What do you guys think of jones? and if you hate it , why do you?

what do you guys think of jones? and if you hate it , why do you?

Never heard of it. Pic related looks pretty mediocre, though.

Pic kind of reminds me of one piece.

It looks like that how to make a tumblr character picture

The only Jonesy I care about is Steve Jones, formerly of the Sex Pistols.

It's like a low end webcomic in that it doesn't have any substance whatsoever. It tries to hard to be quirky and the artstyle is an eyesore. The story, if there actually is any, goes nowhere.

its falloff feminist shit lol

I believe in hate at first sight.

what specifically do you hate about it?

Never heard of it. Art is cute if a bit cliche. There isn't much about this character that looks interesting, though. I feel like I've seen this character before in loads of other media.


She seems to be quirky and whimsical yet headstrong; that's narrative dynamite! Where can I read this high concept webcomic?

She looks obnoxious. If this isn't a child, then it's a grown up who acts childish, and that shit isn't endearing. It's a pain in the ass. Just like one wouldn't want to be overly serious all the time, one also shouldn't be overly quirky, and this appears to be in that extreme.

Dressing like that isn't practical, and from a design standpoint looks bad because of the clashing colors and general childish nature it gives off. But It does hint at the character's personality. In that they aren't very responisble if they can barely dress themselves.

>that much hair

100 what?

Dir Comatto shirt says no a walking rejection why don't eyiiliyikkit?
"I want to leave" says Maher-duh.

The only thing I think is you asked what we thought like a week ago.

>Last thread like this get pruned and not archived
Jonesy is trash to be honest. She's just an unlikeable character and honestly a good example of a teenage villian. For those who don't know Jonesy (girl in OP's pic) has the ability to brainwash and mindcontrol people via hypnotic powers. She uses this power as you would expect a vapid, sociopathic, teenage girl to use them as. Make everyone bend to her will, try to create her favorite yaoi crackships in real life, and general shit behavior that makes her a worse Teen Jean Grey and borderline Purple Man. She'd make a great villian if she wasn't but her book tries to make her horrible actions look heroic and something other girls should aspire to be. If any girl were to become Jonesy, especially en masse, I wouldn't be surprised if we restarted the Salem Witch Trials just to keep these prepubescent brats from rewriting everyone into their dumb puppets.

Never read that shit but the art and descriptions on pic related already makes me not like it.

That's a girl? I leafed through an issue once and assumed this book was about some awful scene boy.

>Smelly Indian hipster
>With creepy powers
Where's the abuse porn of her.


I already thought that she looked like a high school sophomore's self-insert, this knowledge only confirms my suspicions of the whole thing being "revenge of le 56% face girl"

i mean your not wrong

My brother made a character named Jonesy once, but his character is a little blonde haired boy who's retarded and speaks in the most annoying voice possible. He's also a Chaos God who can bend reality, but only if he's bored or something goes wrong. He often yells out his name and that he's a God before using his powers.

wait, your brother made the comic?!?!

Seems forgettable. Teen America Chavez in Tumblr or CalArts form.

No. His character is comedic and isn't a Tumblrfied self insert.

Looks like a comic that's trying waaayyy too hard to be quirky and relatable.
Also, the art style is hideous and overused.

>try to create her favorite yaoi crackships in real life
you've piqued my interest

They look like my grandmothers