So Sup Forums, pic related has just been transported into The DCU. Which characters would be the most likely to stand in it's way?
So Sup Forums, pic related has just been transported into The DCU...
literally any character who's good enough to at least destroy a city
Dr. Fate.
This movie is a decade late to cash in on the trend
Here's a better question, Imperfect Cell shows up in the Marvel Universe or DC Universe. What happens?
That *really* hinges on which version of Slendy we're using here. If it's the Operator or any lower level versions, then it's business as usual for DC. If it's any of his Fear Mythos incarnations though? Then DC is going to have an utterly horrible time.
>Fear Mythos incarnations
So you're telling me there's a version of superman that can go against someone like the flash, superman or Darkseid?
Just to name a few
Meant slenderman not superman
Remember Amy Pascal's emails? Sony is run by "how do you do fellow children" retarded execs.
The should've chosen Jeff the Killer. That way instead of what looks to be a boring, cliche'd horror shitshow we could've had The Room of the horror genre.
Slenderman doesn't do anything. He just stands there. Like some kind of lamer version of Darkseid.
I'm sure they're banking on the exposure from the little girls trying to kill another girl for make benefit of glorious Slenderman.
Zantana, Dr Fate, Enchantress, John Constantine, any competent high level magic user, any of the gods or New Gods, The Sinestro Corp
And then have more kids thinking this shit is real to try and prison shank their buddy to appease some faceless target to Chris Hansen
Yes, there are indeed versions of Slenderman (and his compatriots) that could throwdown with the likes of dc's heavy-hitters. In fact, some versions make the Fears into Multiversal (or even higher) Archetypes, constants within every single reality there is. Shit gets kinda crazy, all said.
The Mythos is barely alive as is, so it's doubtful that such a thing would happen again. Besides, people are too focused on political shitters to care about something like Slenderman anymore.
He starts eating up D-Listers to boost himself up, moving in shadow, silently consuming more and more rank and file losers until he feels confident enough to strike something bigger.
Cell's Imperfect form was a hungry animal... But one geared toward its own survival, it would act in the interest of successful living, and that would be to eat his way to the top of the food chain.
Or he finds out certain cyborgs running around trigger his evolutionary process.
>Slenderman: who was that guy? AND WHERE THE FUCK IS MY WALLET!?
You're talking like multiversal enemies aren't just another tuesday for the JLA, read some comics you dumb casual.
Satan knows what he's talking about.
Eh, I'm not exactly sure literal cosmic Rapture is "just another Tuesday" for the league, but then again, what do I know? In your own words, I'm just a "Dum Casuaall BloobityGoo".
Raven would rape him. Literally, she would get angry and sexually assault him. She has done this before.
>Implying that Slendy wouldn't enjoy it
He usually has to stalk and assault THEM most times, but this would be a welcome change. Though I'm fairly certain that the Beast would probably shove her away if she tried anything. He's too busy being a fucking angsty nihilistic whiner to care about anyone or anything.
Depends on the run.
Under Morrisons run and a couple runs after, yeah, just another tuesday. Batman will find all the pages and sneak away from Slendy. Azrael shoves a burning sword up Slendys ass and banishes it in the name of God and Supes makes a speech about hope overcoming fear so Green Lantern and him hit Slenderman so hard that the Rake gets bruised.
Slendy's strength tends to fluctuate depending on which version of him we're using. The 'standard' Mythos fare wouldn't be any different than any of the countless other cosmic horrors infesting DC and pwuld likely end up being beaten within the psan of a short miniseries. But the Fear Mythos versions of him though? Those are a whole 'nother story.
For one, there's the Cloudverse version of him, where he's literally a cosmic Hunter created by the Primordials (think the Fear-equivalent to Outer Gods, but even worse), designed specifically to hunt down any reality-jumping sources of energy and exterminate them wherever they might crop-up in the Multiverse, then there's the previously-mentioned Beast, who isn't exactly Pure Evil without a trace of remorse , guilt or any other sympathetic trait, but he's still pretty darn monstrous, as well as being cosmically powerful and capable of throwing down with a coreapsecct of a universe-engulfing atrocity that terrifies even *Outer Gods* (said horror even straight-up eating the Crawling Chaos at one point), even if he was being a bit of cynical cunt about it all.
>For one, there's the Cloudverse version of him, where he's literally a cosmic Hunter created by the Primordials (think the Fear-equivalent to Outer Gods, but even worse), designed specifically to hunt down any reality-jumping sources of energy and exterminate them wherever they might crop-up in the Multiverse, then there's the previously-mentioned Beast, who isn't exactly Pure Evil without a trace of remorse , guilt or any other sympathetic trait, but he's still pretty darn monstrous, as well as being cosmically powerful and capable of throwing down with a coreapsecct of a universe-engulfing atrocity that terrifies even *Outer Gods* (said horror even straight-up eating the Crawling Chaos at one point), even if he was being a bit of cynical cunt about it all.
The JLA strenght also tends to fluctuate, but I mantain, at top form, Morrisons modern pantheon would kick the ass of the strongest version of Slenderman, in a single story arc.
Between the crisises, zero hour, 52, One Million and the current event it happens a lot. This isn't even counting the multitude of stories from individual series that do it, Morrison's run has 5 arcs that qualify alone.
Booster gold and Rip Hunter saved the multiverse with some trickery and the help of a washed up ex athlete, it isn't /that/ hard
Kelly's run they'd get ambushed, two characters get mortally wounded, they go on without them regroup and take the systematically fight the threat. As much of a hateboner he had for the authority he wrote a lot of similarities into his run.
Sounds like a shitty derivative of Mageddon, who got his ass kicked by the JLA
Is SCP and Creepy Pasta connnected in anyway? Also How do I find more on the creepy pasta then the "A person once saw that their cousin saw this" stories.
Fear Mythos is the depths of cancer
If you're eferring to the entity that the Beast fought against then not really, no. Mageddon Was a mindless machine who couldn't truly think, or plan, or compose strategies, and was still bound by *some* universal laws, meaning that it could be harmed and even destroyed. The Lamb and the thing that it was naught but a sliver of, were so titanic and mindshatteringly horrible that not even the Fears, pure Divinities in their own right, come even come close to properly describing the enormity of it all. Most of the time, then art they could grows shall it's operations and fight it's equivalent of skin mites and hope that it would be enough to by them some more time.
Sure. And I bet you think that Lionel Suggs and his stuff is the epitome of "clever writing and wit" as well, hmmm?
I'm no batfag, but Batman would end up shooting him with some kind of Slenderman-killing bullet or something.
*Blegh, so many typoes. This is why I need more sleep*
>Cell finds out cyborg is a Cyborg.
>eats him
And finally Imperfect Cells lips get explained
It really goddamn is. It's nothing but wanking self insert OCs and bad writing.
Are you linkara?
You mean the gut who makes Atop The Fourth Wall? Nope. Don't even know anything about the guy whatsoever, other than him apparently not being a relatively "stable" person.
he's a ghost. You can't stop supernatural entites with traditional brute force, it's like using a hammer for every construction problem.
>Fear Mythos
Anybody wanna give me the rundown on what this is exactly? The wiki doesn't really have an article explaining the thing.
Sad Slender man is getting a movie and legit great creeypastas like 1999 or Normal for for Normal People don't
These. Or Zatanna goes 'On erom namrednels' and is done with it.
You are possibly the cringiest person on earth
Why thank you, my good sir. You too are certainly an embodiment of "cringe" and shitposting.
>Slenderman wankers are a thing
Goddamn it.
Depends. Can Cell eat Ultron and Vision to fuse with thm like he did to 17 and 18?
Slenderman becomes more real as you learn more about him. Does John win by drinking himself into an amnesiac stupor?
It's like you've never used an Nth metal hammer before.
Ahh, Nth Metal. The ultimate cosmic equalizer.
He could blow up the Earth if he wanted to, so that would make him the most powerful serial killer in the world. I can't think of many people who would be able to take him out; it'd depend on how many people he's eaten.
Cell willl absorb Superman
Well I mean he could TRY.
But I mean Superman deals with Parasite, who's absorbing power is much more effective.
Protip: 98% of horror figures stand no chance on a world of supers. They'd just be another villain.
Stop having these stupid threads.
>Stop having these stupid threads.
Nah. Personally, I feel like the vast majority of the nigger-tier Fears could handle most supers, even the cosmic ones.
So like the Engame shit from Worm? Who got beaten by characters weaker than DC ones? Even more pussy shit.
This fear shit sounds autistic as fuck and you don't actually post any abilities or feats, just say "they're scary and gods lol", you're like Itfags or Warhammerfags, you say "my shit wins because reasons" and chimpout when people say otherwise
What If he lands on earth X?
How would the Reich deal with him?
>You can't stop supernatural entites with traditional brute force.
Remember when Midnighter went to hell and punched his way up to Nero?
Managed to find some stuff for one interpretation of the Fear Of Disorientation.
>Chaos, also known as The Coreverse, is a portrayal of the Fear of Disorientation from The Cloudverse and the most powerful member of the Primordials, a pantheon of omnipotent gods that represent aspects of reality or abstract concepts. The entire Cloudverse multiverse is contained within Chaos and separated into different sections of existence known as layers. It can only influence the other layers through the Divinities and Resonators (and to a certain extent all living beings, except the other Primordials), who are all extremely small fragments of Chaos. However, this is complicated due to the free will that they all posses.
>Each layer has its own characteristics, such as the amount of Dimensional Bleeding between worlds, the relative power of the gods, the amount of Resonators per corresponding god, the instability of universes, and the amount of "Weirdness" (e.g. Magic and Eldritch energy) compared to the Omega verse. These traits increase the farther you get away from the core, except for the power of the Divinities, which goes down. Universes within layers often share common traits with other universes within the same layer.
>The structure of Chaos can be visualized much like an atom's, divided into 27 layers, with the first 26 (orbitals) orbiting around the 27th (the nucleus). The layers are each assigned a Greek letter or numeral, the outermost being the Sampi layer, going downward to the center, the Omega Verse.
>Chaos/ Omega layer
>The Center of the multiverse, where everything is born from. Unlike the other layers, this layer only contains one verse: the Omega Verse. The Omega Layer is divided into three different sub-layers: The Surface, The Tunnels of Yggdrasil and the Core. Each of these is the size of countless universes and the deeper you go, the more eldritch it gets.
>The Core
>Where the mind of the multiverse is. Not much is known about it because nobody has ever seen it. It is Omniscient and can see everything that happens in the multiverse. However it cannot influence the universes directly. Time and Space as we know them do not exist here. There is only eternity.
Incredibly vast Tunnel network that connects the core to the surface. There are countless entrances into these tunnels on the surface. Space and time are heavily distorted here. Somehow these straight tunnels run in parallel lines yet intersect at multiple points. The tunnels are fragile and can break easily. Causing any beings inside them to fall through the resulting hole and into the vast void between the tunnels
>Mortals that wander into this tunnels will quickly lose their sanity just by being there.
>The Surface/ The Empty city
>A single surface that's the size of billions of universes. With Cities the size of galaxies and landscapes that stretch as far as any universe. Eldritch geometry is common here. The mind in the Core controls the surface. It can, and will regularly, change the terrain however it wishes. Here it is omnipotent. Any mortals who wander in here will see an empty reflection of their own world.
>Up in the sky are dark grey cloud like formations. These clouds are eldritch/Chaotic energy released by Chaos through Yggdrasil. These clouds gather above the Empty city and drift outward away from the Omegaverse. They form layers of eldritch energy. These layers of eldritch energy clouds are the foundation of the multiverse
>Looking up from the city you might see a brightly colored flash in these clouds that resembles lightning in some ways. These are universes being born by the chaotic energies swirling together.
It depends on what kinda of slenderman. A tt slenderman? A mh slenderman? The shitty fear mythos slenderman?
It's a Sony movie. What did you expected?
Thing is slenderman is probably closer to a 5 dimensional being than just a traditional magic entity or an cthulhu style tentacle monster.
Like he's a lot closer the Gentry or a New God or a monitor thematically
honestly marble hornets version probably a better grant morrison Batgod villain Because He IS the idea of having alzheimer's personified which matches up with the bat epics themes of identity
He's a video camera monster so maybe he'd be a good cyborg villain
Anyone else hope the skully gn is gonna be good?
To be fair, the people who were biggest into Slenderman at his height have only recently started graduating, finding jobs, and spending enough money to generate box office success.
God I'm embarrassed about being so in to this shit at one point. Oh man. Oh shit man. Ahh. I wanna die.
brainlet here, how is stuff like this legal? Isn't Slenderman a thing thousands of people have contributed too? It'd be like making an SCP movie. I do know SyFy has that Creepypasta show, but that's easier cause they can track down the individual writers of the more popular ones. That show is actually pretty good if you're into horror btw
>Could be harmed or destroyed
No actually. He only became vulnerable after Aztek detonated his 5D mirror and even then Superman had to eat his entire anti-sun heart. And even then he had enough energy left over following those attacks to cause a detonation that would have killed 1/3rd of the galaxy.
>It's sooooo big wowwwww
It's a lamer version of the King of Tears and gets punked like the King of Tears did.
Speaking of Worm, what the fuck is up with lame web fiction and lame power wank?
Holy Christ this is some sub-paperback level work. Whoever wrote this should be ashamed of themselves.
Still loses to DC and loses hard.
It's pure garbage, like Worm or SCP level garbage.
Slenderman is not "officially" public domain, but no one could convincingly claim authorship of the character so there's not much risk to making a movie about him as long as they use an original (or "original") plot.
Why were you ever into this shit?
You really should be embarrassed.
Because no one owns the rights to it. Well, Sony will own the interpretation of Slenderman featured in this movie because they're smart and have an army of lawyers.
Odds are they'll try and get the trademark of Slenderman as well.
Remember, copyright and trademark was never about helping writers and creators but about making IP farms as rich and powerful as possible.
>Thing is slenderman is probably closer to a 5 dimensional being than just a traditional magic entity or an cthulhu style tentacle monster.
Oh, take the slenderdick out of your mouth, man. He and the stupid fears are not all that, the just look good because you faggots made a universe without opposition for them. It's the small fish in a big pond problem. If there is a setting with a single low tier wizard and no barbarians to push his shit in he's gonna look like a 5 dimensional being too. A single Toreador vampire is an unstoppable terror in a setting without werewolves or hunters.
But, much like most SCPs and creepypasta, you put one of these guys in a full four colors superhero verse and they start looking like little fishes again. Superman can punch dimensions. Thors hammer can hurt concepts. Dr Fate and Dr Strange have been battling things that would eat the Fears like popcorn, including the conceptual being who represents ALL Fear.
>Hey guys you know that creepy teleporting meme guy in a suit? He's actually a cosmic bad guy bigger than sixty multiverses with all the superpowers and could mind rape like every single fictional character at once. He has no feats because I can't think of any stories to write with him because I'm creatively bankrupt but just read my autistic write ups of his powers and abilities.
>Isn't he cool? Isn't he scary?
I'd ask you to please never breed and pass on your uncreative genes to the next generation, but I really don't think that's going to be a problem.
Someone (or a group of someones) grabbed a bunch of creepypasta, linked them to "Fear of X", with some connections being weak as fuck, made a bunch of forced creepypasta to fill the list, and then decided these were all uber powerful gods with the least being more powerful than Azathot, playing cosmic horror chess with humanity for no reason.
It's shit.
The fears would get their shit pushed so far in if they had to deal with superheros, because superheros are quite used to defeating invincible cosmic threats.
The Slenderman Corps or whatever the fuck they are are basically a lamer version of the King of Tears and the JSA beat it through a combination of super science keikaku, magic, and Jay throwing the speed force at it after absorbing Black Adam's speed.
>Guys the bad guys in our creepypasta are kind of lame and aren't fleshed out at all
>Lol its okay just up their power level it'll be alright
Fucking Worm was better than this.
That's so lame. It sounds like wanking, taking these characters from stories people scribbled out on Sup Forums posts and not only upgrading them to represent a specific kind of fear but giving them incredible cosmic powers that none of them ever use.
Why? Why do they have to b cosmic gods? Slenderman is just a teleporting freak with tentacles. Why the fuck does he also need to be able to juggle multiverses for his stories to work?
because the dude who made it said anyone could do what they want with it
>Why were you ever into this shit?
I don't know. I guess I thought the early stuff was ok but when it started getting crossovers and OC powerlevel Hitler was the messiah - tier shit I gtfo.
It would actually be a dope ass Batman story,
Where there are reports of this slenderman stalking and killing passerbys in the night and it slowly unravels into a supernatural thriller
Not that Batman would be effective against him, but it would be an interesting shift from his normal shit
I still kinda like TT and EMH. when they update. and yes I realize the acting is shit, but I like the effects in TT and the argy emh stuff
This level of anger is not appropriate to the subject at hand.
The Question. They can have a no-face-off. Or it could be a silly mistaken identity arc like in Spider-man or Mario Sunshine. "There goes the well-dressed faceless man that's been photobombing everyone! Get him!"
And if someone does, just change it to "The Hidebehind" as damage control, as Slendy is basically the Hidebehind with a better suit.
Just thought of a comparison. The Fear Mythos is the Darleth to the original creepypastas Lovecraft.
>These guys are powerful aliens with great psychic abilities and technology beyond our imagination so much they're like gods to us and can trample us beneath theyr feet. But a boat upside the head puts Cthulhu back to sleep for a few more millenia.
>They're actual gods!!!! Azathot is God and we're all his dream and if he awakes the universe ends!!!! Even Cthulhu who was a priest of the Older Gods is actually a god too!!!!
And now we're stuck with Chthulhu Mthos fags who think Cthulhu wouldn't get his ass handed to him by the Doom Patrol.
It's the exact same thing.
>All being this collectively assmad over people writing out their own ideas and settings
And you lot wonder why absolutely nobody gives a shit whenever Sup Forums tries to make it's own comics/cartoon-related projects. This, this is the reason.
Nah, 17 and 18 only worked because he was designed to eventually fuse with them.
>Doesn't actually know jackshit about Minecraft or his work but wants to talk utter bullshit about it
Want me ot tell you how I know you haven't read so much as even the simplest piece of genuinely lovecraftian literature?
*Meant Lovecraft*
Only in the same way a weed is like a tree.
It SUCKS. You couldn't pay people to publish this bullshit. Tommy Wiseau was a better writer.
You want to know the real reason Sup Forums projects don't work? Because it always ends up being 1 or 2 people doing all the creative work with the group occasionally giving feedback and yet the GROUP insists that everyone must share credit equally.
The closest anyone has gotten to making a "Sup Forums project" work would be something like Capeworld where it's like an underground zine where everyone that contributes gets credited for what they contribute.
I disagree. I think he is expressing a reasonable level of anger given the kind of people and ideas we're dealing with here.
Also I work with kids and a few years ago a 1st or 2nd grader asked me what I would do if Slenderman showed up. I told him that if Slenderman has a physical form I know karate so I'd just beat him up. The kid told me he has like a million shadow tentacles that could block everything and kill me, and also Slenderman can just mind control you and turn you evil and make you kill people. So I told the kid I wasnt worried because I am SO good that if Slenderman came within close proximity to me he would cower and shrivel away because of my powerful goodness aura. He might even cry and apologize for hurting people and promise to be good from now on. The kid sighed and rolled his eyes and walked away to go play. Sorry buddy but if you're going to ask me stupid questions about impossibly stupid fictional mythological creatures CREATED BY THE INTERNET then you get impossibly stupid answers.
Azathoth started as a pastiche of Dunsany's MANA complete with trumpters instead of drummers to keep him asleep, but he was only a powerful demon sultan. Reality wasn't actually his dream like the Red King until Derelith upped his power level.
All I said was that I'm embarrassed for liking it in the past. You seem pretty assmad to me,friend.