Anyone else learn with Muzzy?
Anyone else learn with Muzzy?
I'm Muzzy, big Muzzy
The only thing I learned from Muzzy is the words from the commercial.
No, but I do remember seeing this advert for it many times.
Do people watch Muzzy in anglophone countries? What language do they learn from it there?
in the u.s. they advertised french, german, italian, and spanish.
i never used it but i watched one of the vids at my buddy's house and the animation tripped me out.
Probably wasn't a great idea to change to CGI
I did, at least to some degree.
This fucking commercial was always on whenever I woke up at 3AM.
I want these old ladies to fight to the death
Think it might be a bit late for that.
The TAKE HIM AWAY song on episode 2 has become an inside joke for my family.
Je suis la juene fille
I like cocks.
Why does the Mum rub the girls back?
That's just weird
Is that Dr. Polaski?
I watched it in German class. The animation and art style were nice and for whatever reason it inspired me to make Corvax in Soul Calibur 3's create-a-soul.
Ugh my parents made me watch it a lot
Dexter stealing the princess baby gave me some feels, namely it woke up my kidnapping fetish. Oooh.
I actually wished for Dexter to succeed in escaping with the baby and growing the baby up to like him.
Wait his name was Corvax, not Dexter? Heh weird what tricks my memory plays on me.
I haven't thought of this in years, Christ
Yeah I remember seeing it in school. Didn't learn anything from it though.
Maybe that parking meters don't taste like clocks.
Is Corvax /our guy/?
Those children aren't French, they're American.
I had to watch it but I didn't learn anything.
nope but I do remember the commericals
corvax did nothing wrong
No, my mom wouldn't get it for me because she was a broke ass single mother (So I don't blame her as an adult) but god I knew the commercials by heart as a kid.
When I was in middle school, my french teacher showed us a single segment from the Muzzy series (All I remember is the queen going"Je suis gross, je suis gross!" over and over again because she's fat (I'i am fat.") and nothing else lol.
Muzzy wasn't even in the segment we watched I don't think it was just the king and queen.
I'm suddenly nostalgic for the hooked on phonics commercial now too hahaha.
I love how that's not even grammatical, and they put it in the goddamn commercial
makes me pine for oshtoby's homestar streams
in non-eagle'd countries people actually touch each other without wanting to have sex
such degenerates
My german relatives once sent me a vhs tape of the show for xmas when I was a kid.
I don't think I ever watched it.
first thing that came to mind, always thought it was so weird he'd say that.
>I love how that's not even grammatical
Sure it is, she isn't saying that she is "a young girl" she is saying that she is "THE young girl" the one and only "tout les autre jeunes filles sont simplement prétendantes"
He has a computer
Which he's proud enough to announce
So yes.
Wait, they actually did that?
For the love of god, why?
I wanted to love Sylvia.
I wanted the shit out of this as a kid. Instead my grandma signed me up for some animal educational tapes, till she found out the next one would be $40 for 20 minutes. Watched the shit out of the Monkey Business one though
Of course.
I had a Muzzy game for the Phillips CD-i when it came out in 94 and it was in french. So, me being a young welsh kid had no fucking clue what the shit was going on.
With that in mind, No, I did not learn with Muzzy.
Reading my post it makes me look retarded but what I mean by "It was in french" is that EVERYTHING was in french, there wasn't a shred of english anywhere, from the game itself to the manual and covers. Fuck knows, probably a bootleg or something.
I wanted that tiger poster when I was a kid.
we all wanted the tiger poster. After getting to read those magazines at school though they weren't that great
I once saw the entire set of Muzzy at a thrift shop for like $10. I wonder if the previous owner got everything they needed out of it.
I always hated the commercial though and thought Muzzy looked gross.
>he even has a cat
Is Muzzy a big guy?
>Every version of the commercial has the same kids
>Yes that's french they're speaking but these children aren't french they're british/canadian/american
So what are they actually?
I don't know why Goblin dude wastes his time with the princess.
She may be beautiful, but she's a bitch with terrible taste.
Plus, she can't stick to the fucking script.
my sister did. I watched for the story. Shit gets pretty wild near the end.
FUCK that commercial.
Is it bad I always wanted to watch it once just because I would see that commercial played almost everyday
He's a visionary
I saw this shit on tv all the time
that user is a euro look at the way he spelled mom
I want to fuck her.
I bet they regret that name
What always fucked me up was the girl's skates. They're just on her feet. No indication of actually wearing skates, just wheels
Oh shit Muzzy fucking lives
kekked more than was possible
Muzzy is how I started learning English. I was surprised to learned he was used for other languages in English-speaking countries.
Now this is a blast from the past
if it exists...
gonna need a source on that artist
You'll call now.
Does anyone have the dutch commercial for this please?
my brother and I don't know a lick of french but we'd always randomly look at eachother and say "LISS WEE LA SHOON VEE" because of this commercial. I don't even know what she's actually saying, or how the fuck to spell it, but that's a very weirdly prominent staple in my childhood lexicon
I could never even understand what he was saying in the commercial. It sounds like the VA shoved the microphone down his throat and the gargled. Then that little blond girl magics up some perfect French.
>Je Suis La Jeune Fille!
I bet they're fucking French.
Having minimal exposure to the language I can guess that that means "I am a girl"
How did you manage to do a worse job at drawing it, Aku?
Hell yeah, I had the whole kit, with the tapes and work books.
So why the fuck did they act like the Elephant Issue was a special gift? What made that issue any more different than the Camels one?
Let's learn some English.
Goblin dude just wanted love
Princess had no right to treat him like shit
Was this actually a good cartoon?
>hey what's going on in this threa-
Not really, designed specifically to teach language so extremely basic and repetitive
Yes she did. Goblins deserve only hate and death. They're jews.
>That lion's voice
Is that Willie Rushton?
Pic related is the hero we need for filthy gobs
I studied with the Original Muzzy. I didn't even know he get a CGI version too. And I have to say, the CGI Version has RUINED IT!!! That animation looks like the very first short of Pixar.
And the part of "Strong, Beautiful, Clever and Brave"; the Queen was supposed to be here with "Fat". Why did they remove it? Now they have to be censors just because kids can offend someone with "Fat" or what the shell?
Yeah I saw the cgi trailer and it looks atrocious
It's funny, because the queen is proud to be fat, she's happily married and none of the other characters insult her for her weight.
So there is absolutely no offence.
I don't blame it entirely but it definitely hit my transformation (especially growth) fetish.