>Iron Man is now ripping off Blue Beetle
Thanks disney
>Iron Man is now ripping off Blue Beetle
Thanks disney
I'm disappointed that Avengers Tower won't turn into a massive Iron Man Suit.
It’s Heroes Reborn IM (which debuted before Reyes) mixed with Bleeding Edge. Get your b8 and fuck off m8.
I'm disappointed all the Avengers won't form a massive Iron Man suit.
The Jaime Reyes version of blue beetle is just a ripoff if techjacket, who is himself a ripoff of various mecha anime and sentai tropes.
That looks fucking awful. Disney finally jumped the shark with their shitty designs.
Galactus buster when
Seen it in motion?
please delete this. Op thought he had a point
How will OP ever recover?
>That Iron tong.
Dicklets tend to Overcompensate.
The house of ideas is always 100% original! What are you talking about?
They did this in mangaverse back in 2002
>if characters have traits in common they are copied
The only one that's really just a totally shameless ripoff here is black cat, did they think people wouldn't notice that shit?
Catwoman was a seductress in a green dress before Black Cat showed up. They started to become more similar to each other about ten years after Black Cat was created.
The suit she had right before black cats creation was a black skintight catsuit with spiderman eyes though
Be grateful, you'll never get a good live action Blue Beetle otherwise with the way the DCEU is turning out.
>that shitty VA from MvCI
I really feel like there must be someone out there who can do a better RDJ impression.
>they couldn't get any of the actual actors to do it
People need to stop pretending that DC isn't as shameless about ripping shit off as marvel.
Isn't Wade Wilson directly connected to Slade Wilson?
Yeah but can you really consider a parody character a rip off?
Well there was this one time in Gillen's IM run when his super-advanced city changed into an Iron Man suit.
Marvel & DC have been ripping off each other for decades
Plas wasn't originally a DC character.
He was always ripping off the genius inventor dude tho
Remember in Justice League when Cyborg pulled a page out of Jaime's book with the "I can't control it!" shot at Superman?
Actually this was from the early Bendis run.
Marvel wants to decrease the number of possible future fans of DC characters. Don't be surprised if that Iron Man suit is in Avengers 3 and/or 4 in the future in the MCU for Iron Man to have greater maneuverability i in outer space. Spider-Man might have similarities to Blue Beetle in some ways in future MCU movies as well.
Captain America has pretty much already greatly harmed the possiblity of future Superman fans. They just need Black Panther and probably Moon Knight, Daredevil, Nighthawk, Darkhawk or someone else similar to go after the Batman fanbase and then Captain Marvel and Scarlet Witch to kill off the Wonder Woman fanbase. Black Panther is already a variant of Batman now. Batman will have close to zero black fans in the future. The Batman fanbase would probably be the hardest to kill off and they might not be able to completely kill it. They might just be able to greatly weaken it and get another similar hero to be about as popular however.
I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be this.
In addition to the Trinity, Marvel has and continues to go for even the less popular heroes. Nova Corps and Captain Marvel to take out the future Green Lantern fans. Iron Man of course already prevents any future Cyborg fans. Vision has pretty much taken up any future Manhunter fans and Adam Warlock will probably continue stoping any future Manhunter fans. Warlock may with Doctor Strange additionally stop any future fans of John Constantine and Doctor Fate. Scarlet Witch in additition to Wonder Woman helps prevent any future Zatanna fans. Of course they have Namor for Aquaman.
Captain Marvel is probably going to make a 'surprise' entry into Avengers 3 just like Superman into Justice League. Everyone will laud it and talk about how much better done it was than Superman in JL. It will be just like when Marvel puts the Thunderbolts in the MCU as former prisoners who at least seemingly act like superheroes like the Suicide Squad. Critics will again point out how Marvel will do a better job at this. Heck, I wouldn't even be surprised if we see articles in the future talking about Black Panther or Moon Knight being a more well done version of Batman than his recent appearances in movies. The Punisher was already a more well-done and interesting gritty character than gritty Batman in BvS. Marvel might even bring in Hercules in future MCU movies to have another character similar to Superman that critics will applaud and say is better done than Snyder's Superman. Marvel Studios is really that good. They're even setting up Squirrel Girl to be Marvel's Harley Quinn.
>“tested through the roof and caught the attention of high-level Disney executives.”
>New Warriors, sources say, could be Marvel TV 2.0, with the ability to feature multiple spinoffs similar to the company's Netflix arrangement.
Marvelfags will still try to defend this.
>if characters have traits in common they are copied
>Leave it to the billionaire to buy the world a little more time
this is way better looking than the OP
Are you fucking kidding or just looking for a reason to bitch?
what's the problem
I just think it's cool looking
The legs are ridiculous, he has artificial abs, and a thong.
Leave Thanos to me.
God the fucking ninja toe on that design fucking triggers me. Why?
>Blue bettle
Literally who
ironman blanco when
Oh right... let's not forget one of DC's main strategies early on was to sue other comic book companies into oblivion, then a) introduce characters just like the ones the company they sued had, or b) just flat out buy their IP for a song.
more based on anime than anything else...
Oh man now I want a kaiju style battle with this
alright, you pointed parts of its design that are appealing to some people. well done.
Iron Fist did this in that book nobody read
along with Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, Max Mercury, Johnny Thunder...