>Since its brooding teaser trailer, SYFY’s Krypton has teased DC fans with the possibility that Superman could be erased before he was ever born. Seg-El (Cameron Cuffe), Superman’s grandpappy (as they are called on Krypton), must contend with present-day Brainiac (Blake Ritson) and Adam Strange (Shaun Sipos, playing a normal, “heartland” Michigander) when deciding whether to try to change the events of their past or allow the destructive present that creates his grandson, Kal-El.
>At the 2018 TCAs, showrunner Cameron Welsh, executive producers David Goyer and Geoff Johns, and star Cuffe sat on a panel to discuss the upcoming show, for which, Goyer says, "We do roughly have a seven-to-eight-year plan."
>Ritson will play Brainiac. A parasitic, hyper-advanced alien android of immense intelligence, Brainiac is one of Superman’s oldest and most dangerous foes.
SyFy Krypton Planned For 7-8 Year Run
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I give it a year
I give it 11 minutes
People laughed at the idea of Gotham happening and that actually stuck around and became popular.
Yeah but how much mileage can you get out of Krypton? Unless it goes full retard, like GOTHAM, and has people showing up with no reason to. Like Mongul
I can see that happening. Honestly Krypton has a chance of being a kind of show that delves into politics and various issues with a xenophobic race that is technologically advanced. And they'll definitely bring in cosmic villains.
>Unless it goes full retard, like GOTHAM
Unless you're one of those "REEEEEE BATMAN'S APPEARANCE INSPIRED ALL THE VILLAINS" nothing really about Gotham is that bad. It makes sense most of them had criminal careers in some form or another that slowly develop into theatrical psychotic gimmicks. Gotham being already a crazy shithole and only getting worse after the Waynes are murdered actually makes sense. And considering how Bruce is already becoming a vigilante, the age difference doesn't even matter.
>Sy-Fy having a 7-8 season long game plan
Pretty fucking ambitious for a show that has to be rather costly to make and what is shown on Sy-Fy.
I think Green Lanterns and Adam Strange are supposed to show up in this.
No, it doesn't make any sense that Batman is a teenager and all his villains are in their fucking 30s.
>its a franchise, but BEFORE the events take place
Why do networks keep making this shit? It was dumb when smallville did it, and its still dumb when gotham and bates motel do it too. Why not just make a live action batman tv show again, but more like the newer comics? God knows weve been wanting that for years.
>The age difference doesnt matter
Actually, it really does. Well not for Penguin, but thats fine. Gotham was simpler back then, just Maroni's and Falcones. I'm not saying the show can't be fun but don't go pretending it makes any fucking sense. Mister Freeze and Joker shouldn't be a thing when Bruce is just hitting puberty
But he did you fucking mouth breather
Seriously. Didn't they just cancel Dark Matter? And that shit had a ship they could use as a set for most episodes and a fairly small cast
And it was filmed in Canada
The prevailing mindset seems to be:
>TV gets the foreplay
>Movies get the orgasm
as if TV budgets can't do a MAJOR character justice.
>Didn't they just cancel Dark Matter
Fucking cocksuckers
Well, most of sy fys shows are typically cheap, boring schlock more about shitty romantic drama with its cast of attractive 20 something nobodies, like the 2003 battlestar galactica that everyone hates.
They'll probably have a plot point about how changing the past causes the Nazis to win WW2 and grandpappy becomes Sieg-Heil.
>TV gets the foreplay
>Movies get the orgasm
When youre bringing fucking professor pyg and mr freeze out, you might as well bring batman in. Its not like theyre arent a bunch of cinematic tv shows already, just look at GOT and doctor who before moffat ruined it
>>TV gets the foreplay
>>Movies get the orgasm
Then why have most movies of late been pretty unsatisfying and mediocre, while much better stuff is coming on tv? I mean, if this is DC were talking about then i hear people enjoying gotham a heck more then their movies. I havent seen gotham so i cant properly judge, but you get my meaning.
>Mister Freeze and Joker shouldn't be a thing when Bruce is just hitting puberty
Why not? What difference does it make with Freeze? His criminality has nothing to do with Batman. And the Joker in the show at least has had a very natural progression.
At least Hannibal did it right.
Because freeze happend when bruce was batman already, so did the joker. You can still enjoy it, but at least acknowledge this is messing with how things are supposed to be canonically, and its fucking stupid.
Because its fucking Batman and its stupid, user. Furthermore, delving into the "backstory" of The Joker is about as pointless as trying to solve the goddamn Wayne murder.
>Guy walking around with high tech cryo-weaponry is stopped by the GCPD
Well la dee fucking da, why didn't Gordon just put on a mask? Again, you can have fun with the show, thats fine, but don't pretend its not stupid
Why is it all these companies seem to be putting the cart before the horse with all this shit lately?
Gotham is a hodgepodge of time periods. Expecting it to follow cannon is fucking stupid when it's clearly going for Elseworld type of deal.
>Guy walking around with high tech cryo-weaponry is stopped by the GCPD
Freeze started out with home made gear that already made him formidable against the GCPD. As he gets access to more high tech, and refines it, his gear exponentially gets more advanced and dangerous and it makes sense only Batman will eventually be the only guy capable of putting him down.
They have already had to go and make it about time travel to keep it afloat and it hasn't even started.
>Expecting it to follow cannon is fucking stupid when it's clearly going for Elseworld type of deal.
Maybe if they did more with that then literally “batman without batman” it would be less stupid
I give it 2 to 3 seasons.
They are fucking retarded if they think it will last 8 years.
You're missing the point. Its fine as an elseworlds, no one said otherwise, we're just pointing out its stupid to have a show where all of the hero's villains are fully active and practically realized when they're not even out of high school. By the time Batman reaches Year One of his career, most of his rogues are going to be in their late 40s. This universe makes Batman almost irrelevant. There are better concepts for an elseworld too. This show would have been better as GCPD vs mob families BUT NO, casuals need to see every fucking bat rogue to tune in. Hell they retconned Ivy twice to speed things up
I was actually really hype for this show until I saw time travel.
>This show would have been better as GCPD vs mob families
Hell, they shouldve just made up new supervillains or used z listers, no one would care and it would be better then what they have going now
>By the time Batman reaches Year One of his career, most of his rogues are going to be in their late 40s. This universe makes Batman almost irrelevant
Except the constant theme in the show is how the city keeps getting more and more crazy, and the cops are becoming increasingly ill-equipped to do anything about it (when they aren't being kept out or corrupted by the system) unless you're borderline suicidal and devoted to do the right thing, like Gordon and even in his case it's a constant stream of pyrrhic victories at best.
Some of the things the show has done are stupid, but it's not like the comics haven't done even more retarded asspulls.
Why don't they just make an expensive, well produced superman or batman tv show on like hbo instead of pussyfooting around with like gotham or krypton.
You're fucking retarded. This is like if Spider-Man started out and the NYPD had 20+ years experience over Peter dealing with the Sinister Six, you know, a group of people who exist after Peter became active and became a pain in their ass? It stops being a superhero story, when the hero isnt even important. Better yet lets have a Flash story where he doesnt have his powers, and The Rogues are just magically beaten by regular police. I'm sure that will sell
It's overblown. Most of Batman's rogues work fine in their late thirty or forties, and most of them aren't THAT much older than Bruce is currently. Jerome, if in fact the Joker, is actually of comparable age or only a few years older. Ivy is technically ageless if they go the science-magic route. and the actual 'criminals' like Penguin and Riddler work fine in their early-middle years. It's hard to pin down their ages anyway. They could be mid-late twenties or early thirties for the most part in Gotham, and Bruce isn't a full decade off being Batman in this elseworld. It's actually looking like he might end up a young Batman before the show even ends at this point instead of going the Smallville route.
Hell, he basically fucking has been Year One Batman this season, just with a flavor of Earth One and without the actual mantle. Lucius has even started building him the proto-batsuit. He is beating up gangs of thugs solo, with comms to Alfred/Mission Control. Al Ghul is actively watching him and jizzing himself over a worthy successor. They aren't going to string it out that much longer.
>and the NYPD had 20+ years experience
It's been a handful of years the GCPD have dealt with actual proto-super villains, most of the time they are shown barely to survive encounters with said villains, they're always undermanned and Gordon primarily manages to save the day by breaking rules and making shady as fuck deals with other criminals to get any shit done. They very much need Batman because the corruption is everywhere, including Gordon. Meanwhile Bruce is already running around as a masked vigilante. Your shitty analogy makes no sense.
Not to mention the GCPD has been almost completely wiped out (several times now, I believe?), with only Jim and Best Boy Bullock the only original officers left, most of the rest either not important enough to even have names, corrupt and thus basically villains or new blood.
>No Jor-El
>No Zod
>No Kara
Why? Sounds way worse than Gotham. At least they've got Bruce, Selina, Alfred etc. Who cares about grandpa El?
Brainiac's there.
That doesn't look the same Krypton from MOS.
Tomar-Re a guest?
But the movie-verse made Kryptonians into literal Space-Nazis.
They tank-bred everyone to be genetically suited for their jobs. Short of burning 'undesirable elements', thats as nazi as you can get with no swastikas.
How the fuck do you make a show about average joe Space-Nazi?
I wonder how theyll interconnect his portrayl here when he inevitably shows up in the movies, or if theyll pull an MCU and ignore the tv shows.
>They tank-bred everyone to be genetically suited for their jobs. Short of burning 'undesirable elements', thats as nazi as you can get with no swastikas.
Give me one reason why eugenics and their society is a bad thing.
>INB4 free will
Look at society today and youll see why thats a problem for most people
Because whoever controls what is defined as 'genetically suitable' controls society to serve them. That's probably why the leaders were stupid enough to go "Oh those colonies we have? Eh, fuck that. Shut them all down and recall everyone home".
Again you keep saying stupid when you mean is "I personally don't like but can't find a flaw to justifiy it"
>I personally don't like but can't find a flaw to justifiy it"
The flaw that its literally dumb and does not make sense to have those characters before batman, you slackjaw tard
Who else is gonna enjoy Vancouver, Krypton?
It's like hundred years to the past.
>and does not make sense to have those characters before batman
Within context of the show they make perfect sense.
>Within context of the show they make perfect sense.
Its badky written and within batman it doesnt make anysense. Enjoy it all you want, but its still shit
>Its badky written
Like your post
>and within batman it doesnt make anysense
They're doing a reversal here. It's the rise of supervillains in Gotham that drives and inspire Bruce to become Batman, rather than the opposite, so it still works. Pottery at its finest.
>Like your post
Oh wow i got k mixed with l because theyre literally next to each other on my keyboard, faggot
>They're doing a reversal here. It's the rise of supervillains in Gotham that drives and inspire Bruce to become Batman, rather than the opposite, so it still works. Pottery at its finest.
Poettry isnt fucking dumb. The whole point of batman is that theirs always the possibility hes the problem because all these psychos started coming around when he showed up.
Seven to eight years in universe
This isn't DCEU.
Hollywood has successfully bred a malignant form of hack, and found through pandering they can cause them to reproduce asexually.
Not in Gotham's universe.
>It's Gotham but Krypton
Gotham had to basically transform itself into a Batman series without Batman and still sucked ass.
What the fuck does Krypton offer?
Gotham is what happens when networks want a batman show without the expense of doing batman properly. Can't do the logical course of just making Gotham Central for the same reason, so we're going to get a 'elseworld' that tries to have its cake and eat it too.
>became popular.
>typically cheap, boring schlock more about shitty romantic drama with its cast of attractive 20 something nobodies
You're confusing The CW with SyFY. Most of their shows ARE cheap, but they aren't mostly about 'shitty romantic drama.'
ALL networks hire attractive youngsters for their shows. The Good Doctor certainly has older staff and doctors on the show, but the lead guy, the two bi-racial doctors, the neighbor in his building - all attractive 20 somethings, and you can't say that TGD is about 'shitty romance' - same thing for Gotham, same for the cops and even the fucking mortician female on Lucifer, same any number of comedies, etc.
>Why don't they just make an expensive, well produced
Game of Thrones notwithstanding, they don't spending $5-10 million per episode is going to work even with Batgod and his Batwanking fan'girls' - who would be a small part of the audience for something like this. And 8 to 10 season run for GOT does cost less than one movie, but it doesn't gross $1B (although GoT over an entire season, probably had more eyeballs than say Beauty and the Beast or the two current actual Star Wars sequels).
It's the same idiot who came up with that idea for MoS doing the executive producing and plotting the series bible for this craptastic POS, with the 'help' of his butt-buddy, the Cereal King.
It wasn't one of their originals so they didn't give a shit about it
and Cereal King said this isn't DCEU
>Unless it goes full retard, like GOTHAM
Gotham's at its most enjoyable when it goes full retard.
>Hey kids wanna see Superman's birth daddy's daddy fuck?
Sure I'm on board
Most of the villains are at his age or slightly older (Catwoman, Joker, Scarecrow, Hush, Firefly, etc.) or are generally portrayed as older than Bruce (Ra's al Ghul, Hugo Strange, Penguin). Freeze gets to skirt that, since he's frozen. It's genuinely jarring with Riddler and Two-Face, and even then, the former can be fixed if he's frozen again by Penguin.
The Ivy thing is awful, though.
The Ivy thing is only there because she's become such a sex symbol it would be weird to have her as a kid.
it's on syfy it'll get cancelled within 3-4 seasons on a cliffhanger
>one of the characters goes into a time void or a frozen slumber off planet
>wakes up years later and flies to earth to show up in Supergirl
how would you respond?
Is SyFy even part of the same company as CBS and CW?
Butthurt marvel fanboy
Owned by NBC Universal if I remember correctly. So no
>CW nigger
Yeah Gotham is good as hell.
Well, we do have Constantine on CW now, so never say never I guess.
Hey faggot: half of season 1 of Gotham was a Gotham Central procedural and everybody complained about it. Nobody's going to watch your faggy detective show when we can have Batman '89: The Series.
you are correct.
Goyer truly does destroy everything he touches.
the last superman show lasted 10 years
But that's on the CW. What show on SyFy has the similar longevity?
SyFy will cancel it as soon as the actors ask for a raise. That's what happened to Eureka, which was their #1 show when the channel was at its most successful.