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Everybody *can* be beautiful, thick, thin, buff, or whatever, but not everyone *is* beautiful. It takes effort. The lady third from the right? I'm pretty sure she's dying.
Also, idk what's wrong with Vivian? Like, her lipstick's smeared; she's not being "discriminated" against, she just needs a minute.

there are attractive people, so what?

Pink haired chick has the clone high tattoo

Also the message in this image has about the depth of piss in a kiddy pool.

Why do far right types hide behind progressive shaming shit like this when sticking it to the "ess jay dubyas and liburals"?

> Everybody can be beautiful

No they can't. Everyone below 4/10 has been cursed by their genetics and there is no escape. Some people don't even have any deformities their face is just fucked. Genetic lottery is a bitch, but lying to them doesn't make anything better.

>sticking it to the "ess jay dubyas and liburals"?
Why are you speaking like a nigger?

A lot of the people on the right/left can be beautiful / handsome / passable if they put in effort like says:

1. lose weight
2. style your hair / shave
3. get in shape

Vivian in the corner there just needs to shave her legs and fix her make-up a bit

Despair of the Endless has no right to complain, this is helping her.

Suicide is painless

Saying "everyone is/can be beautiful" is like saying you have to be beautiful before you can join the party with all the beautiful people and finally enjoy life

>covered in tattoos
Pick one and only one

Is this a real game?

Sadly no. I also don't know if it's based on any specific visual novel with those choices.

He's speaking like the right's nutjobs. Where do you think black speak came from? The north?

>covered in tattoos

Where da fuck am I?

That's so retarded I can't even tell if you're joking or not.

>I also don't know if it's based on any specific visual novel with those choices.
>Sup Forums is so far gone people no longer recognize Excel Saga
Why am I still here?

I don't know why I always ask if something is a real dating sim. The answer is no every time.

You can make a huge change by taking care of yourself, I know from experience. That doesn't mean it works for everyone and you have to find out what works for you which might take a while, but there are very few people who legitimately can't improve how they look with a bit of effort, and even those people can work on how they act, which also makes a huge difference.

Of course, There is more than just looks. Personality, Interests, Money. Everybody could be beautiful if you become a good enough person.

But if you are a poor ugly mean weird person. Nobody will call you beautiful.

this girl isn't bad at all though

all she needs is to fix her make up and shave her legs and she can be legitimate waifu material I still think she's cute as she is though

Holy shit this isn't Dobson? What manner of blood magic is this

She was specifically meant to be "people who don't / aren't good at / applying makeup" in the group of "people who don't fit in to tumblr beauty acceptance", and it's interesting that it manages to work so well while being missed so hard. The artist likes to rant about this and I'm amused to see it happen in real life.

How is this Sup Forums related?

This picture does need an outraged Greg Fluhrer on the not accepted side as far as I am concerned.
Because he is technically on point for good-looking without fitting conventional sexbomb adonis status.
But he's a guy and not a feminist.

If you're not beautiful, just go to a surgeon and let yourself be made beautiful. Also, go seek the help of a personal trainer who helps you with advice how to become beautiful and healthy and fit.

And get money. Lots of money. Having really lots of money will always make you look beautiful and worthy of respect, even if you don't use the money to pay surgeons to make you look beautiful. Just having lots of it will make the beautiful people throw themselves at your neck just so that they can get your beautiful money.

Technicaly a political cartoon.

A really quick edit, I'm not the best artist but hopefully you can see what I mean. The middle ones all wear makeup and clearly spend time on their look, everyone else looks like they haven't seen a mirror or a razor in years. Dude on the right just needs clothes and a normal pose and he will look perfectly normal, the other one needs a shave. Applying makeup isn't hard to learn unless you have some disability. Fat lady looks like a chronic alcoholic and is very clearly a product of years of neglect. Having vitiligo is a tumblr fetish, but besides that it's the one thing that can be done nothing about in this whole group. For left side they all need a haircut and to take care of their hair. Indian lady needs to buy pants that help her hide the belly and pluck her eyebrows, the neckbeard desperately needs a shave, having too much facial hair is disgusting on both men and women and only takes a short while to fix. Fat lady and the skinny one need better bras.
While it's a matter of luck and genetics if you look like a hobo and whine that nobody finds you attractive then it's your own fault, some people have to put more effort into looking normally but if you don't even make an attempt you have no right to complain you're not as attractive as people who spend hours on their looks.

What is you point here?
You think that having the outgroup-people look neglected and badly advised undermines the artist's intention of demonstrating the myopic nature of popularized ideas of expanding beauty standards?

>you have to be beautiful before you can join the party with all the beautiful people and finally enjoy life
this is a universal truth

>Excel Saga
that's an anime, not a visual novel you dummy

I'm not going to pretend attractive people are all pretty inside, but your example reflects my experience with how shallow and insecure the average and below crowd are.

Are you making an ironic point or just baiting?

No. Everyone can be passable, but beautiful is something only a few chosen ones can be born as.

>Are you making an ironic point or just baiting?
I'm not ironic nor baiting
I was just stating a fact

If everyone could be beautiful, the word would lose its meaning. It would be synonymous with "ordinary". Beautiful is supposed to be remarkable, unique, rare. People would just come up with a new word to describe those things.

Saying that everyone is beautiful is meant to show that every person has a value and not looking like a model is perfectly acceptable. It doesn't say that neglecting yourself is beautiful. So yes I think that showing people who are ugly due to their own failure to take care of themselves versus people who aren't naturally pretty but rather use makeup and spend time to look that way misses the point.

but they still look ugly

>not looking like a model is perfectly acceptable
Alright. But 'acceptable' =! 'beautiful'

why do child rapist always come here to complain about the far right?

Why do none of these strawmen ever talk about inner beauty? Uggos aren't unattractive because of their looks.

They're drawn in an exaggerated art style and I didn't spend too much time trying to change them. Guy on the right is normal in every way but the artist decided he's ugly by giving him exaggerated pose and proportions.
It's a slogan, "everyone is beautiful" sounds far better than "everyone can look acceptable if they put some effort into it".

This is Kevin Bolk, he's Dobson's little brother.

Stop this now!

I seriously hate KB more than dobson. At least dobson is bullied and hated as he deserves but KB is still popular and invited to cons. While he can't even draw human with normal-esque proportions. And the worst part of him is that he is pretends to pander to SJW crowd while still drawing sexualised characters. What a fucking miserable human being.

Dobson memes are funny as feck

Are you sure you aren't just talking about a regular cartoonist?
Because I really haven't seen anything that would mark this guy out as legitimately bad in any way.

>women cant be ugly, but fuck neckbeards
Tumblt all needs to be killed

>pander to SJW crowd while still drawing sexualised characters
What's weird about that? SJWs are one of the biggest hypocrites, they love plenty of media that has nothing to do with the values they claim they hold and just has one sometimes more visible selling point for them.

Did you even look at it? Did you read it? Who are you trying to whine about, the artist or the people who the artist is making fun of? Because neither claims that women can't be ugly.

Haven't you see the OP's pic? :^)

Isnt the middle the original while the rest is an add on from a different artist?

The art style matches, why would you think it is? It's clearly trying to point out bullshit of the people who try to claim everyone is beautiful while only encouraging very specific standards. It's not doing a very good job of that but that's a completely separate matter.

The point is that the Tumblrina's who share just the middle portion of the picture would never consider dating the people on either side of the middle. A blue haired Tumblr who rants about "body acceptance" and destroying beauty standards would never want to fuck a neckbeard. They're hypocrites.

Yeah, that is kinda the criticism of the piece, isn't it?
The exclusionary nature of supposed inclusivity initiatives.

Yes. The sentiment seems reasonable.
Pushing aside everything that does not conform to a set beauty standard while claiming that "everybody is beautiful" is a hypocritical load of bull.

What would you do to improve it?
One could test if he's a s shite as Dobson by presenting him with ideas for improvement and seeing what he does with it.

Neckbeards, as the name suggests, don't take care of themselves so no wonder nobody wants to be with them. And last time I checked tumblr went far the other way, drawing ugly art on purpose and being angry at attractive people because in their mind that's progressive. You're making things up just to be angry at them.

There whole point is body positivity, the fact they reject men for doing the same thing as them shows theyre hypocrites

the fact you can't see anything bad at the first glance is an example that this chart is true
He's worse than SJW that way
> the fact they reject men for doing the same thing as them shows theyre hypocrites
The guy with fedora DIDN'T do the same thing as the women in the middle. He's got bodyhair (which is disgusting on everyone, fuck you manimists) and is way fatter than any of there, even if he would care of himself in the same way as the women he still would be uglier because men must work extra hard to beautiful as a women.

weird, i see fat neckbeard crossdressers getting thousands of notes of praise on tumblr for being progressive. maybe you should rebrand yourself.

>What would you do to improve it?
I'm not entirely sure what the artist was trying to convey so I'd start with making the message clearer. If the point is to show bullshit of "everyone is beautiful" people it should depict people who are ugly but take care of themselves, and make the attractive people attractive without makeup. If it meant to show that those people don't care about actual beauty at all and want fake makeup beauty then the message was very unclear. Either way the "ugly" people shouldn't have comically exaggerated features and signs of neglect because most ugly people in reality aren't nearly as bad, and adding makeup on the attractive people makes them appear less genetically fortunate and more like they worked on it, which depending on the point it was trying to make defeats it.
The women are depicted the same way if you haven't noticed. People criticizing neckbeards are often into bara, who are just as fat the difference being that they don't look like mass murderers. There are two types of people who dislike neckbeards, people who hate fat and people with any basic aesthetic taste. People who preach body positivity and criticize neckbeards are in the second category.
This image is fake you know.

The point is that the girls in the middle are "Hollywood ugly".
They could only ever be considered bad-looking or insufficient by standards of runway modeling.
Not sure if you caught that giant Dove campaign this is based around.
Shit vid, but it shows what I mean.
It's basking in its magnificent inclusivity with the lit-up portion reflecting what they show you in the commercials. Women who are notably different, but all clearly good-looking, well kempt, styled, wearing makeup and posing under professional supervision.
Which is as far from "everybody" as you can get while keeping a veneer of inclusivity and progressiveness.
This is demonstrated by a number of types you won't see portrayed in that manner on the sides.
The guys who are even physically shoved out of the shot, the elderly, the poor, the handicapped, the unsightly. And guys in general.
They don't want "real people". "Real people" don't look remotely like that. That's the idea. It's a bit on the nose with the stereotyping, but I do see it as a statement of solidarity with the neckbeard and the shy girl and the vitiligo guy and so on. That campaign is still nothing but a commercial selling you an impossible standard. They just slightly lowered the bar from like 1% to 2% or so.
It's neither inherently body positivity or fat acceptance, I'd say.
Just calling TV fake where it claims to be real.

Then, as I said, the excluded people should be just normal or below average people not ones that look like they've been homeless or dying for years. I don't think anyone but the mentally ill SJW types would argue that those people should be considered anything but ugly.

The point is not that these people should be dragged in front of cameras.
The point is people are ugly, who the fuck are you trying to kid here?

>people who don't fit in to tumblr beauty acceptance
I'm pretty sure I've seen more than a few of the ones outside the box that aren't males, drawn on tumblr in some kind of way. The statement barely works.

Most people aren't nearly as ugly as the ones depicted, they are clearly ugly due to their own actions and could look much better if they put some effort into it. If you want to show that the current "body positivity" messages are unfair then you should use realistic examples not edge cases made even weirder on purpose with the art style. Then you have one random guy who looks normal in every way except his pose, so the message isn't even consistent.

The artist might have also been exaggerating to prove a point.

>picture posted in 2015
>Sup Forums talking about it now

That defeats the point though. The point is that the beauty standards are very narrow, so making people who are very far from them be excluded isn't in any way weird or unexpected. If the point was that anyone who's even slightly differen't isn't be a part of that group then the examples should illustrate that.

More or less right. Beautiful is beyond some people but effort isnt. Its easy to see if you take care of yourself or if you have any confidence. And a fat ugly guy with bad skin and greasy hair is harder to like if he doesnt even fucking try. Regular hygiene and a little effort into your appearance goes a long way. Theres a difference between Jonah Hill and that guy slamming sandwiches at arbies im the corner who just doesnt give enough of a damn to wear a bigger shirt and wipe hos fuckin nose.

Look at benadict cumberbatch! Genetics did him NO favors but he carries himself like he isnt an abomination and BEHOLD! Docter Sherlock Strange gets movies and a legion of people that wanna fuck him.

There's a lot of people who don't mind or even like fat guys, but almost nobody likes a whiny unkempt bitch who would rather blame everything around than realise that for 99,5% of people life isn't handed on a silver platter and everyone has to work more or less on what they have.

>body hair is disgusting on everyone
Wow, terrible taste.

>posts collected within the span of four days
>no example "common sentence structure on Tumblr"
>no example "common phrases used by Tumblr users"
>no example Sup Forums posts
>"Rate per 100,000" is a meaningless statistic without details
>no other information provided about the algorithm, comparisons, or implications of research

I've seen theses and dissertations on with more legitimacy than this.

This is fake, this was initially some statistic regarding something completely unrelated to tumblr in any way. I'm pretty sure the bars were made much longer than they were too but I don;t remember enough to be absolutely certain.


>Everybody *can* be beautiful, thick, thin, buff, or whatever
I remember being that naive. I used to be a nice guy who pretended looks weren't important, and all that mattered was inner beauty. Then someone set me up on a blind date with an honest to god hunchback. this bitch had snuggle teeth, lopsided beaty eyes, a bald spot, a freaky little baby arm... I could go on.

I learned my lesson: never treat ugly people like people.

Not Sup Forums

Short men can be beautiful as women but they will never be HANDSOME as men, checkmate.

You just described someone really ugly, that's not a reason not to treat someone like a person, that's just a reason not to date. Unless she turned out to be annoying which you failed to mention.

Neither will you, what's your point?

>giant titties
>VA benefits

I'm all over this

If it helps i find neckbeard and old bald man attractive

>I used to be a nice guy

Why Sup Forums is overcomplicating somethibg SO SIMPLE that conveys well the message? Why are you guys so AUTISTIC?

these are the things only gay men can truly aprecciate

It doesn't convey the message well. It tries to complain that plain people aren't considered attractive by the message that claims everyone is, but it uses examples that border on disfiguration to show it.

If everything is beautiful, does that mean no one is ugly. And if no one is ugly, does that mean no one is beautiful?

speaking as a lifelong breeder I like me some hair on my women esp. south of the border

> hairy butts
ew, no

>Just give them long hair
Criminal. Short hair is best.

I think that you don't got the simple message.

Go back to dead, Syndrome.

>Why are you guys so AUTISTIC?
Where do you think we are?

how is puberty treatin ya?

That's old. It was critisising progressive movements that touted 'everyone is beautiful' message while only showcasing a very clean standardised range of people.

Anyway for some reason I'd stopped reading Bolk.

If they didn't exaggerate the ugliness, you know someone who can't pick up on cues would just misunderstand it even worse.

The point is just that in these sorts of shoots that attempt to prove that different bodytypes can be beautiful they still tend to use fairly attractive (albeit unconventionally by todays standards) people which effectively means that if you aren't even unconventionally attractive (i.e. you are outside the middle square) they're probably going to make you feel just as bad as the thing these sorts of shoots are purporting to be against (regular modelling that gives people unrealistic standards of beauty).

The middle square is also better lit and are wearing makeup which again presents them as above normal ugly people which (seeing the entire purpose of the exercise is to promote people having a positive body image) is also not necessarily helpful as when looking at your bathroom mirror chances are the lighting or your make-up is not professionally done.



It didn't work for the black lady and I wanted to make it at least slightly different than the originals.

>being so dumb that you velieve into any random sourceless graph on Sup Forums

Really user, are you underage? From reddit?

Any person with brains would also inow that Sup Forums would be the board that mostly would have that, not only because of the size, but because 70% of the threads are about the subject.

The worst anons, are the dumb ones that think that they are smart.