After Egoraptor whored out to let's plays, after Happy Harry stopped making anything, after Edsworld died... he's still at it. And even when HotDiggedyDemon and Master Aardvark only upload something about three times a year at most, Sexual Lobster keeps uploading shit to BOTH of his channels on what is pretty much a regular basis.
How does he do it? How can one man have such a seemingly endless creative output? And is this his most ambitious work yet?
Why are you posting a Ruskie cuck who let his cousin die in every thread?
David Jenkins
Sexual Lobster is the JoJo of newgrounds
Colton Myers
>not choosing the superior ending kate dying was the patricians choice
Oliver Bailey
Without a shadow of a doubt. I've been following his shit since he started up in 2005, and it's never let me down or bored me all these years. I'm proud to have contributed to a handful of videos and comics of his. Fernando and Gooseman are an infectious duo, I've never seen anyone dislike them or find them uninteresting to watch.
Jaxon Reyes
Don't get me wrong, I did choose that even though the ending sequence isn't as good. I'd never choose money over muh cousin.
Nolan Morris
He's on welfare, you know.
Asher Lee
Why talk about this?
Dominic Gonzalez
To let you know why he's able to upload animations regularly.
Xavier Taylor
Welfare is a great thing.
Henry Bell
nice welfare trips
Austin Davis
And he actually does something with it, instead of simply using it as a tool to leech off of others
Cameron Gutierrez
>implying I'd let Roman die I bet there are also heartless fucks who sideded with playboy x in this thread
Michael Collins
>No actual discussion about Sexualobster
Alright then. Favourite flash?
>Essence of Manwhore for dialogue >Donut Quest for action set to music
Matthew Reyes
This and I remember in one video he has a semi wealthy anonymous donator paying him to keep animating.
Dance of the manwhore, my love at first sight. >It's been 8 years since it was released Oh god no.
Daniel Sullivan
That flash was the renaissance of Sexualobster, when he really stepped his animation and illustration quality from the Greasy Moose days and went into overdrive. Angry Dog was the transition phase.
Nicholas Evans
>No actual discussion about Sexualobster
Good. That just means that there's nothing to shitpost about. Bless SexuaLobster and bless Greasy Moose.
>For the last year get reminded of the manwhore flash, but not know the name of the character or where it came from, despite having seen it at it's inception many years ago. >agonize over it for weeks, trying to remember what it was about >all but certain that I will never know it's name, thinking it was just some niche one-off flash from newgrounds that no one will remember. >this thread pops up Thank you Sup Forums
Hunter Reyes
he's invincible and there's no effort to mitigate or balance that. he's bro from homestuck if hussie never felt the need to make him retroactively a creep, or doflamingo if he just wasn't a bad guy. nothing flaps him, except maybe damage to his carpet.
James Foster
>nothing flaps him, except maybe damage to his carpet.
Don't forget those freaky fucking lizardmen.
Landon Wright
I never understood why people got so upset egoraptor went to something he actually gets paid to do. Sure I miss him animating too but he doesn't really owe that to me or anyone. You could make the argument that his fans got him to where he is now but even that seems like such entitled behavior to me. Besides, there are a lot of new animators that are pretty enjoyable so I'm not that caught up in trying to stay in the past.
Dominic Morgan
lizardmen are the opposite of what bothers gooseman. Battling repulsive reptilians from the nether regions of hyperspace is the bread and breakfast of gooseman. Ever since he defeated the great lord zorgatron in lizard combat - and I'm an lz fanboy talking here - he's had nothing to be afraid of THE LIZZAAAARDS.
Fernando however is probably quite scared.
Liam Powell
I enjoy the log ones with real animation. Bruce Wizard is the best
Julian Cook
Trying to do real entertainment on Youtube is a quick path to welfare.
Because let's plays are fucking retarded and shouldn't exist. All it was, was Youtube shifting its massive userbase onto a bizarre new entertainment form that got old with in the year. Tending data on Youtube implies the year let's plays got big was the year Youtube finally lost its momentum and actually didn't grow at all. There's a reason that shit isn't top promoted video anymore. Not that the new stuff is any good either.
Egoraptor gets paid to Youtube, but goddamnit Youtube is run by a bunch of fools who don't know anything about media as a business, and they hope that somehow, as if by magic, technology innovations are going to make toy unboxing anything but the complete dead-end it is always was.
Luis Morris
Yes he is. I donate to the man's patreon because I want to do my part to keep him making his sweet, sweet, greasy animations.
Parker Taylor
Who is the best interactive "adult" animator? Loops and movies get boring after a while.
Ryan Jackson
Not only is he a invincible, he is so chill and mellow you tend to forget how powerful he really is.
He is like Rick done right.
Julian Roberts
Worlds Greatest Manwhore is pretty much the plot of Battle Tendency.