This is Panda Delgado

This is Panda Delgado
She's 14 a therefore not legal in any US state or territory

Say something nice about her!

Nice tits

Why is she not a panda?

i want to fuck her dad

She's my underaged Thot waifu.

>make a titty monster
>make her 14
>doesn't even look 14 and could easily be 18

What the fuck Pearson!


She was pretty cute before pearson started making her look 40

Actually Panda is fucking tiny besides her giant tits.

I like it the other way around.

It's not about the height, it's about the other... measurements. She's also said to have no ass but she's still got something back there from what I've seen in the comics.

It's just weird that Pearson created a character like her and made her underage.

I hate this fucking ugly character and dont know why shes spammed so much on /aco/

Some people like Thots.

Panda Delgado sounds like a stripper name.

When your mom was a mega milk and your dad is BUFF HARDCHEESE I'm surprised he isn't curvier.

>but she's still got something back there from what I've seen in the comics.
What comics have you been reading.

Her mom has been in the comics?

Only her outline.

She had massive tits.

Artist for that pic?

>No fanfiction/Image of Panda getting a crush on another girl and going yuri mode.


>Back the Body Bags Kickstarter
>It's over a year late

No Panda + nani or Chel /ll/

90's pedophile edge.

>no Panda x Raven


Pearson is slow worker by default, but that is dialed up to 11 because he kinda hates body bags

She looks too old for my taste, but i can still get off the fact that she's 14

>Panda joins the titans
>Her brash personality pisses Raven off immensely.
>Argues with her constantly
>Found by Starfire hatefucking in the shower.

>tfw no 14yo tittymonster delinquent chicano gf
I had one back in highschool buy she was white and a goody two shoes

I'm surprised he did a Body Bags Kickstarter if he hates it.

well it's his claim to relevancy for the most part. It's his IP and he knows Panda has enough of a cult following that he can make that sweet kickstarter coin by promising more Panda

i see....
thanks for the outline...

It's less that he hates it and more that he doesn't like working on it. From his facebook.

To all the Kickstarter contributors and fans.

Body Bags Don't Die Until I Kill You

I'm late (over a year now)

Understand, that the last time I did a BB series, in '96, I ended up in a hospital, in ICU, with several thousand dollars in personal debt.

So when people ask for another Body Bags story, I want to bash their heads in with a baseball bat.

But here we are.

No complaints. No sob stories. All the pressure is on me, never on you.

This story is all heart. No love. It's as brutal as my perceptions of beauty.

Story is done and art is finally on the train tracks

sorry we are kickstarting this?

i don't understand your fucking reasons for wanting to DO this then, asshole!

Worth going to prison for.

why are artists always such dramaqueens? all we care about is your underage cowtits, shut the fuck about your personal life and deliver

As hot as she is, I wouldn't want to piss off her dad

Which would you prefer: a little whining alongside an update on a project, or the artist staying quiet about everything no matter how long it takes to get the project done?

The impossible third option of getting it out on time/ maybe a little late with no problems/bitching.

Ah, then you want artists to work a 22-hours-a-day manga schedule.

17 hours is more than enough

And art is all any artist should ever do outside of eating and sleeping, right? No human contact, no other hobbies, no free time whatsoever - just art, art, art until they drop dead, right?

mmm yes.

Still worth it.

Who was in the wrong here?

if you're an artist that doesn't deliver then you can't really call yourself a professional artist
just a NEET that does doodles occassionally

Man, I forgot how much he was a dick.

What US territories have laws about sex age? Which ones don't?



I appreciate the information, but these are not territories...

There are like 4 territories where
16 is legal, the rest follow federal law so they have to be 18. Look up "age of consent in the united states" on wikipedia.

Oh shit I was breaking the law of last year, still am

>still am

Better the police/FBI than Clownface. You go down from the chance of getting killed from 100% to 75%-90%

>It's just weird that Pearson created a character like her and made her underage.
she's supposed to be a parody of certain archetypes that were common in anime around the time Body Bags first came out, not to mention Pearson has always been about being edgy

>your dad is BUFF HARDCHEESE
honestly I'm surprised she's not more buff or at least toned personally

>Back the Body Bags Kickstarter
>It's over a year late
yup, what's especially annoying is that he hasn't even delivered on the rewards that don't require any drawing on his part, my pledge was to include autographed copies of the first two volumes, you'd think he'd be able to get those out within 6-8 months of the kickstarter ending at least

I will not be surprised if this ends up becoming Sup Forums's Duke Nukem Forever

one of the important things to keep in mind is that Jason Pearson is probably the angriest and most depressed person in comics who is still alive, there's a reason why 99% of his work output since the late 90's has been covers or pinups, honestly he really should have just stuck to writing this and got someone else to handle the art

It'll be legal in february, this shit's not retroactive right?

Gross. Lack of ass completely ruins it.

From the sound of it,
He was originally making fun of the average D+ cup anime heroines.

Dude, he set the delivery date.

I can appreciate the underage titty monster thot as much as the next guy, but the fact is, her dad's Clownface.

And I don't want to piss off Clownface.

And I don't think he'll accept hearing: She started to undo my belt against my wishes, sir as a valid excuse of why he found Panda deep throating me.

Body Bags pretty much destroyed his career when the pregnant woman was stabbed in the gut.

I live in Texas, there's a 3 year age thing.
If you're 19 you can fuck a 16 year old or older.
If you're 18 you can fuck a 15 year old or older.
If you're 17 you're legal and can fuck a 14 year old or older, but that's where it stops.

I'm 25
Holy shit, what do I do now?

What do I draw? Make it lewd.


>could easily be 18

Emm. user... What kind of 18 years old girls you usually see?


Shit, I could have fucked her!

Panda wearing nipple pasties with the numbers 1 and 4 on them, asking the viewer if he's got the balls to peel them off.

move to Oklahoma, user

Panda in a tiny bikini eating a foot long hot dog or banana

If you're peniscandy then nothing, otherwise [your favorite loli here] lolidomming Panda.

The government already knows you fool, they have been keeping tabs on you the whole time just like the rest of us, they are just waiting for the right time to strike, you've got to start over again with a new identity, there's no going back.
By the way Rusty Shackleford is taken.

more Panda and doubleD
something cute

And then there's THIS guy.

Panda standing next to Star Butterfly trying to hold back laughter. They're the same age right, so you can see why she would be laughing.

>She's 14
Not with those tits.

If youre willing to try to try an animated one, Panda jiggling her tits in a bikini like this.


Why does she have a halo? Did she died?

Eh, I've seen bigger at that age IRL.

How about something with Panda and Audrey? I like the idea of Panda being her "bad" friend who always gets her into trouble, but they always have fun getting out of it together.

No idea, I saved it off thread a while ago so I have no context for the character.

That's wrong by the way. I study law in Texas and there is no statutory age exemption like he said. However you are allowed to use up to 2 years age difference as a defense, just not as a get out of jail free card. It mostly depends on if the parents know or not and consent to you dating. They are the ones that can truly fuck you.

She’s an angel. Her name is Dokuro.

The basic plot is a boy is destined to create a miracle drug that makes women stop aging, and make a “pedophile’s world.” So heaven sends an angel to kill him.

But she falls in love with him and decides to protect him instead. But she’s impulsive and will often kill him in a fit of rage and use her angel powers to bring him back.

Her mom knows, despite being the creep dating a girl 9 years my junior and mostly being in it for the teenage puss I wanted it all to be above board. She's cool with it, I go have dinner at their house once a week, we're cordial to each other, I spent the holidays with them, family roadtrips.
Like an official boyfriend.

So you're fine legally. Just don't ever piss off her parents.


panda would be like wearing a pink ladies jacket as opposed to audrey's sandy esqe poodle skirt look

>14 years
>Big tits

your right
shes 12!

jeez, do boobs have to be a certain size to age ratio or something? so what if she has huge boobs! leave her alone ya dummy.

>thots would rather look like toddlers forever than age and accept that their time has passed like mature individuals
not going to get too deep into how they're technically still adults and it wouldn't be pedophilia per se, but god should have sent angels to kill all women instead tbqfh with you senpai.

Apparently god’s actual problem was that it made the women immortal and tampered in his domain.

>do boobs have to be a certain size to age ratio or something?
yes, it's called biology.
unless a genetic mutation in her family has caused her body to develop as fast as a farm chicken's those big boobs and those child-bearing hips are not of a 14 y/o

even more reason to send angels to kill women

That's it? I'm out of the hot water? Just be chill with the mom and problem solved?

uh, genes?
all the women in my family are like F-G cup, not even that "she has huge tits, but is also 250lbs to support huge tits" either.

just fuck off
