ITT: You are given the option of applying one of these changes to the last cartoon you watched...

ITT: You are given the option of applying one of these changes to the last cartoon you watched. Which one will you choose?

I’ll push yellow. Show doesn’t have stellar animation

Orange is the only one here that isn't shit.

>Press blue on King of the Hill
>Watch every user do a 180 on their opinions of Hank and Peggy.

Could be fun.

First, let's go over the buttons that could be problematic to push.

Red, if any of the characters are under the age of 18.
Grey, because there needs to be adults in some situations
Pink, because that's way too jarring for an audience to follow.
Purple, because finding animals to fit personalities could be tricky.
Yellow, because it could make a show lower in quality.

This leaves us with Orange, Blue, and Green.

Blue could be interesting, but I feel like most would push it for a show with a mostly male cast to turn it into a mostly female cast. In that regard, Green has Blue beat out.

Thus, the only buttons that are completely safe to push are Green and Orange. Of these, Orange will appeal to the most folks, while Green is for folks who just want a full cast of anime girls.

I hit Green, just to see folks react when Star versus becomes a lesbian shipping mess.

yellow, regardless of whatever show it maybe, especially since it's just quality and not just style. Imagine every cartoon having the production value of golden age disney.
also green a shit

>le sexism maymay


Red because after that level of consistent exposure nudity would become utterly devoid of sexual connotations

Considering they've done literally all the buttons already,seems kind of worthless.

>Red Button

and red

Yellow probably
But using green to see all the scp's as animu girls would be interesting
Or maybe green, but considering lord bung we may see an anomalous object that already does that

We haven't had a
>acid short

Reddit and morty

>Rocket Power
Um...Imma have to pick green

A 180? I admit peggy might be seen as a more enjoyable character, but she would be viewed as just as "in the wrong"

Hank would be seen as less right in a lot of his escapades.

Neck yourself reddit

such as?
Hank is often portrayed as being in the wrong at some point in the episode, but he always comes around at the end.
It's never subtle either, no one could possibly think hank is a bad person the same way they do with Peggy.
but the most absurd thing s thinking that peggy could be "did nothing wrong" with any physical appearance.

Or alternatively, you could do the human race a favor and trip into a trash compacter.

>loud house
yep pink. no brainier. fuck the show is just stereotypes bouncing off each other so why not add some chaos to spice the cliches up a bit.

>Steven Universe
Imma just smash that yellow button over and over again.

>Red, if any of the characters are under the age of 18.
pshh pussy

The last cartoon I watched was Tarantula (highly recommended btw) and purple is the only one I can think that probably wouldn't meaningfully affect the content

Last thing I watched was the infinity train pilot...

>Batman Beyond
Purple would be the best choice

I liked these ones more

the blue or green button would actually improve steven universe on the other hand I could press orange and then it'd just be unwatchable.

I shudder to imagine what Shadman would do to jesus

I feel like Moral Orel already had an ending. It did what it needed.

So that only leaves pink I care about. Bring back Achewood

but only if its an actual genderswap situation and not just some r63 AU

>tan button
>callie briggs gets touhou levels of porn amount and quality

Cease those thoughts right now!

>Full-force slamming the fuck out of the orange button

The only correct option.

>some of these would just kill the shit of the month
>some would help jump start old ideas
>others would just help clean Sup Forums
>and some of you would waste it on shadman
if I could turn all the autism, butthurt, and wasted brain space that involves shadman into power I bet one could solve the energy crisis.

I'm probably going to press Grey, hope it does him some good.

homestuck necromancy.
I'm not sorry.

I'll go with comic adaptation

>let's go over the buttons that could be problematic to push
where do you think you are

>No more outragefags
>Alfie hiatus ends
>Sejic becomes actually popular
>High quality Cass Cain porn
This is HARD.

Does Little Witch Academia count?
I'm going with Yellow either way, just wanted to make sure.


Pink sounds the most fun desu

Pink would be the most entertaining but I have to choose yellow because MAKE ANIMATION GREAT AGAIN

>Devilman Crybaby
Hmm... I pick orange.

Either the adaptation or the vomit green button.
And then I'll pick myself.

Most people's complaints would be that Male Peg is constantly shit on by life while his wife Hank doesn't treat him the best and instead spends most of her time drinking by the fence with her girls, and that she hangs out with her slutty boss Strickland that's always trying to get her caught up her crazy bullshit, despite the fact that she's married.
It'd be like how some anons here view the Beth and Jerry situation, but turned up to a 10. Nothing but an influx of people whining on behalf of Male Peggy, just like they do with Jerry, instead of just accepting that they're shit.

Dark brown so long as it's because of some crossovers.

>Ancient Magus Bride
>Pink button

Its utter madness and I love it. Especially if the race changing includes non-human characters.

>Star vs
Yellow if that art style is kept.

Can I press both red and grey?

>south park
I'll go with Green.

Only problem with Cannnonball porn is that it would probably be largely fujoshit with Sunspot instead of quality Sam/Lila or Sam/Tabitha. Also, by transitive properties, hitting it probably means New Mutants would be good, which would be a godsend.

Blue for shits and giggles

You're now reimagining the 'there's no sink' scene manually.

>Justice League Action
Blue for based Earth-11, or Orange for Music Meister? Tough choice.

X-men evolution

>Shadman finds Jesus
Oh god, no!

>the husband is the idiot while the wife is the voice of reason
You would just turn koth into a typical sitcom. And no one thinks that idiot husbands in those shows are in the right, they just call the writing out on always writing them that way.

of course not


Grey. Shadman needs it

>Miraculous Ladybug
Purple if anthro and
>yellow/golden tabby Adrien Agreste turns into a jet-black Chat Noir with white muzzle
>bluebird Marinette DuPain turns into, well, a Ladybug
Otherwise red.

Pink on Meadowhawk. Lovely characters, interesting setting, good art, *so many dragons,* TERRIBLE update schedule.

Not yellow. Shit animation is a constant