For those of you that don't know, Veronica was a side-character for the early Fairly Odd Parents. She wasn't a terribly bad character, and had a crush on Timmy Turner.
She had prevalent parts in all episodes involving Trixi Tang and any of the cool kids, up until the Big Superhero Wish.
But the problem is, what happened to her?
She didn't leave the show, she didn't die, she didn't do anything to make her character not appear in any episodes, but she has no appeared in ANY episodes for 13 years.
Why? What happened to her? She always had a thing for both Timmy and Trixi, so a theory I've heard is that she killed the original Trixi, dyed her her, and is now masquerading as Trixi in order to win over Timmy, however Trixi's behavior has not changed, so that theory treads little water.
What happened to her? Why did she leave? Why does nobody acknowledge the fact that she is no longer around? There was a whole episode where we meet her family as Female Timmy visits Trixi, so why did Butch Hartman decide to remove her? And why so quietly?
The same could also be said about Tad and Chad, but even they had longer screentime than Veronica.
Cameron Wilson
C'mon user... Your autism is showing, you know damn well what happened, Butch either forgot/stopped giving a shit about her.
The same could be said for a majority of characters like Chester, AJ, Tootie, Vicky, Francis etc. right now in the show's latest season
Hudson Morgan
That doesn’t make sense though. All of those characters still make appearances and Timmy even marries Tootie.
Ayden Baker
None of those characters are as le funny as Crocker screaming MOTHER and being a Skinner ripoff in Hartmans mind.
Carson Foster
Nah, they just forgot she existed
Angel Jackson
Butch got mad at people drawing porn so he stopped showing the girl characters.
Sebastian Stewart
>if I repeat it enough people will think it's true Hackposting only works on Hirsch, not Hartman.
Oliver Long
Unless you actually ask Hartman on his Youtube and actually get a response (unlikely you'll be heard over the hordes of Danny Phantards autistically screeching "WHEN WILL U BRING DP BACK!!"), anything is really speculation.
Veronica disappeared after Poof was introduced. In season 6, Hartman initially tried to make Trixie Tang more shippable after basically ruining her the past several seasons. Part of this includes removing one of the characters she bullied and stepped on, Veronica. It eventually culminated in the Wishology trilogy where Trixie and Timmy get together, but that movie was an atrocious bomb. Veronica was essentially dead weight by then, and after further mangling the Timmy romance triangle or hexagon or whatever it became, he eventually just gave up, had Timmy and Tootie get together (which the fans wanted) in a shitty live action movie (which no one wanted) and effectively killed any Timmy related shipping. Seriously, no one even fanarts that shit anymore except for Garabatoz. When Chloe was introduced, Timmy may as well have been an eunuch by the way he acted toward her.
It's disappointing that Veronica was never really explored upon, and no OP we didn't even get to see her family, only her mother called to her off screen that was the closest we ever got. Tad and Chad were even more worthless characters (like I mentioned above, their existence only served to make Trixie look like an absolute slut, so they had to be quietly dealt during her season 6 push). But really, the best answer is as writing any of these characters and making them likable required effort, while having Cosmo and Crocker and other easy comedy characters act like retards is way easier and made kids laugh, at least for a while.
Xavier Wood
I haven't seen FOP since Channel Chaser, but from what I understood The following seasons basically cut every side character except for Dad and Croker.
No idea how the fuck they managed to continue with a so reduced cast.
Aaron Murphy
>literally the only instance I’ve ever seen of another user who gives a shit about Veronica
It’s weird mang.
But yeah, Butch essentially trimmed any and all characters besides a close knit few for ease of writing. You see, background characters are HARD and if they appear enough times you might accidentally develop them in some way. Can’t have that now can we?
Nathan Hall
I have a better question, why didnt Timmy just go out with her. A girl actually likes him and wants his shota dick. So why not give it to her? Plus she likes cosplay and other shit so why no give her the dick?
Charles Martinez
No she's not dead. She's apparently become super pregnant by a fairy
Ayden Barnes
Oddly, she is my favorite character in this series.
Owen Long
I wonder what else happened in the timeline where this actually happened.
Ryan Bell
>Trixi This annoys me far more than it should.
Tad and Chad were probably supposed to be like '80s rich kids that Butch seems to hate with passion alongside jocks.
This could be true if anyone on the show actually bothered to care about writing/character development. From what I've heard, most TFOP episodes seem to be written with jokes first rather than a solid premise. Dad, Crocker and Foop are amongst the favourites of Butch and some of the current writers, hence them being overexposed. I used to think Veronica (and to a lesser extent, Vicky) was dropped because they had essentially written her character into a corner by the time 'Internet Stupor Highway' aired: in that episode, Veronica's character was basically a psycho who hates Trixie and yet wants to be her because of her popularity (and Timmy's crush on her). You can't really do much else with a character like that, it's literally just the same joke over and over again. I was wrong, though, since Crocker and Foop aren't really all that multifaceted compared to Veronica and yet they keep appearing time after time.
It's even weirder when you think about all those interviews Hartman gave around S9's premiere where he talked about TFOP having a giant cast of characters like 'The Simpsons' and how that was what he wanted... and then we just get Timmy's dad, Crocker, Crocker's mom, Foop and that shitty Darth Vader reference character.
Chase Edwards
She moved away when her father got a new job.
Julian Fisher
Hey, remember Chester and AJ? >the shitty Darth Vader reference Why of all villains did they decide to bring him back? What was the appeal, to give the VA more money? To do more dumb SW references?
Lincoln Walker
long answer short: chuck cunningham'd
Zachary Price
I think she is really cute, but the show over did her personality crisis only forg ags and there was nothing else for her there beyond shipping.
Jonathan Hughes
>girl who likes him who's not Tootie >cosplays as Trixie she's perfect for him
Colton Miller
well she's getting the spotlight in the camp porn comic so go get your fill of her there
Evan Torres
She got sent to unwish island along with Chester and AJ
Elijah Garcia
Then why not just go with Tootie? They have chemistry and she's considerably more supportive.
In the grand scheme of things thats what Veronica's problem was. She was Tootie but less sympathetic/more of a bully, or she was Trixie without the main character actually liking her and it's not exactly well explanied why.
Jonathan Evans
>To do more dumb SW references? Pretty much. Hartman seems to be in love with those. The Darth Vader character doesn't even need to be there, they had Vicky and Chloe in a light saber battle in a recent episode for fucks sake.