comic aimed at children.

In her defense, he was secretly a mutant and was being bullied by being called a mutant (and faggot, if I remember correctly). At the time, the O5 X-Men were calling themselves X-Factor and pretending to be a mutant hunting squad with a 1-800 number. A lot of the general public in-universe thought X-Factor was actually showing up and killing muties when you called them. When someone slipped a flyer for X-Factor in the kid's bag with "We've called them, you're next" or such written on it, kid thought he was dead and offed himself.

What if Green Lantern met some literal black skinned people?

>Jordan is half white

Jesus he has some strong ass genes. I feel like his kids might look almost completely white though.

James Earl Jone's son kinda does. Ironically he looks more jewish than anything, but it might be a hair dye

What's wrong with Lutherans? Catholics don't reply.

Brown eyes, brown skin, brown hair, curly hair, wide noses, are all dominant genetic traits. "White" features are all recessive. A half-white half-black person looks pure black more often than not. "Diversity" is pushed by people who hate diversity and want everyone to look the same.

>A half-white half-black person looks pure black
What are your base comparisons for "pure black"?

It's impossible for a biracial person to look pure black, unless you think African Americans are a pure example, they're 25% white. They'll look often more black than white, but definitely not pure. Look at Brazil or Cape Verde, you have people who are mixed that look like Ethiopians (dark skinned with white facial features and curly hair) and people who look like Portuguese people but with very curly, afro-textured hair and fuller lips.

Oh yeah, he totally does. I guess you could say that Rashida Jones also looks kinda white, just with darker skin. She could pass for Sicilian.

>What are your base comparisons for "pure black"?

that's bananas

Team up with evangelicals for political activities, and spend almost as much in lobbying as the largest jewish organization. Seriously, fuck evangelicals. Fuckers turned my religion's name into a goddamn trademark.