>Marvel artist
>Marvel artist
Other urls found in this thread:
Whats wrong with it?
>hurr helo my frens de artist couldn't trace me so I no have forehead durr
So this is what secondhand embarrassment feels like.
That belle is literally just Disney art photoshopped in
At least Belle is in model.
>Nidoking in the window
Post the Sup Forums version
Not something I can imagine wanting anyone to commission for me, but it's cute that she's so excited by it.
>invite Kirk and Spock
>no Bones or Scotty
That girls parents payed money to have some moron draw their daughter like the fucking Brainless Wojak meme.
It's incredible.
>inviting a boring ass doctor and an irish guy
for what purpose?
Let Nidoking in you fuckers, you let a fucking frost demon in but not best mon?
I gotchu user.
>Pokemons and Hulk are not welcome!
dr who fans should be gassed
Think that's what all of it is, just photoshopping a bunch of random characters together. Don't know if there's term of this sort of thing but isn't as hard as it looks.
imagine liking a mediocre video game so much you wish one of the characters was in your wedding party
>girl Bane
this nigga isn't even a comic artist, he literally draws the art for toy boxes
>Javert outside the window
>Valjean isn't inside
wasted opportunity
Which one, Last of Ellen Page or Uncharted?
you'll notice that Uncharted isn't in the wedding party, you donut
>Matt Smith Doctor
The image was already awful, but then they just made it even more awful
>No X-men
>he doesnt know
Looked like Nathan Drake and his wife behind Harry Potter
do you know what the wedding party is, user
I still can't believe this a real thing that happened
What is it about the fourth Doctor that attracts all these pathetic losers?
Ike's Last Stand
the fedora, scarf, and cheeky grin
You know what must be really shitty? Being an actual bridesmaid/groomsman in that wedding and being replaced by frodo baggins and that video game lesbian chick.
this looks straight out of wikiHow lmao
>guys our parents hired an artist to paint the wedding
>only none of you are in it
>it's just us and a lot of pop culture references
Who are the people behind Ellen Page and Belle? In front of Dr Who's row.
not a single Sup Forums character
keep at it
This is quite literally exactly like one of those images you would find on Deviant Art around 2011
>Disney will own every one of these character franchises one day
I bet she only liked nerd culture after 07 when The Big Bang Theory told her too.
>managed to get married to somebody who shares their interests and gets along with them
>having parents who support their nerd interests enough to do this
Y'know what, it's a bit of a cringey bit of artwork but the sentiment is nice. Hope it works out for the OP.
What was so great about this wedding that The Doctor decided to visit it four times
Amy Pond, Rory Whatever, and River Song
I give their marriage 3 years tops
5 if they have kids
to their credit, no BBT characters
Is that not Wolverine standing beside Samual L Fury?
Also why isn't he doing anything about those two weeping angels in the back nobody is keeping an eye on?
This. The art isn't great but not awful either, and it's a free gift so whatevs. At least it wasn't a tattoo.
it's pretty awful
k, don't watch Who but seen them before so was curious.
Matt Smith is watching them
When are you getting married and having kids,OP?
>No laughing evans
>Ruining your life
I implore you to reconsider, user.
Is that Obama behind the Stark siblings?
the black guy from Psych
I'm dying
Jesus is already imaginary so why not inviting the whole extended universe at the wedding.
What’s wrong with Ellie’s lips? My poor waifu
Here's the revised Sup Forums one.
*tips le fedora
I suppose you have a point.
>I named a hat! you are wrong!
The abslute state of mudslimes.
Are you blind?
Man poor Hagrid. He really doesn't want to be in this cringefest.
So he’s done nothing at marvel right
I mean, technically
not in a way that anyone would find impressive (probably)
I want to make this my cover photo on fb, but the bane girl is too autismo.
Don't let #NormieGoals hypnotize you user, those are only for people that already have a lot of money and a stable life, but all of that is hanging from a thin string, because once the life of a normie takes a bad turn they don't know how to steer it back in the right direction.
That remind me of that Wikihow image
For fuck's sake, Jim.
Would you have made this post if the guy commissioned a DC artist to make it?
>implying people that would be happy with this kinda "gift" would have any friends to begin with
that bell seriously looks like it was shopped from some promotional artwork
i bet that i could find where it was stolen from using google
Same goes for the Alladin and Jasmine in the back. I suspect 90-100% of the image is traced.
Probably but it would only have 3/4 as many replies.
Much better.
>all those upvotes
Shit I don't get that much for nudes
and the spiderman obviously
but there is something about that belle that stands out like if i saw it before
its way too off model to be official artwork from disney, my best guess is thats its either from a ds game or a toy commercial
Nobody wants your nudes
Post em and we'll help you out.
I still get about 1k+ upvotes though
that's called a collage, user.
That's chump change compared to good nudes
Do you feel superior that user didn't know it was simply the "mates" up front? Do you feel that lack of knowledge makes them a virgin? Does any of that make you feel better about yourself?
Where? I don't see anyo e getting over 2k.
movie characters based on comics are NOT co characters.
Well, now I see 4 animated disney characters but well that image is really bad a not worthy post on Sup Forums
it kind of is awful
Hulk is in the other window.
yes it is you dumb shit
imagine being this wrong
This is cute, cynicism not so much
I think its from porn parody.
user I hate this image as much as the next guy
but your being really autistic right now and you need to turn it down
>those faces
holy shit are they wikihow characters?
>aladdin and little mermaid just shopped in
lol embarrassing