Here's the trailer for season 4 of DC Superhero Girls. The new season will start on the 18th.
DC Superhero Girls season 4
I'm disgusted out of my mind but I don't think I'm the target audience anyway so whatevs.
Mera looks good.
The trailer for season 3 was better.
It looks like we’re going to see Mera more than Jessica in maybe the first episode of the new season.
Needs more Jess
What little I've seen of the show is cute enough, hopefully it'll improve now that Lauren Faust is involved.
So this is why DC created a female GL. To see more dolls. Now it makes sense since her presence in the comics is completely useless and a waste of time.
I want more Blackfire.
There's been other female Green Lanterns before Jessica. She was originally Power Ring before she be came a Green Lantern. She's a pretty cool character .
>Yellow Lantern Blackfire
Looks like Mera and Miss M are going to be friends.
Ooh, Sinestro appearance.
I'd kill for some boy dolls in this line.
>tfw no teenage cia
Sinestro only takes the best.
What about his own daughter tho
literally mlp with superheroes
Don't worry about that.
What happened to her husband and kinds ? Since blackfire is playing around and enjoying high school life, does that means that Glgrdsklechhh is staying at home be a house Dad and taking care of the kids ?
teen titans fags need to fuck off permanently
It's a different universe.
I hope we get a lot of Killer Moth in this show. He seemed like a really cute character from all the shorts and I need more Mothbats fodder in my life.