>Numbuh 1 is the most "balanced" - jack of all trades in pretty much everything, but is the best tactician
>Numbuh 2 is the smartest and the most experienced with 2x4 tech, but is the worst fighter
>Numbuh 3 can potentially eclipse everyone else if she has a rage boost, pretty substandard otherwise
>Numbuh 4 can wreck entire groups of adults when he's alone, when he has to work with a team he's a shittier Numbuh 1
>Numbuh 5 is slightly better than Numbuh 1 in fighting and espionage
Is this about right?
Numbuh 1 is the most "balanced" - jack of all trades in pretty much everything, but is the best tactician
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I'd say thats p. accurate.
Thanks, guy.
Hey, what about me?!
What about you?
2 is also a detective and a second best pilot.
I feel like a detailed list of talents and acomplishments would be nice.
What was Kuki's exact role on the team again?
Also, I just realized,and my memory may be failing me, but we never really had a Sector V origin episode did we? Like how they came together, first mission, their lives before KND and such
She was 2's co-pilot usually, and I think she was also a field medic.
I viewed her as combat medic
>1 the Leader
>2 The Brains
>3 The Wildcard
>4 The Bruiser
>5 The Face
K.N.D TRPG game when???
I recall her having a variety of roles, like being the mech pilot for the bunny suit and doing stuff like communications while they were flying the ship. I don't really recall her being a medic like others are suggesting but it's been a while so that might be the true.
Her official role was "Diversionary Tactics Specialist".
What role is "The Face"?
I wonder how she "distracts" the adults?
I think "The Face" is usually the team's link to civilian children which can be pretty handy for a number of things ranging from public relations to gathering intel. So it would usually be Numbah 5 who heard from a kid who heard from a kid who heard from their teenage brother who over heard some adults talking about something going down at the PTA meeting tonight.
In D&D terms the person with the highest cha score.
A charismatic smooth talker who is good at dealing with people and getting information.
Put these traits into characters in XCOM 2 and see who dies first.
>Reminder that one KND member is actually a real boy who got in via the Make-A-Wish Foundation and that he's probably dead
Dwarf Fortress would be another option though a lot more work to set up.
I really enjoyed this whole series, but it always weirded me out how the default position for everyone's arms was sticking out to thw side like that.
Those huge hands would be reaching down to their huge feet otherwise and it would look even weirder. This at least gives them a strong and easily identifiable outline.
>That time when the conspiracy nut (numbuh 1) was right about everything
By the end almost every new episode was one of those.
You better not touch it Sup Forums.
I want to touch it.