>How can I help? If a Channel doesn't have a personality yet, then you can suggest ideas for one. If a Channel doesn't have a design yet, then you can suggest ideas for one. If a Channel has a personality and a design, then you can draw them. If multiple Channels have all of the above, then you can draw comics of them interacting.
>How many Channels do we need? All of them. but mostly those who are Sup Forums related.
Fox business added Sony movie channel added Fox family added Canal 13 added and the purple one can't remember toei redesign ref added Marvel studios added MyNetwork13 added Warner bros redesign ref added
there are so many tans on this chart that i am forced to minimize the chart because the file will get too big, might make a second chart
Carson Miller
I like the mix between realism and cartoon in your style, good job.
Carter Parker
Howdy, ho Here Jetix-tan as Chell (Portal), Mondo Media-tan as Potato GLaDOS in "This cake is lie" parody
Ryder Martin
That's one sweet face, her smile is 101% good. Also, the colouring is spot on.
Jonathan Fisher
Just art of Jetix-tan as Justin Bailey Samus from first Metroid
Jordan Edwards
Hey Dash, good morning.
Aiden Cox
Nice crossplay buddy
Anthony Gray
She's saying yes to more TTG, you don't see her expression?
Bentley Young
Sebastian Carter
Which parody? the draw is nice but I would like to see the parody.
John Foster
That's one nice drawing, well coloured and executed.
Leo Hernandez
David Torres
That's quite lewd for Jetix but I like it.
Anthony Sanders
Here crossover of Jetix-tan as Ms.Fortune and [AS] Stony as Parasoul, Jetix-tan as Megaman with Disney.Jr-tan as Roll, Nick-tan as Misty from Pokemon Red & Blue, doodle of cute Bunny Jetix-tan with love
Carter Brown
CN always makes me happy, and seeing more of her is always a joy.
Christopher Scott
From first Portal game, but I also added Companion Cube and Portal gun on background.
Matthew Martin
skullgirls crossover? sing me up dude.
Aiden Williams
I always loved CN's outfit. It's simple but cool at the same moment. And this art takes that thing nicely.
Nathan Harris
I think RAI could make a good Feng and DJ a decent Peacock.
Levi King
I like those eyes, they're really cute, and keep true to CN's style.
Easton James
Yes, indeed. And I did Pokemon, Mega Man crossover also
Tyler Hernandez
That's very cool! I definitely like the colouring here?
Joshua Ward
Kids WB-tan as Peacock, Toony as Umbrella, T@N-tan as Valentine, Rai Italia-tan as Filia fit better for me I think
Jayden Adams
Hopefully that adorable cube does not end up like the original, although I think Jetix will be more careful with him.
Evan Evans
Now she just need some The Splat-Metroids to haunt.
Jace Smith
She can even stand in the empty and look adorable. The magic of Cartoon Network.
Christopher Walker
Honestly this is my favorite crossplay so far, I won't mind a sequel.
Cooper Campbell
Julian Lee
Noah Jenkins
Man I just love redhead bunnies, they're the best.
Evan Smith
¡Tulio estamos al aire! haha esa wea es chula como no hay otra.
Michael Diaz
And I try to do Jetix as Megaman and Toony as Protoman/Blues, Canal+Family as Kalinka Cossack, Papa Turner as Dr.Light, FOX-tan as Dr.Wily, GaS-tan as Iris, OSM-tan Zero, Syfy-tan as Layer, Toon Disney-tan as Axl or Alia.
Yep, DJ-tan and Roll are nice fit. But I always think Toony fits as Roll (idea from previous thread of 2016) And I try Foxxy as Cerebelle, Gulli-tan as Squigly for next weekend
Ian Scott
She really is an adorable bunny, I love the optimism with which both she and the puppet present themselves.
It really sucks that there are only ten episodes translated to English but it is nice to see that TVN and 31 Minutos are getting a lot of love, thank you Hua.
Nathaniel Robinson
It's a good start for a new crossover. I hope you have more ideas for them.
Kayden Wood
Oh boi those hips look juicy, lewds aside thats a nice fanart of CN I dig a lot your style.
Isaiah Roberts
She's adorable. Her puppet is one of the cutest things ever. It makes me very happy.
Joshua Carter
Gambatte kudasai, Hua-chan!
Luis White
Those plushies are perfect, I like them a lot. Also, I love TVN's expression here. She's always happy.
Henry Flores
If the end of the world is near, TVN will keep smiling. It's her job being always happy.