Can boys and girls be best friends?
Can boys and girls be best friends?
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Can OP and cocks be best friends?
Good friends? Yes. But best friends and they're both straight? That's a tough one. I used to think yes, but now I realise that's very rare. If a guy and girl are best friends and they're both straight, it unfortunately tends to be that the guy is into her but she friendzoned him.
I have a best friend of the opposite sex and now we're more than just friends and everyone says it was to be expected.
really close
Yes if you're ugly but funny
Ar ya gay or sumething bud?
My wife is my best friend, so yes.
Platonically though, I definitely think it's possible, but probably not common. If they're both straight and close enough to be best friends, it's only natural that they would become attracted to each other sooner or later, unless one is super ugly or something. Sometimes though, things just don't click romantically for whatever reason, even if you do get along really well as friends, so I'm sure there are some straight, opposite-sex platonic best friends out there.
wheres this from
Yes, because you can be as close as you want, without people thinking you are a homo
Source? Searches are failing me.
Devilman Crybaby
Devilman Crybaby, came out last week. Akira and Miki have a very heartwartming relationship.
I doubt this is from a series the animation is too detailed
It's a trap!
>concepts of friendship, loyalty or selflessness
Pick one
Wow, we’re hitting levels of faggotry I didn’t know were possible
>cartoon OP image to disguise this thread that isn't about cartoons or comics
Fuck off
r9gay pls go
>roasties butthurt at the truth
no they just want to fuck all the time
Sure, whatever you say virgin-chan
Every homo I've ever met gets along just fine with women.
women tend to glom onto gay men as a 'safe' male friend plus dem diversity points of "my gay friend".
And yes, a number of faggots I know hate women treating them like a fashion accessory.
>people get along with people!
Wow user, what a great observation
Being a cunt aside pretty much’s spot on
its called Devilman Crybaby on netflix
This is some shitty bait
>muh bait
Why can't whores comprehend that they're pets men can fuck at best and not actual people?
>men can fuck at best
Guess you’ll be a virgin forever
>Talking /r9k/ tier shit on Sup Forums
>muh virgin meme
Keep outing yourself, roastie.
Ok virgin
Also, keep using
>muh x
Shows how retarded you are
>Not having your girlfriend be your best friend
just kidding that's not me anymore either. ;_;
>mad roastie
>frustrated virgin
>slut keeps projecting
Go fuck Tyrone again.
Is this supposed to be ironic? Cry some more while your mom sucks your step dad off
Hit a nerve, I see.
Dumb roasties are good for nothing.
God, can you get more mad?
>h-heh, sure got him
>stupid mom, this’ll show her
Sorry jr. but it’s obvious you got problems with women because your mom’s a slut
Yes. A gay man and a lesbian.
I'm not the one who's mad. Roasties are because they don't like the truth.
I have no problems with women. I see them for what they are, worthless objects that don't deserve a right to an opinion.
Jeez lady can you stop projecting this hard for once? If life is this hard for you that you have to hate your own kind then kill yourself.
>worthless female trying to deflect
Brainless animals, I tell you.
Damn, I hate when people act MGTOW outside of /r9k/, they make every thread they are in a real headache with their cringe and frustration.
Ok virgin-chan, it’s either
A. Your mom’s a slut
B. You got a small dick
C. All of above
Your choice
C'mon man stop insulting, we are here to chill out.
I'll pick a third option.
It's realization that women are utterly worthless.
Smaller brains and mediocre at best IQs (and exceptions over 145 happen 8 times less often than with men)
No worthwhile female creators on both science or art fronts.
No actual contributions to civilization.
You two fight like an old married couple.
Of course. A better question would be how far they've gone if they're not already married.
I gave you three choices already, you don’t need a fourth. Besides you don’t even explain why you hate women so much
I just explained it. Hard to not feel anything but distaste for literal subhumans.
Not an answer, but okay
>Smaller brains and mediocre at best IQs
>I'll pick a third option.
>I gave you three choice
If you don’t see the irony in this, you’ve lost all hope, and
>Smaller brains and mediocre at best IQs
>Compares the size of the brain to intelligence
You’re literally retarded friendo
>s-size doesn't matter
>amount of neurons doesn't matter
Sure. It's just not very common.
How big do you think an elephants brain is? Oh virgin-chan, you can’t even count. You’re nowhere near qualified to act smart
>animals are the same as people
I guess for people who consider women to be human beings it's true.
>My wife is my best friend, so yes
You are a blessed man and I hope you two are happy.
This coming from the boy who said
>s-size doesn't matter
Piss off you twat, come back when your balls drop
Just friends? Yes.
BEST friends? No.
>dumb female can't understand simple things
This is why your entire gender deserves genocide and being replaced with artificial wombs.
Okay, I’m obviously wading in a shallow pool, see you space virgin
Keep ignoring all the points about women being obviously less intelligent and addressing only the points you want.
>It's a boys vs girls episode
Both of you need to stop
It is fiction so of course.
You can make whatever you want.
Would their friendship be interpreted as friendship?
No, that's impossible. If you have a close friendship with a girl then there are always feelings involved, and that feelings would be yours or hers. Now when we talk about two characters that have opposite genders "Best Friend" is just a word used to describe the protagonist's future romantic interest or his endgame. (Any other idea is unrealistic)
Gay people often are aggresive with woman (despiste the vision that the media offers) because they consider them competence since straight guys feels instictively attracted to them (and yeah gays likes straight guys too). A gay consider himself like a woman so he will not respect some rules about the girls, for example, a gay wouldn't have any problem hitting a girl since he considers himself a woman. At the other side sometimes girls consider them disgusting by that and other reasons.
They can't. The robots are too frustrated to be functional humans and the women don't know how to ignore them.
It's an eternal cycle of nothing. Just pretend those posts are not there.
Why do you ask people from this site who will fail to get a friend even in carebear district of ponyville?
>who will fail to get a friend even in carebear district of ponyville?
I hope they wouldn’t be able to get friends there, be kinda weird
Good christ almighty Sup Forums is fucking stupid. Are the majority of Sup Forums browsers underage or is this whole thread a tragic commentary on the human race?
No one should have a problem with beating women. It's what their kind deserves.
Quit your bitching old man I’m gonna start another waifu/fetish thread now and I don’t want you whining. You’ll just ruin my grove.
I’m really shipping you two right now
>OP wants to make a stealth randy thread
>anons actually discuss the question
Yes, of course.
They're right though.
I agree on the whole women being inferior part but do you really think they deserve genocide. I mean sure they're incapable of love the way a man is but it's possible for men an women to live together happily.
Definitely keep your pimp hand strong. I don't advise actually hitting them though.
>actually discuss the question
not on my watch
I'm just gonna take a guess and say the show pictured is French.
Damn, I was close though.
yeah the same continent
They're pretty close countries.
Those two are definitely just friends, because he already has best girl
>because he already has best girl
Damn I barely remember that one, it used to air at like 4am here I wonder what's with them uploading all the archive of all languages (except fuckin' Latam Spanish which they only uploaded like 4 on 360p because they hate fun) on Vimeo which has like the worst search engine and suggested results of all video platforms, even for pro users like them.
Wasn't also a second season in the making after like 5 years it ended or something? I really haven't seen updates on that since 2011 or so.
The size of the brain is proportional to the body you fucking idiot.
Nah, doesn't work like that.
Only if he's gay. Otherwise, sex shit takes over and wrecks that relationship whether they're fucking each other or not, because inevitably one's going to want to fuck and the other one won't be interested.