ITT: "Villains" who did nothing all...Rose is retarded

ITT: "Villains" who did nothing all...Rose is retarded

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Shut up. She probably shattered pink diamond.
>And tried to kill steven.

>inb4 "rose is pink diamond" retards

That IS nothing wrong at all.

She went apeshit in the end, but I really don't get this.
So Sugar is trying to paint the story as something serious, but everyone refuses to kill in a WAR?

>Rose was pink diamond
>Steven is rose
>Steven is Pink Diamond
inb4 Blue diamond marries Steven

That's because you can't brainwash more gems into your ranks if they're dead.

>I didn't want to fight you, but you left me no choice!
Bismuth attacked Rose
And tried to shatter Steven
Why even shatter when bubbling is a perfectly viable option?
She's just a nutjob
A sympathetic nutjob,
But a nutjob nonetheless

Rose is indeed retarded, but this ugly ape deserved everything she had coming to her. Bitch was given a second chance, spared from the corruption blast which most definitely would have cursed her to a life of suffering until bubbled.

Then when she comes back out, her remaining comrades don't know jack shit about her betrayal and heartily accept her into their home and family. And then what does she do? Repeat the exact same shit that likely got her bubbled in the first place, showing the same ridiculous weapon to Rose Quartz thinking this pacifist little shit was going to comply with executing immobile targets when he clearly had no talent for anything of the sort. I bet she would have attacked Pearl or Garnet all the same if they rejected her plans, and they totally would.

No, Bismuth is retarded with PTSD.

Her stupid weapon is worthless for the battlefield, the only function has is as a tool of execution for an already restrained target.

Not to mention killing Homeworld gems hurts the rebels more than anyone else, since 100% of rebellion members were made up of Homeworld defectors.
And Homeworld can sustain losses effortlessly since they are basically without number, while the only way for the rebellion to grow is to convince more of their enemies to defect.

Yeah, I think that's just Steven being naive. Garnet explicitly states that many gems were shattered on the battlefields, and all the clusters are the remains of dead soldiers, probably CG and HW alike.

OP is a dumb ass

Homeworld shattered rebels they got their hands on, but the rebels didn't partly because you can poof and bubble a gem even easier than shattering them and all of them were Homeworld gems to begin with so convincing others to join them is their only option.

The main losses for the rebellion came when the diamonds dropped that mysterious 'song nuke' on them (and their own people who didn't evacuate in time) which turned them all into corrupted monsters.
Only Rose and like the handful of gems next to her at the time were spared by her barrier powers.

>the pink sandals

>terrorist engineer that builds and operates fuckhueg machines for the purposes of destruction
>Has no regrets endangering civilians
>Deliberately attacks the heroes when they try to rescue said civilians
>Built a killsat for the purpose of murdering his former boss
But he's fucking awesome whilst doing it, so he clearly did nothing wrong.

What game is that?

Lets not forget she did all this despite having been woken thousands of years after the war was already over. I’m sure to her it seemed like it was yesterday, but she seriously failed to assess her situation and realize that there was no longer any urgency, immediacy, or even necessity to her actions. Without the threat of a war going on in which she needs to shatter opponents for the sake of protecting herself and her comrades, she just comes off as being bloodthirsty for the sake of being bloodthirsty when she’s still so desperate to go around shattering.

Wrong medium.

>Lets not forget she did all this despite having been woken thousands of years after the war was already over.
Since the diamonds were still alive,hunting rose and planning to destroy earth, I don't think things changed that much

No one was hunting Rose, Homeworld gems only arrived on the Earth to check on the cluster or find Jasper or abduct humans.

Even if Steven is a little bitch pussy, bismuth, in my opinion, did one thing terribly wrong: she took a cool moment between her and Steven and manipulated it.

"You're not rose quartz, you can be even better". Even if I'm not big on Steven, poor kid clearly needed to hear something like that when even garnet seems to act like he wants him o stand in for Rose and Steven's lived in the shadow of a person he's never truly met. But bismuth didn't mean "you can be better than her by being yourself" she ended up saying "you can be better than her by being me"

I'm pretty sure the breaking point can poof just as easily as it can shatter. She tried to poof him since she was under the impression that Steven was just another one of Rose's lies.

does this means that rose shattered someone who is essentially a kid?

Technically, any villain/antagonist that fails in their objective and/or loses to the hero/protagonist did something wrong, otherwise they would have won.

>She tried to poof him
Its designed to shatter, she's pro-shattering, and she's even more pissed at "Rose" than the first time because of the bubbling and deception. I don't see any reason it couldn't poof, but I really don't think that was her intention in that fight.

Did Bismuth even know about any of those visits, though? I know at least some of them happened after her rebubbling. She shouldn’t have considered Homeworld as having anything more to do with Earth.

Blame the Crystal tards not telling Bismuth the war was over.

I know people are use to rush development in Steven Universe, but you can't just turn war ptsd off and on in a matter of less than a week.
When she first gets out she learns that Rose not only lied to her friend about her disapperance, but faked being worried over her being gone. In her mind, pretending to be human is perfectly in line with something Rose would do to get out of facing responsibility.

Someone maybe with the mind and experience of a kid who also happens to have the power of a tyrant. Kind of like executing Marie Antoinette after that ‘let them eat cake’ thing.

She was aiming pretty high if her intentions were to shatter steven.

What if the villain's loss was something completely out of their own or the hero's control?

It’s not ptsd, it’s just a war criminal getting angry because someone is standing in their way and telling them no.

They did. They said to her that Homeworld pulled out and that they were the only gems left. They even showed her the strawberry field to try to make her understand how much time had passed since any other gems had been on the planet.

They were all war criminals if that's gonna be your angle. They still are criminals.

Except Steven and the Crystal Gems made it seem as if Homeworld had just kept attacking them, as opposed to the only loyalist gem who knows they're alive is one (admittedly formidable) soldier who's going full Colonel Kurtz. Like they didn't explain how easily the Diamonds flipped the board when they lost something they couldn't accept, or that their technology had advanced to the point where old gem weapons were almost obsolete (and the Breaking Point inferior to a destabalizer in every way but sturdiness).

Like yeah they didn't know what Bismuth was thinking, but they also did not at all represent the situation clearly or accurately.

This is peak "did nothing wrong".
Nobody has ever done anything so nothingly wrongest ever in the history of Sup Forums.

You got a point there.

So they actually revealed the pink diamond?

>the only way for the rebellion to grow is to convince more of their enemies to defect.
This. Rose Quartz wasn't an idiot. She knew the Earth's best chance for survival was to get Homeworld to just leave. Executing gems would have been the worst thing they could have done.

>Bismuth: *Grunts* I knew those Homeworld elites were twisted. How many of us did they shatter?! Crazy Lace, Biggs, Snowflake?! If I was there, I-I could've stopped it!
>Garnet: It's not like they've stopped trying.
>Bismuth: What's that?
>Garnet: Homeworld still has its eyes on this planet.
>Pearl: We continue to thwart their plans over and over.
>Steven: But they just keep coming back!
>Amethyst: Yup. They want us bad.

That's actually literally the exact opposite of what they did. Like I guess Jasper intermittently raiding them had kind of gotten to them but it is 100% all their fault Bismuth went into panic mode.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: The entire conflict of this episode stemmed from the Crystal Gems stupidly blowing the last 5000 years out of proportion. Instead of just telling Bismuth that Homeworld's been mostly leaving them alone since the war, they gave this big sob story about how Homeworld's been attacking "over and over. They never stop".

Seriously, what the hell were they referring to when they said that? That one time Jasper attacked them? The Rubies who just wanted to evacuate Jasper and be on their way?

Then they failed to employ a strategy that could adapt to unforeseen variables.

>the only way for the rebellion to grow is to convince more of their enemies to defect.
None of the gems seemed to have an issue with homeworld until after the war. Lapis first thought was to go home after being freeded. Ruby and Shappire were fine with their positions until they accidently became offcolors. Even Pearl was shown to be homesick for the place. Something happened after the war to change the place, I'm guessing low resources or Pink's shattering. So Rose trying to convince a complacent group of individuals to leave at that time is just as fat fetch as Bismith's plan.
Also what would she do to those who didn't want to defect? Bubble them until they change thier minds?

I meant most

Not so fast

With the escalating assaults by Homeworld and discovery of the Cluster, I don't blame the Crystal Gems for talking like that. It's not like it wasn't truthful. They had no idea Bismuth was a PTSD nutjob.

Actually that kind of makes me wonder if there are any Homeworld gems that were bubbled before being corrupted and the Crystal Gems just... Left them there.

What escalating assaults? There was literally one incident at that point in the show and they knew by that point that Jasper wasn't even sent to attack them. Two if you count the Rubies.

The assaults had done the opposite of escalate like, in order it was
>Homeworld hyper-advanced warship, tech support gem, and Rambo Quartz
>Ship destroyed, now quartz is fused with someone who hates everything and the tech support is on the loose trying to contact Homeworld and sound the alarm and has very advanced weaponry
>Tech support is now on their side and quartz soldier no longer has potential control of the ocean. Quartz soldier also doesn't seem interested in calling for help. There was briefly a pile of Rubies but they didn't recognize the Crystal Gems and were easily misled.
Like literally all they had to do was take Bismuth to beat up Jasper and they would have gone right back to complacently assuming everything was fine.

Yes you can. That's basically what the mutants were intended to be, right? Anyhow, Gems don't really die, they're just left as fragmented minds that can no longer take a form. It's debatably worse than death.

Bismuth did literally everything wrong at the worst possible time. If she hadn't been quietly bubbled she would have led to the breakdown of the rebellion and the destruction of Earth.

You can't reason with radicalized leftists/communists. That Rose didn't kill her is a testament to her patience and kindness.

Yep. Stevonnie saw her in a dream throwing an autistic tantrum about not having a planet.

Well it started with Peridot prodding Earth with her drones, Peridot making first contact so Garnet smashes the Warp Pad, Peridot sends larger drones to check out the status of the Kindergarten and confirms some Crystal Gems are still active so Garnet smashes the power source, Peridot sends a massive shapeship with perfect Quartz escort.

That's the escalation. Since then they sent Rubies to check on Jasper. The Crystal Gems also learned by this point that the Cluster was gestating inside the Earth, that's the only reason there was a lull in the war. The war basically never ended and it's obvious that it'll keep escalating and escalating after this point. There's nothing stopping the hell Yellow Diamond will bring to Earth when she realizes the Cluster was stopped. And so they informed Bismuth. Homeworld DOES still have their eyes on Earth.

I’ve wondered this too. There’s no reason this couldn’t be the case and if anything it’d be odd if it wasn’t.

It started with the Red Eye

That is technically true but I think they might on some level be banking on it taking another few decades for Yellow Diamond to realize something is very wrong with the Cluster? Also it seems like Peridot's earlier remote confrontation with the Crystal Gems was recorded and reviewed by Aquamarine, and it's generally been decided that it's just not worth dealing with the last stragglers of Rose's army.

I don't think you can equate her ideals to a left or right kind of mindset. Radicals from anyside are hard to deal with.

She is clearly a communist reference
>obsessed about social classes fight
>weapons are a scythe and a hammer
>end justify the means

She's clearly a goddamn communist worker wanting to murder the aristocracy

>one (admittedly formidable) soldier who's going full Colonel Kurtz

you cunts still watching this shit ?