New Bravest Warriors

Anyone seen it? We don't get a freebie this time, gotta actually have a VRV account or a rip. Still, this sounds like a good one. more Plum is always good.

I gave up on that show a long time ago. As I just said in another thread, I like it when I was a retarded 14 year old because it was like Adventure Time but EDGIER. I kind of hate it now since when I see it all I can think about is how warped my view of reality was.

That's sad, user. I hope you realize you didn't mature, you just got old and cranky.

I don’t even know what the fuck is going on in this show. I remember I watched it on YouTube till they changed to some channel I have to pay for. What the fuck happened? I think it was the end of season 2 and Beth or whatever went missing

It's hard to summarize, but if you watch it all back to back, it was actually a cohesive plot. Mostly centered around ralph waldo picklechips.

>admitting to being underageb&

Can I get a quick rundown on season 3? What happened since then

I hope your right, but everything I've seen up to this point has proven to me that the change was for the better.

Season 2 was good and actually had a conflict that wasn't all jokes. Then we get season 3 of love crap and emotion lord bullshit.
It's not worth a subscription fee.

The thing that pisses me off most about it is after 3 years of no new content at all they come out and say they're moving to Vrv and if you wanna watch our crappy show originally marketed as a Youtube original then you have to pay a subscription fee.

I watched it, I just looked at the episode summaries, and honestly I could not tell you. it doesn't ring many bells and I don't recall the plot. It was also only 6 episodes though they might have been longer ones?

Why can’t they just upload it on their channel like normal human beings

it aint their fault. they got wrangled into some stupid contractual bullshit that said they couldnt air until after Bee and Puppycat did, so they were sitting on finished episodes for ages while BPC finished (granted it was good, but it was LATE). By the time they got to air, youtube had changed their shit so they couldnt make money anymore.
The problem is why don't they just use their own basic service or glom onto netflix or hulu or something some people actually have, not this one nobody has ever heard of that literally only works on phones

>"animation is expensive y'all"
>"ples subscribe so we can make cartoon"

It's almost like the show is completely forgettable garbage.

nah it's the pacing.
but by all means, spend your time scouring the catalog for places to bitch about shows you don't like. That's fantastic use of your time.

What's the point of subscribing? They don't post any cartoons on cartoon hangover anymore!

eagerly awaiting a mega

ditto. or googledrive, that'd be fine. or a rip on vimeo or what have you.

VRV's been pretty bad. It's basically a more expensive crunchyroll without the extra content to justify the price. There's Funimation but that pretty much only matters if you want dubs. The two series VRV has that might make it worthwhile are Bravest Warriors and Lastman and that's just not enough to justify an extra $3 a month.

I really do want Cartoon Hangover to be a thing but they just do not have enough content to justify the price they're asking for. Not to mention either the site or the app will shit out constantly which makes it even harder to watch.

If they offered Cartoon Hangover at a lower price to match what they've actually got, I'd be more than happy to pay up, but I don't think I'll be renewing after my free trial.

All that said, I think Bravest Warriors itself is doing just fine. They're full length episodes now and they've been fun to watch. Catbug's still cute though it's obvious the VA's going to get too old to keep it up. It's a show worth paying for in the absence of a YT model that is capable of supporting animation, it's just it needs to be on a platform that has *other* shows worth paying for.

>By the time they got to air, youtube had changed their shit so they couldnt make money anymore
that's too fucking bad

>I really do want Cartoon Hangover to be a thing but they just do not have enough content to justify the price they're asking for.
that and Frederator being the cheapest bastards in the industry so you aren't getting your money's worth

I remember before the race to see who can ruin the market fastest by nabbing their own private and utterly separate piece of it, funimation got their own super-premium cable channel, and I already had the highest tier before shit like HBO, and i'm like.. you REALLY think you can be an HBO?
and now that seems relatively sane by comparison. Hangover reminds me of ADHD when they were trying to outcompete adult swim but only make 12 episodes of like six shows

Catbug still sounds cute, he just sounds more like baby grizz now. I think it'll be a while before he really grows out of that role.
then again it has been what, 4 years?

yeah well I'm sure they'd love to tell their bosses "hey lol sorry too bad, you were late, so we won't make money" but the boss isn't going to pay out of pocket to cover his mistakes. even though that is what the law should be.

sugar.. peas..

I read on Jesse Moynihan's Instagram that they were trying to pitch Manly to Netflix. He said it's very unlikely to happen, but it means Frederator is at least still trying.
I hope he gets his own show, I like the weird vibe the short had.

Manly was pretty alright. and yeah he's got his own thing for sure. we need that in the world. more weird personal shit

>More weird personal shit
>after the clusterfuck that tanked AT's fanbase and Summer Camp Island
No thanks, at least from these people

what fucked AT's fanbase is 4 solid seasons with no break, then a sudden hiatus while the show shed major contributors like skin cells and couldn't adapt properly

If the quality of writing is good, your fanbase will still be loyal and keep waiting.

AT did not do this.


Nah, what killed adventure time was the retarded arching narratives.

uh huh

you are the reason OK KO is what it is instead of what it could have been.

I don't mind arching narratives. I wouldn't consider watching SU for a second if it didn't have one. But when those arching narratives are poorly done then the show suffers.

This is still a thing that's happening? I haven't heard anyone talk about this cartoon in like 5 years.

you don't know what a relief it is to hear you praise SU's arcs in the same breath that you bash AT's

It's not going to be one for long if you do't buy a Senor Science melting kit so you can free Cartoon Hangover's budget from being frozen inside a block of frozen ice

Man, now the show's making Danny kill himself. Poor little shit can't get a break.

I mean SU is shit, but that's because the pacing is fuck terrible and they focus the worse things ever.

Bee n Puppycat didn't deserve that great ending after the shit episodes they put out before it.
Still legit mad over Bee being a god damn robot.

I don't entirely get Bee and Puppycat. It's such a short series that was cute and strangely melancholic, and then that last episode was interesting and apparently that's all there is to it. I might rewatch it just to see if I can't piece together what the fuck is going on, but it felt like it was supposed to be way longer or have more seasons. I mean, they just introduced a character who actually does nothing but take up screen time in that last episode, surely they had an actual plan in place to go somewhere with this right?

you actually saw it?
any chance of ripping for the rest of us?

it wasnt that bad before, though yeah the ending was way better, and.. what? that's the best twist ever. it explains everything
well of course it would have been longer if they could...

I know it explains everything, but I hate it for that cause before it was Bee's an unlikable auts.
Plus poor Puppycat never getting freed or that little kid's mom not waking up. Seems like they could of used half that last episode to deal with those things instead of the squid song.

Fred Seibert's been saying a couple times that Nat's been writing new episodes (at this point I imagine she's been done writing. I think it;s a matter of figuring out what they're gonna do since going the KS route again probably wouldn't be the best idea.

What does the twist explain really? I mean I get her dad is a scientist and she doesn't like water, but what else??

Why she's so ridiculously out of touch, why her parents are nowhere to be seen, why she can understand puppycat, why she needs so much food, why despite being a lazy piece of shit she makes a good hero when put to work...
and shortly beforehand they established that she's unnaturally heavy too.
I wouldn't be shocked if she's only like ... a few years old. I forget, did we get any solid answers on how long it's been since her dad was around?

I didn't even pick up on the water thing. that is a good notice.

anyone got a mega of the new season?

I would love to check it out