Are you ready for the new big three Marvel will push after Avengers 4?

Are you ready for the new big three Marvel will push after Avengers 4?


You really think Wolverine will stay popular with Jackman gone?

Was Batman popular after Keaton?

Did Keaton play Batman for nearly 20 years?

Not for several years.

Why should I care? It's just gonna be the same copy paste comedy with new skin, that's it. There will be nothing special about any of it.

Besides you know Dickney hates XMen. This is confirmed, so you know they will never make Xmen good or important.

not much those three can do except beat dudes up, two are borderline retarded and the other is only a genius on the weekends

stark could make anything, thor connected them to godly beings, and cap connected them to history

these douchebags connect themselves to queens and canada and that's it

>implying putting some random manlet in the brown and gold and having them say bub won't be enough for casuals to forget about Jackman

The new 4 they should push are

Ghost rider

>Ghost rider

wew, good thing you're not in charge.

>two are borderline retarded and the other is only a genius on the weekends

You know, the ironic thing is that I can't figure out which ones you're referring to..

I dunno, I'm not sure about the nitty-gritty but it seemed to me that the agreement with Sony on solo movies only ran for Homecoming. Because Sony has this weird notion that this Spider-Man can succeed on its own despite Homecoming having the most heavy handed MCU synergy to date.

On the general topic I don't see it happening, these characters don't really rely on what made the MCU succesful.

Counterpoint, these three characters are the most popular Marvel characters.

Wasn't the entire point of Logan to introduce X-23 to the movies so they didn't have to find a replacement for Jackman?

With Fox being owned by Disney, it's all up in the air.
I thought she did a great job though and would be down for her to continue in the role.

That's not a counterpoint that's just restaing the OP:

>Wasn't the entire point of Logan to introduce X-23 to the movies so they didn't have to find a replacement for Jackman?
How d'you figure that? All other subsequent X-Men movies take place after Logan?

>How d'you figure that? All other subsequent X-Men movies take place after Logan?
I took it from a meta perspective. Jackman wanted to be done with the role, but he's been Wolverine for so long that he's been indelibly burned into the cultural consciousness. Audience reject of a new man in that role is a real danger, and a way to avoid that is to slide in a similar and related character such as X-23.

>Audience reject of a new man in that role is a real danger
How real though? Only time that happened were when the movies themselves were bad.

>implying casuals care about comic book accuracy

>all the MCU characters who've been Normiefied can return back to their old characterizations
>the already saturated Sniktbub is gonna get ruined even more now
I'm okay with this.

>the already saturated Sniktbub is gonna get ruined even more now

Can they really find a new way to ruin him? I feel like he's in full "infinite monkeys with typewriters" level of overused at this point.

One short of an x-force

I suppose they'll try to push the Fantastic Four more than Spider-Man
Disney will recast, I think would work better in rated R movies with Deadpool and Colossus and just use him for small roles or cameos, something like his role in X-Men: Apocalypse

I suppose they'll try to push the Fantastic Four more than Spider-Man
Disney will recast, I think would work better in rated R movies with Deadpool and Colossus and just use him in the big X-Men movies for small roles or cameos, something like his role in X-Men: Apocalypse

>Wasn't the entire point of Logan to introduce X-23 to the movies so they didn't have to find a replacement for Jackman?

holy fuck, I forgot who retarded people on here can be. No, the "point" of the movie was not to set up other movies. It was not to service a greater universe or sell you a franchise. You're too god damn brainwashed by MCU shit to just sit down and appreciate a movie for what it is.

No, it was just a sendoff for Jackman. Who was the actress who played Laura, again? If this was supposed to be her introduction into the rest of the franchise, they didn't do a very good job of building her up.

did Jackman say bub ever in any of the movies?
I dont think he did. How did we go through a whole franchise with that character and actor together without one instance of 'bub'?

he did in wolverine: origins. he called the blob "bub" when he was giving him lip, the blob misheard him as calling him "blob" (dude didn't have a moniker yet in-universe and was salty about his weight), and they fought in a boxing ring

>three cis white male

Yeah, it ain't happening, honey

>the only capeshit movie along with Punisher: War Zone that stand in it's own
>actually a good superhero movie
>happens long after everything else so studio execs can't bitch about it

Pretty sure the new big 3 will be:
>Black Panther
>Doctor Strange
>Yassss Queen

Panther represents the tech side
Strange represents the magic side
Carol represents the cosmic side

Black Widow and Spider-Man are the new Hulk and Ant-Man.

X-Men or F4 will probably be announced as the team film to replace GOTG.

>>Black Panther
>>Doctor Strange
>>Yassss Queen

>Black Panther
>Carl Manvers


I mean Jackman did get a proper send off

wtf that's hot can we get more of wolverine and deadpool manspreading



Please you comic niggers are the reason why he went from guy who takes days to heal from a bullet to sneezes off nukes with a suit for every team.


Replace Wade with Carol and Logan with T'Challa.

In reality, the new 4 are:

Doctor Strange
Black Panther
Captain Marvel