favorite tails gets trolled panel?
Favorite tails gets trolled panel?
Other urls found in this thread:
either "TRY AGAIN" or the "get use to it" ironic echo
the one wher porky just arrived at his parents house
i think the kermit slapping one is by far one of the better ones, although I have a couple saved up
tgt has some fucking amazing reaction images
Bugs Bunny talking about using cross-dressing to defeat trolls
>Expect that Tom sabotaged someone's car or something
>Read it
>Nope, he just brings this up for no reason
Anyone have those super-detailed panels from the last chapter?
this one?
This is by far the best one
Ok is this quote really from the comic?Because that's extremely well made.
i'm dumping all my best ones
dude go long!!!
is this web comic shitpost incarnate?
It is a modern Ulysses.
I'm kind of partial to the one where Knuckles asks Rouge if she was on drugs when she had a threesome with him and a monkey.
the dickthrone always gets me
i like when he tells shadow that his plan was to get high
Too late for that fucker
>i do all kinds of stupid and gay shit
The fact that this isn't a banner here baffles me.
It's kind of cheating, but that's because this part is pure gold
can someone make a reaction image of the lady's baby getting hit in the head with Dr. Dick Juice?
the author went onto forums and asked people for their best troll insults, this was the result
Some of these I really need to use
Well, one of us is going to have to change.
not actually tgt, but infinite was too good not to shitpost
that's all I got
>Low Prices!
>Fuck you.
idk why this hasn't been posted yet
The fact that Lazerbot inexplicably goes put of his way to retroactively write the reference into a flashback makes it god tier.
My favourite
fucking god damn it
why is it that this comic has better comedy than 90% of what's on tv nowadays?
That damn cat
It aint easy bein cheesy
tails gets trolled truly is the pinnacle of western comics, isn't it?
Western art in the 21st century overall I would say
how can the japs EVER recover?
its like having marble statues in our cities, while they are playing with sticks in the dirt.
If I ever make a cartoon I'll steal some of the TGT jokes, and if anyone calls me out I'll say it was a reference.
Thats next level trolling
that's like 3 layers of trolling jesus christ
I can't find it but the one where Knuckles fires Teemo into the mountain.
Up until this point i believed i was reading some hilarious aspie shit.
This is when i realized my mistake and knew i was reading a masterpiece.
rhe saddest panel
>I don't like doing it but it works
God, why is this just so fucking funny
>n****r jiggaboo and nigger
what's the fucking point of censoring an insult if you are just going to say it literally 3 words later?
You don't understand, they obviously said "en asterisk asterisk asterisk asterisk arr."
Different word?
>they call you n****r, jigaboo, and nigger
>n****r jiggaboo and nigger
I REALLY need to read this fucking comic sometime
Never read very far into TGT, but I loved the High Shovel panel.
That one, and a couple images in this thread, are from parodies
I treid
I'm kinda confused though, is it serious or does this guy write it to be funny?
well I am extremely disappointed
Oh, don't be. A lot of the knockoffs try too hard. OG Tails Gets Trolled is absolute gold.
Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums in a nutshell
often used in caption threads
Anyone know where I can read the comics? You guys got me interested in this masterpiece.
I think this is probably my favorite. There's just too many things about it that stick into the mind.
I made this
I'm proud of you
>that time daffy is taken hostage and bugs confesses to being daffy's gay lover, then shadow decides he done with this shit so he kills daffy himself
Really that whole sequence
Pretty sure they're on Deviantart still
I never knew this was tgt