A word of warning, it's really shitty. I tried making Peter and this is as close as I could get.
Family Guy Yourself
This was hard.
wanna be my gf and masturbate to yaoi together?
Im 18 this makes me look like im 30...
Hey, it's me, your favorite Family Guy.
There are no options for shity facial hair, I'm out.
>Hey Sup Forums look I'm a family guy
>tfw this is just a way for FG to get even more lazier with it's background characters
Why does the Family Guy character creator feel so boring compared to others? The PPG and South Park ones were fun to use, while this is just unimaginative.
This is actually really accurate. Even down to my outfit.
Fuck me
These threads seem to turn into the Sup Forums version of /soc/.
as a generic white dude i never feel like these are fun to play with. am i too boring
I wish my beard was that thick...
Eh it's fine. I'm a generic white lady.
Woah, I'm in the middle of a street now. How wacky is that?
Uh oh, looks like I've found my way to the bar. I wonder what crazy hijinks I'll get up to here?
Time for bed. I hope nothing strange happens, like that one time I stayed at a Holiday Inn with my ex-wife, Zooey Deschanel.
It's hard to try and make me since I am a tranny. Plus I don't think you could even re-create Ida Quagmire in this avatar creator. Plus I don't know what I would ended up looking like so I tried to take some features I have now and then made some assumptions based around some logic for the body.
This body type felt weird because it looks obese but then it doesn't look morbidly obese.
Just fat enough.
I have a lazy eye
The downside to such a body type is that my arms are very thin and my legs are tone from walking everywhere. I have a very weird body type where most of my fat seems centered within my stomach and chest with spaghetti limbs sticking out.
Mine is: fat tummy, arms, and I have a double chin.
I've made Seymour.
I click on threads like this expecting a variety of creative and vastly different images, but the products of this generator leave me with nothing but an empty feeling of "yes, those are indeed Family Guy characters".
fuck off reddit
mommy milkies
If this really is you youre a qt. I wanna procreate with you.
you look like some girl i had in art class
Hi spongebob porn girl
video game character, but still Sup Forums
who could it be?
Well played.
why would you axe me that
Found a wild Morgan Freeman.
Missing: extensive acne scarring, second and third chins.
I simultaneously look like I'm 12 and I'm like Rivers Cuomo
I'd fuck that Skinner.
Somebody's highnie is blockin my icebox
T...this is me
>no bags under eyes
terribly inaccurate
>tfw 22
Guten Tag.
Don't link to the previous threads or anything.
>you will never masturbate to yaoi with your boyfriend
The closest it can get for now
truly an odd fellow
>Always look tired:
Boring as shit
I look like a random background character from a cutaway
is that you Cara
This is about right
I was very very surprised by how close I managed to get. Those that know me would say gritting the teeth gives it away.
Nah, I'm not on Sup Forums that often
Ronny? You’re beautiful!
That's probably how they do it too
Got a perms bitch face. Anyways the customization options were limited and did not have the right hair style or color. My hair is more like Tomoko from watamote but shorter.
>tfw no Hawaiian shirts for broads
I look more depressed than usual.
This honestly looks nothing like me, but it's the best Seth could do.
this is basically me god this site makes me feel like shit about myself
Wh-what happened to your linework?
Lost in the void of a .png background!
Alright now how do I add the stress lines and raccoon eyes.
Fun fact: I imagined that post in Quadmire's voice.
Fun fact 2: I almost wrote "tweet" instead of "post"
Looks way better than me, no matter how hard I tried.
Like him but with curly hair.
can someone tell me if i'm hideous or not, i don't know what to think of myself
Oh hai Mark
Oh ho ho...delightfully devilish, Lois...
Somewhere in this ballpark. Needs more hair options.
Are you Alex Hirsch?
Where is this beard option?
I am actually surprised by the amount of diversity seen in the population of Sup Forums browsers
Probably more girls than expected since bitches love internet dress up games.
This is an eternal universal truth.
This is the closest I can get and it really doesn't look like me.
Charlie Sheen?
I've got a bit more fat than this, but not overweight
wow you guys should like totally hook up
forgot pic
These threads just prove my belief that Sup Forums is filled with gay men and closeted women.
How do I look?
Are you single? asking for a friend of course
asian skinhead?