What is this concept of precious little snowflakes? I don't understand.
What is this concept of precious little snowflakes? I don't understand
>What is this concept of precious little snowflakes? I don't understand.
It's a phrase pushed by rightists because they value individualism and self-determination, whereas they see leftists as demanding to be coddled by the welfare state, inoffensive "socially just" media, and other things like that. Leftists imagine themselves as unique individuals, but in the eyes of rightists, don't do the things necessary to distinguish oneself and earn the privilege of being treated as an individual. Hence, "snowflake" = imagined uniqueness combined with delicateness
...is that a postcard?
Alan Moore's post card
>Loyal Redemptionist Zealots seek out and purge the taint of the Ruinous Powers
This is now a Kristofferson thread.
>having a roommate is socialism
Why is he holding that bat all retarded? Or am I retarded??
When someone doesn't get their way, they make a big huge tantrum. Right wing people got it from Anti-SJWs thinking Anti-SJWs were right winged people (which honestly they're all libertarian). It's been a try hard deduced that if you don't get your way and you thrown a tantrum, that means you were pampered. But there's some holes in that theory as well, you can sometimes get pampered and still accept your losts as well your shit losts.
>he doesn't know how to properly hold a Whackbat
the type of people that draw fanart for cartoons generally aren't the type of people that would know how to hold a bat
it's so strange, looking at that image tells me that fucker could have easily looked for references of that shot or even just pictures of people holding bats, but i stead he went with that awkward trash.
I bet this person is proud of this too, probably writes off the awkward positioning as muh "style"
I want to CUSS Kristofferson
i really enjoyed this movie, was it fantastic Mr. fox correct?
Someone post a picture of him in his swim trunks
The character has literally never played that sport before in his entire life so he has no clue of how to take a proper stance. Maybe if you stopped being such a pussy outragefag you would actually watch even just a clip of the movie to find out the proper context.
>In 1996, Chuck Palahniuk's novel Fight Club was published containing the quote: "you are not special, you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake". The 1999 film adaptation of the novel also contains this line. Following Fight Club, the terminology "special snowflake" and "special snowflake syndrome" was applied to individuals who behaved as if they were very special. Such terminology refers to a person who believes their status as a unique individual means they are destined for great success and/or that they deserve a special career with abundant praise and admiration. According to Merriam-Webster, in the 2000s, snowflake referred "mostly to millennials who were allegedly too convinced of their own status as special and unique people to be able (or bothered) to handle the normal trials and travails of regular adult life".
But ironically, each person is a snowflake in that no one experience can ever be known or experienced again, each one unique and temporary. Also, studies show that "just doing it to be unique" is a common sentiment among people who believe in conspiracy theorists. Then there's the people on this site who like to distinguish themselves from the "normies". Being outside the norm is good, right?
This is now a Fantastic Mr. Foc thread
"Your greatest asset is that you're available."
I've never heard a bigger backhanded compliment in my life.
The reference for the character poses was literally Wes Anderson acting things out in a Paris hotel room and sending videos to the animators in London. I know, because I met the poor storyboard artist who was trapped in a hotel room with Wes Anderson for several months preparing boards for the London crew, while his family asked him when he was ever going to come home.
The origin of the term "snowflake is from the book and movie "Fight Club" in which Tyler Durton tells the members of Fight Club "You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as the rest of the world." The right latched onto the concept of the "beautiful and unique snowflake" to describe what they perceive as a propensity of the Social Justice Left to set themselves above the rest of humanity by claiming some sort of special defining status regarding their victim-hood, sexual identity or societal non conforming gender identity and then loudly proclaiming to everyone who will listen that it makes them unique and special, i.e. a "Special and Unique Snowflake."
i love you
was the art director of this movie a furry? That boy was shirtless a little too often to be innocent
And then he deleted this comic because it might be "Ableist". Bleh.
In other words, actual entitled children projecting their selfishness into leftists.
The only dance party ending done correctly.
Wes Anderson often features precocious children in his films. The most uncomfortable scene is in Moonrise Kingdom, but even then it's done so well it didn't sink in that it made people uncomfortable until someone brought it up like a year after seeing it.
is anyone fucking hype for the next stop motion wes anderson movie isle of dogs? I gotta get me some doggo adventures
the ironic thing is that fight club is arguably a pretty radleft book
>I'm gonna lose my temper now
I wasn't expecting it and I felt like her speech was really powerful.
>Would you have told me if I didn't kill you first?
when i first saw this character i thought he was a girl
It all began with this guy. combined with the old trying to find reason to hate on the younger generation.
yes i am too, looks unique.
Oscar will go to Wreck it Ralph 2 anyway.
I had a crush on him when I first saw the movie
I still do. I just wanna kiss him as Ash watches in anger
I thought that this was just a joke about the paranoia that existed in the 50's-60's
Right, and "redpill" comes from a diverse SJW movie made by liberals, one being trans. Life's funny.
wait what, that's a wes anderson stop motion film? I thought it was just some random japanese movie, I've only seen posters for it in the more pretentious artsy cinemas and the potsers didn't include any characters at all
The trailer was super unnerving. I know front facing shots are his trademark and all, but in this trailer with all the stop motion dog puppets it was just fucking creepy.
Still hyped, tho.
What was Ash's problem
couldnt live up to his famous father., and then kriss stole the spotlight.
imo mr fox is a terrible dad.
>one being trans
well yes I've seen the trailer now, but up until this thread I always thought it was some japanese arthouse film since the poster doesn't include anything about the premise or characters
He was also pretty damn spergy, dude wore a towel to school like a cape.
man i miss mr rogers
"he's [waves arms] different" is code for autism
I thought he was gay
You can run that both ways; you know that, right?
>In other words, actual entitled children projecting their selfishness onto rightists
I want to pet Kristofferson
im sure he'd appreciate that user
Likewise. Don't there will be another like him anytime soon. Probably just as well - I can only imagine how Rogers' words and approach would be responded to these days.
Some form of autism probably. He says that he's grumpy and what we see is him acting out in odd ways and his father's parenting isn't the best.
I'm extremely attracted to Anges.
Normal is an average. Nobody's completely average.
>imagined uniqueness combined with delicateness
No, just the "uniqueness" thing. There was an odd period last year where a bunch of tumblr sorts were getting tired of being called special snowflakes and tried to throw the term back. It turns out that a lot of them didn't actually understand what "special snowflake" meant, which became obvious when they starting calling people that in weird contexts. A lot of them thought it was a term you throw at someone who's upset to call them delicate.
sure as hell feels like it
What about average high school students, who inevitably get thrust into a series of wacky adventures and are surrounded by a large cast of cute girls?
That's what happened when it became mainstream, though. When Tomi started throwing it around, it was used in the context of "easily offended" when original it meant "someone just trying to be different".
>they all come up with unique gags for the nomination video, showing how the character would act in that situation
besides Up which just rehashes the dug routine
Oh, not a shirtless fox!
Im tired of anything using animal characters instantly be associated with furry, at this point it is become a mob mentality.
>regular adult life
compared to what other adult lives? the majority of the adults on this planet live in poverty. the majority of adults in the U.S. had better chances and opportunities than recent generations
lol it's like old fucktard capitalists can't understand that they were alive for a boom and are expecting success from their kids during a bust.
"I don't care what the minimum wage is, you should just work more hours so sleep less and risk health problems!"
strawman argument
shit, wrong one
hate right wingers fucking nazi scum, idiots want to stick up for their country (a lump of dirt called ours because some dude said so) get upset when they see flags damaged or the country disrespected and would die for some land they've been told to be proud of. Fuck that, if i was in danger i wouldn't die for my family, or if i had any friends them either
>wanting to defend the land your forefathers laid claim to and fought for
>expecting people to show respect for the government that provides them with order, law enforcement, education and welfare to this who need it
Gr8 b8 m8
>forefathers laid claim to and fought for
yeah, through genocide and slavery
>order, law enforcement, education and welfare
you mean bailouts, thugs in uniform that get away with murder, revisionist capitalist brainwashing and corporate subsidies?
More like bullshit. She makes it seem like it's his fault that death will come for them in general with no specifics as to the situation. He should have explained that no matter who you are someday you will die.
No, radical leftists support globalism and corporations now; en marche! We can do it! Forwards!
yeah really!! who know that karl marx was talking about corporate takeovers in capital volume 1! shucks!
You want uncomfortable? Gumball. There, in that show the obvious pedophile writers do far too many situations where Gumball is full blown naked with the censor bar. I'm not even joking, they honest to God make Gumball get naked A LOT. Wouldn't surprise me if we end up hearing some accusations starting to pop up in the next few years aimed at the creator of Gumball or the writers.
>thought uploading was broken
>works fine on a completely new project
>genocide and slavery
The genocide and slavery that produced you and the family you don't care about. I'm not saying you shouldn't criticize the government, in fact I encourage it very much. If it wasn't for all the genocide and slavery that produced this country, you'd be born to some shit hole where they'd lock you up for voicing the angsty, poorly thought out criticisms of the government that you have. Show some gratitude for the privileges and resources that you have just for being born here. Millions of people around the world would kill just to give their children the opportunities you have.
Times change.
he should only have emphasized "shut up" and "special" in the last panel.
I don't get the issue of roommates. That's a common thing in life or at least it was. I had three at once in my college years in the 00s before meeting my wife. Am I missing a point here?
If you don't fight for your country you'll end up dying anyway.
>if it weren't for genocide and slavery history would be different
yeah things would be different. that doesn't mean anyone should be thankful that bad things happened before the current time we're existing. no one chooses to exist. you have no argument. you're really grasping and reaching for some bullshit that still leads back to poor europeans being treated like trash because they can't find it in themselves to murder the aristocracy or study karl marx
>gratitude for privileges
everything the u.s. has is owed to other parts of the world and other people. you are scum.
>millions of other people kill for their kids to have these opportunities
and those people's lives are difficult specifically because of the history of the CIA, U.S. foreign policy and bullshit colonialism you literally just praised in sentences before.
you. are. scum.
the point is that there is no such thing as a rugged individualist. no one gets through life just by themselves
>this dumbass
hold on. do you actually think that the troops protect freedoms or some shit?
It's honestly pretty easy to tell the difference between an anthro character that the artist thought would be cool to add to the story for creative reasons, and an anthro character the artist wants to fuck like an animal. The blanket definition of anthro = furry is one made by the horny fucks who consume the media, exactly, especially on an imageboard that made a waifu and OC continuity out of a five second MGM gag about a "right purdy leg 'a lamb".
This is Sup Forums. leave. talk about politics in Sup Forums. this isn't Sup Forums related. leave
Rugged individualism means they work life out with little government aid. Help from family/fellow countrymen as never seen as something that went against that ideal.
That's not what that word means. Having roommates dosn't undo being a rugged individualist, if anything that was the whole idea.
It won't ever stop since most fags here are obsessed and sexulized everything. For fucksakes there is a group that makes network channels into females to obsess over them...
oh god you are one of those mouth breathers that thinks minimum wage is a living wage arn't you?
I want to cuck Mr. Fox with his wife.
>hate right wingers fucking nazi scum
I can see your point of view. I hate fucking fundies. But the rest of this rant...
>idiots want to stick up for their country (a lump of dirt called ours because some dude said so) get upset when they see flags damaged or the country disrespected and would die for some land they've been told to be proud of.
For me, it's less about fighting for the dirt, and more about fighting for the people who walk on that dirt. Our community, our neighbors, our friends, our family--
>Fuck that, if i was in danger i wouldn't die for my family, or if i had any friends them either
Ah. I see. You're one of THOSE. Well, enjoy dying alone in a corner because you thought that misanthropy and a good pair of legs was a good wartime stratagem. Or being an eternally ass-damaged /r9k/obot till your lonely whimper of a demise. Whichever.
Everyone i know who is a fan of this is a cunt irl so i avoid the fanbase.
having room mates (excluding your future husband or wife) is a thing that only young poeple should have. By the time you're in your late 20s, it seems like people should be able to support themselves and not have to live with anyone else just to survive, and it just looks wrong to see adults with room mates (unless you consider the significant other and
any other blood relative a roommate).
>By the time you're in your late 20s, it seems like people should be able to support themselves
meme from the 50s and 60s. There was nothing wrong or abnormal about it throughout history it's just the housing market needed suckers that would buy into that American dream of house ownership that made them sweet cash.
>it just looks wrong to see adults with room mates
congrats, they still poison the minds of generations thinking they need to drown in debt owning a home and their own place.
The only thing "wrong" is to give up, to throw in the towel and drain either the government or your parents to survive and never try and make a life worth living. I had roommates till 27 and they have been my closest friends that I have even today. If I took your approach I be friendless playing MMOs while my parents wonder where they went wrong.