Who was in the wrong here?
He seemed okay that his son was gay
I think he was in denial.
He was probably more disturbed that his son wanted black cock then that he was gay.
Sean was wrong to be racist.
Virgil and Richie's friendship was so unrealistic. Niggers hate faggots and would not hang out with them like they are friendly. Seriously has anyone seen any black guy with a faggot friend .
Of all the people to be racist towards, he chose one of the most kind spirited heroes in the DCAU. Edgyshit aside, he's in the wrong and should be ashamed of himself.
i'm pretty sure he changed his mind about Virgil after after he found out richie got shot by jimmy.
Why werent Static and Gear in justice League Unlimited?
Racists are pretty upfront about their feelings. Blacks in real life don't waste time trying to correct them on their behavior. They hate it more when whites try to be their friends and understand them. Virgil's dad was the outlier in trying make Richie's dad see the error of his racist ways. It helps that Robert is blunt in his opinions.
Yeah actually. In highschool I knew this one flamboyant ass nigga who was in the JROTC or whatever. They'd make fun of him a lot for being gay and would call him a faggot most of the time, but they'd mostly always laugh it off after nutchecking each other or some dumb shit. Plus, the gay guy would always hang around thick bitches, so they always used that as an excuse to keep him around when asked about it even though they rarely used him for hookups. Because it never worked.
I remember when he got fucked up really bad by some hispanic dudes who were way too old to even be in highschool at the time, just for them to get fucked up in response by the fag's friends. Granted, I live in a northern state so having a gay friend or at least knowing one wasn't too uncommon.
>Seriously has anyone seen any black guy with a faggot friend .
You and your one black friend
Statistically he's right to be suspicious or hesitant to let his son go with a young black male. It's like a 1-in-3 chance that he would be allowing his son to be influenced by a future felon. But in practice he fucked up because Virgil was a good human.
Static was, in the future.
Static was in JLU, well a future version anyway. It was the Chronos arc where Batman, John, and Diana met Terry Batman and old Bruce. As for why they weren't used more, chalk it up as too rookie to join the big leagues
Why?, he voted Obama
I don't buy since Static went crazy with guest appearances in later episodes. He takes out Braniac, The Joker, and Sinestro much easier than the DCAU did in their shows.
That's because A: Its his show, and B: they're technically not canon
>Takes out the main Brainiac controlled JLU crew with ease
Man that episode was corny as shit, but I loved the fuck out of it as a kid.
>technically not canon
We're doing this now?
quite a few of my friends are gay
Hey don't look at me, I loved the Static show (except for that Lil Bowwow shit). WB actively wanted to ignore it though
Virgil wasn't really a hood nigger
his dad was a community manager (former marine)
and his mother was a paramedic
pretty upper class, though still lived in the inner city
Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn was corny fuck with the rap music playing in the background
Upper Class blacks move out of the inner city and into the suburbs as soon as they make money. Virgil's family was probably middle class since they're the only ones who love the community enough to stay and reform it.
True, but I wouldn't call it non-canon just because of that.
Man I fucking miss dumb KidsWB shit, but I'd probably cringe to death if I watched any of it today.
That is because you are a faggot. I meant straight normal niggers.
The JLU was retconned where Static wasn't a bang baby anymore he was a literal test tube experiment by Red Tornado's creator
Stop being so fucking illiterate, you retarded ape.
I mean in the present day.
You mean to tell me the Justice League didnt want to hire the 2 teenagers who cleaned up their city full of super powered gang bangers?
Was his dad against black people or the black super criminals in the city? I also forget if the gay kid was gear, yet. Dad might have just superpowered Black people and knew Virgil was one.
I know I’m reaching, but I’d find it funny.
user he just didn't like black people.
It makes you wonder how Static and Gear handled all those alien invasions in the DCAU
I always thought of a Static Shock and JLU episode being Gear/Static look into who really made the bang baby gas and find out its cadmus
>He thinks it's about skin and not money.
You a dumb nigga.
Richie's dad was 100% in the wrong.
licensing issues
Partially Richie's Father for not realizing that there's a difference between black people and niggers, though the majority of the blame goes towards the niggers being niggers that Richie's Father has to deal with.