Why do you even enjoy reading capes? Is this just what allows your autistic escapistic fantasy to flow without reality's limits? Because that's the only potential worth I can see in them. They are not relatable in any way, have no connection to reality whatsoever, and spread the toxic idea that as a normal human being, you are useless, and only superpowers can help you achieve anything worthwhile.
>b-but superpowers just compliment their personal qualities like willpower or intelligence
Yeah, I've seen this argument like a 1000 times and it's just dumb. Could Superman defeat Doomsday without his superpowers? Could Iron Man defeat the Skrulls without his suit of armor? Could Green Lantern defeat Sinestro without his ring powers? No, because capes are pure retarded power fantasy material.
>b-but muh batman
He's pretentious bullshit, his stories are the literal definition of pretentious and edgy with no actual substance.
Why do you even enjoy reading capes...
Why do you even enjoy being a gigantic faggot?
fantagraph shill pls leave
An argument could be done for sports fans all the same
>why do you guys like to watch sports? You don't play them at all
>you aren't betting on teams like racehorses so why does it matter
>your hometown will probably not win the championships so it doesn't really matter
>is it just a power fantasy for having loads of money and fans just for having well built body's and wrestling for pig skin in the mud?
Fans are crazy people that are difficult to reason with, regardless of the jubject matter
It plays on tribalism, personal values, good memories surrounding the sport, and habituation. Comics are about the middle two with a healthy dose of thrown in.
>page 5 and no replies from OP
Abandon thread.
What's there to reply to? No constructive arguments were made. is just a book cover. is vague as shit. The rest are irrelevant.
because it's fun
what are you even trying to say here, all stories should be about normal people because otherwise...what?
I like black and white morality plays. Also art.
Why do you care?
Otherwise they become childish power fantasies meant for nerds to escape into from reality, i.e. the lowest and most primitive medium.
Okay I'll play.
If there are three things humans like, it is a story, having our values elicited, and gossip. We are hard wired for this shit. You have a mythic structure that parallels our own lives and grants a metaphorical form of guidance in dealing with life (which is also endlessly compelling and entertaining when done well), heroes with values an individual shares, and gossip. Or you don't share those values and want to see a demi-god get fucked for them and learn a lesson. Or learn a lesson about your own values.
All this can happen in any form, some people just have a personal preference for it being capes for aesthetic reasons. And gossip, for what are heroes but the popular kids?
Nothing wrong with low art. I love a good steak but sometimes I want a greasy burger.
>You have a mythic structure that parallels our own lives
It doesn't parallel them, our lives have no superpowers.
>grants a metaphorical form of guidance in dealing with life
>literally learning about life from capes
>heroes with values an individual shares
These values are pretentious and essentially really stupid.
>Or you don't share those values and want to see a demi-god get fucked for them and learn a lesson. Or learn a lesson about your own values.
Way to make a primitive medium sound smart. There is zero depth in these "lessons", plus they'll be forgotten once the new writers comes in anyway.
>And gossip, for what are heroes but the popular kids?
Popular kids do not have superpowers because they are real.
Oh, you're being intentionally obtuse and don't actually want to discuss this. Your life clearly has no super powers, like good will or critical thinking.
Any story is just telling of, fiction or not, capeshit or parable.
There is no qualitative divide among them, any type is as valid as others.
The values of a narrative can be various, and certainly do not limit themselves to what OP farted out.
That's a pretty weak bait, worthy of a true moron.
It's the same guy from Sup Forums who does this
Do you get super mad at Aesop’s fables since animals don’t really talk?
Why do I need to justify to some random wanker what I like?
I enjoy what I enjoy that's all you need to know.
Have a nice day.
They are ancient, made back when people were generally dumber. That excuses them.