What do you think of Frank Miller's work?

What do you think is his best work? his worst?

I've never read TDKR, should I just watch the movie first or read it first? Because I really just want to watch the movie.

I love his Daredevil and Batman Year One is my favorite Batman story

book is better

Book first so you can appreciate the Joker's voice acting in the movie, I wish we'd get a Long Halloween adaptation.

If you want to sooo badly, watch the movie. The book has internal dialogue but the movue had a better Joker interview

book and movie have fuck all to do with each other

>his best work?

My choice would be Martha Washington.

My favorite is rusty and the big guy.

His worst. Easily The Spirit.

He basically only even wrote 3 bad comics, All Star Batman, Dark Knight Strikes Again, and Holy Terror, and the first of those is debatable.

The rest of his work ranges from OK (Martha Washington Dies, Dark Knight III, Dark Knight The Last Crusade) to excellent (basically anything he did in the 90s) to some of the best comics ever (pretty much anything he did in the 80s).

Daredevil Born Again
probably Allstar Batman but I enjoyed it because it was funny

In no particular order...

DKR is the definitive comic of the 80's. You can not encapsulate the zietgiest that was going on in comics at the time without examining DKR. It's hard to talk about this book without using a lot of cliche's like "gim,gritty, noir" but it's true it was a very cool book for the time and without it Batman would probably have slipped into irrelevancy the same way a similar character like Dick Tracy has. And the best part is it does have re read value. I can pick this book up and just get right back in to it.

Sin City is cool, and I think the 2005 movie does a good job of explaining that. It's totaly everything Frank has a boner for. Tough guys in trench coats/boots. Fetish models who have big boobs and big asses and can kill you. Disgusting villains who are pedo's, psycho's, mobsters and corrupt authority figures.

The Martha Washington series is probably his best work that actually has something to say about social issues, racism, pollution, Capitalism Vs. Communism ect.

He pretty much became unreadable after 9/11.

>All Star Batman,

Garbage. He was just being lazy since he had a lot of Hollywood money that year and didn't give a fuck about the comics industry.

>Dark Knight Strikes Again,

This one was a little different since, I truly believe, he was actually trying to be forward thinking and experimental.

>Holy Terror

In the post-Trump era this book should really be critically re-evaluated.

>post-Trump era
We're still IN the Trump era for another 3 years minimum, user

Frank Miller entered Sin City and never left.

I think Electra Lives Again is really underrated

I meant Trump Victory.

In many ways I think people didn't take that book seriously enough as a sign of the times in America.

>Sin City is cool, and I think the 2005 movie does a good job of explaining that. It's totaly everything Frank has a boner for. Tough guys in trench coats/boots. Fetish models who have big boobs and big asses and can kill you. Disgusting villains who are pedo's, psycho's, mobsters and corrupt authority figures.

Don't forget his use of black and white and negative space, and all the visual and kinetic shit from Lone wolf and cub, and Samurai executioner and other seinen manga.

This makes me sad.

He's a master of the medium in writing, drawing, and marrying the two.
No other creator like him.

Well maybe there is some Japanese bastard but I wouldn't know.

Sin City is just cool.

It's like listening to ACDC, yea it's old fashioned and had "dad comics" written all over it (old cars, old outfits, young sexy women who are into older guys and use 1930's slang) but it's just fucking cool.

I liked what All star was doing. It took an idea to its conclusion.

He's talking about the animated adaptation, numbnuts.

The art was top notch though.

Cartoon guy here, I've only read the first few issues of his Robocop comic and it was a fucking mess

I think his ideas were always more interesting than his executions, and his ideas became pretty stale and repetitive a long time ago.

His best work is probably Daredevil or Elektra; his worst would be too difficult to choose.

That's choosing from his comic book works.

As a film bod, I'd say his best work he had any meaningful involvement with was probably Sin City, while his worst was probably the Spirit, because fuck me, at least Robocop 3 has Robocop in it, and you can at least say 300:2 and SC2 have shitty sequelitis to excuse them.

Book first, then movie. Movie is better, book acts as a warm-up.

As soon as he dies I'm rushing over to the comic store to buy that Big Damn Sin City book.