I have a mighty need.
+Favorite scene/joke/gag?
I have a mighty need.
+Favorite scene/joke/gag?
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I don't have any reaction images but my favorite scene is "I want my slaw!".
Some of the best reactions have got to be from the tallest.
Can we use the comics?
Any time they use the sound of barn animals for the school children and the anomalous squeaking sound for adults. That sound as if a character has sprung a leak and are slowing deflating with every other movement, you know the one. Both of those still get me to this day.
Of course, friend
This whole scene is one of my favorites. The entire opening scene of the first episode.
Here's an even better pic to use in threads.
Did he just eat some pills that taste like lemon?
he drank the frog water
I still love that line reading so fucking much.
I have a few not posted.
>Hey Zim what are you going to get your Tallests for Probing Da-
Comic is ripe for reaction images.
Does anyone have the "because it's cool" pic?
Thanks m8
>I guess old kid's an alien too, huh?
>I've got a squeedilyspooch
>"How's it going?"
>Splat Tim 4.png
How come Sizz Lorr isn't the almighty tallest? He seems like a big guy.
Actually I haven't thought of that before. Maybe he just wasn't acceptable in skill or something, seeing as how he was apparently placed in food service. I always thought the current Tallest were secretly badass since they were Invader class, even though we've yet to see them whip out a gun or anything.
Sizz Lor is a big guy but he's not as TALL as the TALLEST. Height, not mass.
Was the joke here that he's a progeria kid?
No, the joke is that he's an elderly child.
Also on my DVD commentary Jhonen said he's a caricature of a security guard who made a few cameos on other shows
True, but don't all Tallest get surgically 'stretched out' to be even taller than they already were anyway? So Sizz-Lorr might have been naturally taller than P&R before they were made Tallest.
I haven't read all the comics. Is that lore or headcanon you're dishing out? If they do some kind of unnatural "lengthening" it's probably done in secret or anybody could be tallest. And that kind of knowledge could topple an empire.
Fan theory that's been tossed about over the years because of the noodle midsections they've all got going on. I believe there was also concept art of p&r as Irken elite for a flashback in The Trial. They were taller than most but not as they are now.
Nigga now I'm embarrassed. Why is all this old-ass info still stored in my head? Good lord.
Barely noticed the fucking world domination going on in the background. Makes it more amusing.
That scene where Zim is trying to crash Mars into the Earth and before it makes contact the entire planet is held up by one guy's can of soda.
And the guy's repeatedly screaming and yelling "Oh no! Ooh no! Oh No!" And yet never lets go of the drink.
Aw, I knew it wouldn't copy the current time.
It's at 18:00. It still gets me rolling, too.
That was probably my favorite episode back in the day.
It was a fun conflict and actually gave Dib and Zim a real semi-competent confrontation.
The guy shouting "Oh No!!!" is voiced by the lead character designer of the show. He also wrote and drew issue 16.
You should visit the Zim threads, They get really deep into what might be happening in ZIM universe.
I will spread my knowledge for the greater good.
needs a (you) on the kid and its gold
That would be brilliant
He looks so happy.
Requesting "DIB!" - "WHAT?" conversation
This one?