Who's your favorite strong female Sup Forums character?
Who's your favorite strong female Sup Forums character?
spbp oops
Sue Storm.
She likes murderous violent terrorists and no man will stop her from getting it, not even her husband.
I love dom wondy
Harley Quinn
excellent choice
mine is Medusa. Not only does she sleeps with everybody except her own husband, but she loves to beats the shit out of him for no reason and emotionally abuse him.
Also sub wondy. Both are good.
I saw a post recently that theorized she doesn't get to be sub as often as she would like which would make sense.
i-is pic related Sup Forums?
dom wondy is good. sub wondy is good. muscle wondy is the best.
The Nextwave Girls
>with hard works and guts, you can accomplish your dreams...so long as you're secretly a super android
What a weird moral.
She doesn't get many chances to show off, but when she does... oof.
Its just an extension of the original.
>with hard works and guts, you can accomplish your dreams...so long as you have a giant state of the art robot and nepotism on your side
Titania is underrated red head stronk waifu
This this
Judge user, when's the next issue of Lawless coming out? I haven't seen anything new storytimed in like 6+ months.
Jasper. It's only in part fetish related.
I felt so bad when it was revealed she was fucking black bolt skrull for some time and also I remember some comic where its implied she givwes maximus head and breaks him out of prison black bolt put him in the first place
Pic related, you get the best aspects of Wondy and she looks cute, really cute.
I hope she gets more screen time in season 3
Good god I hope she does, I want to see more of her.
Can't believe no one's chosen her yet.
>muscle wondy
Absolutely patrician
Barda best gril
This is my wife, Kara.
I have watched 6 (six) episodes of her show on the CW and although sometimes it pushes agendas that I am tired of hearing about, she is very cute in it.
Does she know that she is your wife?
>tfw Ahura is actually Maximus's son
I love Kate!
Is fuck the wall.
The best female Ghostbuster (not that it's a particularily high bar, but she's still pretty good)
Nothing exemplifies a woman's strength more than an armoured bikini and metal pasties.
Hell yeah.
The latest book is being published right now in the Megazine. We're three episodes in.
I wonder who could be behind this post?
Canon rule 63 Thanos
I want to hug and fuse with her
The thing that stings most about this page is that you know she'd never dare treat him that way if she wasn't sure he'd never hit back.
A kung fu qt
Thanks. I was having trouble thinking of a single example of a female Sup Forums character who wasn't either a plot prop or the creator's political mouthpiece before you reminded me.
Pick one!
I hope we see her in season 7, jelous of Warianna
Painting leather well is an underrated skill.
In 15 years
Both are cool
try November
meant for
I wonder if Black Bolt is retarded in some form. He acts really weird in this issue and later one when blames himself for everything and becomes suicidal. Either the writers are failures or BB is too slow to understand what domestic abuse is.
He may not be retarded, but he's definitely dumb, amirite?
The mom or gogo?
Lol you mean Man-Thing
Emily Is bae
Oh you. kek
But in all seriousness especially in older comics he just does some stupid ass decisions where the narrative acknowledges and treats it in a way that it's just Black Bolt doesn't know any better.
There was one weird issue where Black Bolt doesn't even know how to drink a hot cup of coffee and burns himself as if he's legit mentally retarded.
Then there is his solo run where due to him being neglected all his childhood and teenage years, he is socially retarded.
Also there is the issue of him having a handler instead of using sign language or write his thoughts out for people.
Idk maybe I'm looking too much into it.
why do carolfags keep posting the same 10 images of her
Because they are untalented idiots just like the people who work on her comics
because anyone who draws her draws the Batson homage unitard rather than her hideous redesign which made her that drunken dyke from the Women's Soccer team (which one, amiright)
>muscle sub wondy
>can dom you whenever she wants but enjoys the forced helplessness
Lady Shiva is my kung fu waifu
>when you have qt asian waifu and can't wait to meet her mother
>it's lady shiva
On a scale of 0 to 'already' how dead are you?
I would jizz if Shiva even just touched me, even if it was during my kung fu murder
Then she keeps trying to catch you out on certain things she might disapprove of.
>"So, just HOW close are you to my daughter?"
Good taste
Gogo x Mom
Assuming you're dating Cass, you're probably used to that kind of bullshit by the time you meet her mum. I mean, her dads are Clayface, Batman and Alfred.
It'd still be worth it even if I lost my arm
>tfw lady Shiva gives you the "if you break my daughter's heart" talk
>She will never crush something in her hands that represents your balls
>She does a simple martial arts "demonstation" on you to show that she's serious about you messing with her daughter
>tfw she breaks both of your legs, 7 ribs, your left collar bone, and your right arm
>Remember, if you ever hurt her, I won't go so easy on you next time
> Clayface turns into hot alluring woman and come's on to you just to test you. Switches to his actual face at the last moment to scare the shit out of you.
........ Whelp I'm gonna have some nightmares tonight on that note.
>tfw no amazon gf
>ywn date cass or shiva
Why even live?
I'm not scrapper I swear
Of course I got ninja'd by the Judge by a full drokking day.
Better question than that other user, when is Lawless gonna have thicc Pettifer back?
Please. As if she'd give you any warning.
Man, I am genuinely worried about Pettifer. And not just because she's losing her thicc.
Excellent taste, user
strong and a cutie. thought id hate her, and i still don't like her design, but man she's great.
my nigga
You'll find a girl like them one day
I'd do terrible things that would forever stain my soul for a chance to tuishou with Shiva.
Wait... just your soul would be stained if you did tuishou with Shiva? I think the walls would be stained too.
I don't know how I feel about muscle carol