Batman's having an affair
Batman's having an affair
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He's Cheating On the Cat.
Blackcat more like dead fish am I right.
damn, i confused black cat and catwoman. fuck it.
I've always imagine that Selina would be up for a threesome. Maybe it's just me.
Wonder Woman doesn't deserve this.
Mom's gonna freak
Good. Selina is trash.
>cuckquean Catwoman
Yes. I like this a lot.
The article doesn't really say that.
Batcat is dead.
Wonder Woman can't catch a break even when her relevance and popularity is higher than its been in decades.
tbey are tying her with Batman because DC wants to make her queen of DC. Batman is king of DC but he never had another character to rule with, blame her recently surge of popularity for them being tied together. Also I doubt they be a thing, it's probably just going to be them both having feelings for each other. Selina and Steve will still be their partners and BM/WW are still not going to be in a full on romantic relationship.
Consider the source of the news and move on.
More like King is using Diana to be the jealous friend whosecertly loves Bruce. like Selina even fucking compares.
Fuck King. Why cant he just write them as friends. Diana would be wary but she wouldnt do shit like this. No one gives a fuck about Selina. Only in King's book does she get attention.
So glad Sharp's book is out on the 21st next month.
>King is using Diana to be the jealous friend whosecertly loves Bruce
King is capable of doing that.
If this means the death of muhCat muhBat I can't really complain.
Fuck King tho
SuperBat > WonderBat > SuperWoman
Wonderbat is shit. But ignoring that, can we at least try to get some mileage out of the engagement? For fuck sake, they're not even married yet, and we're reverting to this cheap ass drama. It's forced shipping like this that keeps Diana going in circles, and does her no favors.
>Consider the source of the news and move on.
No, you read the link and then realize it doesn't even make that claim in the first place.
Blind source complaining is retarded, you should only complain about the source if you think it's claiming something without evidence and isn't reputable enough to count as evidence in itself.
The story that link is about by the way is *Superman* and Wonder Woman being stuck together for 1,000 years in Valhalla, and it explicitly reveals to you the fact that Superman doesn't cheat on Lois with Wonder Woman even after all that time.
Being a Dianafag is suffering
poor Diana,
What will most likely happen is King using Diana as temptation and Bruce rejecting her like a thot because Batcat is true love or some shit.
Diana doesn't deserve thia.
From Batcatbatcatbatcatbatcat to cheating, King has shown he can take an interesting concept that was wanted by most and handled it in an abysmal way.
What hurts is that in the Clark crossover, he basically said how much of a bro they are and their love for their partners got stronger.
With Diana, he's going to throw her under the bus and do exactly as you said.
Fuck why does DC hate Diana so much? Her solo went down the toilet too with the Fourth World nonsense.
Nah, even with the clark crossover, they weren't as much bros as they should have. It felt too distant.
Well that's because King has no idea how to write these characters. But it's obvious in his mind he at least TRIED to make them feel like bffs in his own retarded way.
With Diana it's going to be 100% shit.
More like
>SuperBat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WonderBat > SuperWonder
The thing is that writers have developed Bruce and Clark's relationship as ftiends, they have chemistry, and they have a strong friendship.
But when it comes to their relationship with Diana the writers always have to shoehorn romance some way and it's usually her pinning for them.
And if BC is not BSing it's going to be Diana trying to get it on with Bruce while he rejects het for Selina. It's like how she was depicted being in love with him in Blackest Night (because the Rucka couldn't find anyone in her own franchise to love or give her a familial and platonic love for Cassie and Donna) and then Morrison had her save Bruce with Clark, but in the end Bruce ends up looking for Selina in one if his comics and they both fuck.
Also let Diana intetact with other heroes in the Justice League and be friends with them, build up a friendship with Barry, Hal, Jessica, Simon, and Cyborg. Also give me more of her being friends with Arthur and Mera.
What the fuck is with Sup Forums‘s hatefor Catwoman?
She’s easily one of DC’s best characters and is better than Wonderthot.
Hopefully Batman pushes Diana aside like he should.
We don't hate Catwoman. We hate how DC is treating Diana and Dianafans like utter shit.
No one gives a shit about Batman's relationship with Catwoman or anyone else but they should stop shitting on Diana every opportunity they get.
Also, I said it before and I'll say it again. Diana does not fit in the DC universe with the other DC heroes. Especially not in the Trinity.
Didn't Catwoman work as a prostitute? Or if Rebirth is bringing back old continuity does that mean the daughter she had with old man Slam Bradly that she gave up for adoption still around?
King has stated that he finds Superman boring and he doesn't get the character so his Clark came out pretty generic with Bruce acting awkward around him. But Lois and Selina just acted like they were BFFs for life.
I would like to see a proper WW and Fourth World crossover but not with fucking Grail and Diana's Thane tier of a brother. Seeing how those two properties are hard to write for most writers they would fuck it up anyway.
getting cucked by wonder woman is nothing to really be ashamed of
Oh boy this divorce is gonna be epic
WonderBat is cancer.
It's only cucked if Bruce wants Diana but reading that article it looks like Diana will be denied and the one that gets cucked once Bruce rejects her for Catwoman.
King's OTP is Batcat.
Catwoman is/was a prostitute
>Also, I said it before and I'll say it again. Diana does not fit in the DC universe with the other DC heroes. Especially not in the Trinity.
So much this. Wondie is always the third wheel in the Trinity.
Assblasted Taliafags and Dianafags, and a mix of people who can only relate to Bruce when he's miserable and alone
I don't understand the mentality of shippers. What kind of a self-respected Dianafag would ever ship her with Batman? or even Superman
Fuck all of them and fuck the writers.
You mean Wonderbatfags, Bruce can have Selina for all I care.
Leave Diana out of this.
Batcat can burn for its problematic fan base alone. Full of venomous, rude, opposite of polite SJWs. Any ship with that kinda support deserves to go.
Right? I can barely buy Diana and Steve. Diana probably works best single
Just read Batman #39. Or was it Action Comics #761? Honestly, it's hard to tell. They have the same plot; you just replaced Superman with Batman.
Yeah I agree. Diana is meant to be single anyway based on the way her golden age and her behavior in the first JL run. She is too devoted to saving people than worrying about relationships.
Diana she’s wearing his cape.Obliviously something happens in the issue that fans would take to be romantic. Maybe they kiss or something...I dunno
>bat relationship drama
And dropped.
King has confirmed that this is pretty much correct.
Wonderbatfags BTFO.
>all this salt over Bleeding Cool clickbait article they didn't even read
And it's based on a random gossip saying "remember that one Action Comics story? It's like that but with Batman," to boot. I bet that's not even right.
>King has confirmed that this is pretty much correct.
Literally nothing in this article is about an affair between Batman and Wonder Woman.
I am more open to Batman and Diana, then Superman and Diana
Yeah, I just saw the posts above mine. Apparently no one in the creative process caught the similarity.
At least when Action Comics #571 was published Diana wasn't in a relçationship with anyone. Now she is with Steve Trevor.
Will they make Diana willing to cheat on Steve just to make BatGod look more amazing? Really?
Then I refuse to believe that Wonderbats are actual Wonder Woman fans.
Wonderbat-fags are dumb shippers who don't understand either character. Just look at Spoiler
Bat-Cat Bat-Cat Bat-Cat Bat-Cat Bat-Cat Bat-Cat
Sounds more like Batman will fight temptation from Wonder Woman and remain loyal to Selina.
Because apparently Wonder Woman only exists to try and sex Batman or Superman.
>it's King writes a character he know fuck all about to make his OTP look good
Poor Diana.
She became an extra in her own book and now King is writing her.
Maybe she won't be completely fucked in BM/WW mini
Liam Sharp likes Batman/Wonder Woman pairing.
She will be terrible in it.
>Bruce cheating while being engaged.
Too bad it won't happen, would totally be on par with his character tough.
not only will it not happen, but it'll be revealed that while bruce contemplated cheating, selina did in fact cheat, but it's not bad because cheating and wanting to is equally bad or some shit
you must be 18+ to post outside Sup Forums
Would he fuck Wonder woman? Now I am interested, I always wanted someone to basically destroy this ship forever.
Tom King had a twitter thread about how bad he felt ripping off Action Comics #761 by accident.
Right. Okay. Sure this isn't just Rich trying to drum up some drama to get them clicks so he can roll in that sweet ad money?
>by accident
sure dude
it sounds more like the "trapped in a dimension fighting demons" is the rip off and not the "maybe cheating!"
Well. I uh...I got nothing. Goddammit.
Why the fuck would Diana want an autistic man-child in bat pyjamas when she has Steve?
Because Batman is the most popular DC character so naturally every woman belongs to him.
Jesus Wonder Woman fans are some projection-loving bitches. Get over yourselves, you're pathetic even for fanboys.
>finally stopped being Superman's cocksleeve
>now gets to be Batman's cocksleeve
>also her book got hijacked by Johns' shit Fourth World ideas
Can we go back to 2016 when Diana actually got positive attention from DC?
While I like the idea of Diana OCCASIONALLY crossing over into New God territory, they really went overboard. I blame Grail and Johns. You would have thought that they would have done more with Donna instead of leaving her in limbo via Titans
What's up with you? Why are you mad?
Because Batman is the protagonist and and his writers write him as the ultimate irresistible playboy and all the women want him.
the whole last arc of Titans was about Donna
He even showed himself downloading the comic to read it, kek.
I understand both character perfectly. And i woukd rather them have a friendship over anything else especially nowadays when King is writing Diana like thus and Bendis 'i kove to ignore continuity for drama' might even bring up SMWW when taking over for Action. Im a WWfag over a shipper fag.
Rucka is the onky goid thibg she had thus rebirth. Her brother wasboring as fuck and nade no sense. The grail shit was hella forced.
Sharp is the only other bright side since its continuing Rucka's work. As well as him not having firced drama because unlike King he is gonna respect Steve and even Selina's place in thelivesof Diana and Bruce.
Shut up, Spoiler
I'm pretty sure Tom King writes Batman as the ultimate autistic manchild and all the women wonder "who in god's name could want him?" And the answer is no one but Catwoman, because she's almost as fucked up as he is.
>Rucka is the onky goid thibg she had thus rebirth.
Eh, I enjoyed Fontana's issues. Especially the WML pandering. That was very much for me.
Those were okay too. They had the advantage of not being written for trades which was Rucka's main problem.with the stuture he chose.
>the difference will be that Superman was tempted but refused and Batman is simply too autistic to be tempted
batman and wonder woman are more tied from justice league cartoon
It can be both Bruce being autistic and loving Selina because she shares his autism.
Diana as always is just the thot, I'd be surprised if Steve is even mentioned.
Okay Batman is Superman replaced but does Diana try to get with him like she does in 571.
Even if Bruce pining is unrealistic since King has stated that both are basically settling cuz tok.damaged for anyone else
>First Wonderbat story in a long-ass time
>Writer turns Diana into a cheating whore
WonderBats don't really like Wonder Woman. They like Batman.
Quints confirm
And what does this have to do with Wonderbat. We arent happy with this story. I knew from the begining it was gonna be shit. King cant write any non Selina relationship. Everyone is written down to boost her up.
Its fucking Wonder Woman. Selina doesnt even compare to the gum on her boots. Fuck Tom King. He cant write for shit.
>a story written by Tom "BatCat" King is a Wonderbat story
Sweetie the story is about how much Bat loves Cat. Bat is going to BTFO Wondie. Tom King will always protect his Cat waifu at all cost.
then grow up loser
You're not wrong but the story is mostly going to be about how BatCat is true love while Diana is just the temptress.