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Comics #981
Why does Life bully Shen?
Why doesn't he just kill Spongebob?
When I say I WANT you say PIE!
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
...Fluoride doesn't actually provide a protective coating on teeth...
Sup Forums I’m fucking drunk and the girl I like is kissing up to some dude in front of me. Post Sup Forums shit now
How is willpower an emotion?
So, exactly how is any kid going to even fathom that this is a racist depiction of black people?
Is Iron Giant worth watching?
Post scenes that horrified you as a kid
Would you watch The Big Bang Theory: The Animated Series?
This should be a trash idea yet looks amazing
Is Hank a good parent?
ITT: Cartoons only you remember
What went wrong?
Chocolate? Did someone say chocolate?
Who is stronger?
Scalie schoolie
"You afraid, white boy?"
What went right?
Name a more catchier intro to a movie. I'll wait
Are there any cartoons where the characters actually regularly wear different outfits?
Is Netflix the cartoon savior we needed?
What are some good SHAZAM! comics worth reading?
Say something nice about him
Agents of SHIELD Livethread
Emmy and WGA Award-nominated writer Jeff Loveness (Marvel's Nova) presents an exploration of the classical biblical...
Haha, because I took away Kevin's semi-useful upgrade I've taken over the world
Did someone actually like watching a cancer patient throwing a tantrum every episode as a kid?
The Lion King
Im curious Sup Forums, how old are you?
Lets try another Amazing FanArt tread
Big booty gram has animation now. Newgrounds 404 suicide imminent?
JSA Storytime: Question
Why are Italian and Mexican comics so lewd?
Raven Thread
Ha-ha! Hey user, it's me, Mickey Mouse! If you wanna find the cancer that's killing your comics and cartoons...
Waifu thread
What makes a cartoon animal "dangerously cheesy"?
Hey, folks, viewer mail time again!
Batman is one of if not the most popular superheros on the planet...
Post the most click bait covers you got
What are some good comics about break ups?
Spiderman is so relatable XD
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
HEY Sup Forums BROS
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Kids Next Door
What should the line-up look like after they return post-Doomsday Clock?
ITT: Shows that are technically crap but you still kind of like anyway
"I don't mind cheating for the BatCock"
RWBY/RT General #1397: Crossover Edition
John Lasseter's baby boy. Well, I'm going to flush it down the toilet....JUST LIKE HIM
A porn comic has more interesting worldbuilding and character design than regular webcomics
Gumball visits Japan
*Saves the Day*
I have an abscess on my butt so why not have an old-fashioned RAGE thread?
Castlevania returns this summer
Godzilla is now rampaging through the DC/Marvel universe. What happens...
ITT: Intoxicated cartoon children
All 3 Marvel Comics Nominated for GLAAD Awards Have Been Cancelled
Obsseses over some bitch at his high school
Out of context Sup Forums images
Maybe it'll be like modern king of the hill?
Peter Hayden Dinklage will portray a to-be-confirmed character in Avengers: Infinity War
Is Sue Storm a good wife?
Was it ever explained why the Decepticons in RiD 2015 were furries?
Sonic Comics
What end would you think would be more fitting for her...
Animated movies of 2017
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics and Cartoons A
When instinct kick in
Turf Wars Part 2 Mediocre Boogaloo
Mary Sue Characters
Left or right?
Did they literally copy and paste the mouths? I thought Netflix originals had budgets
Teen Titans Go Storytime
Kid Flash joins Legends of Tomorrow as regular
What did she see in him?
Message to newfags:
ITT: characters still waiting to be rebirthed
Marvelfag Bendis' first DC appearance will be in Action Comics #1000
Thor defeats Loki in battle and takes him to earth to confess to his crimes...
Bcb - Bittersweet Candy Bowl
What comics should she write?
Why did 2D Disney films never get noticeably better at camera work...
Trying to settle a bet here:
Is this the best celebrity made cartoon
Symbiote Thread
Gabby Rivera is now the writer of your favorite female superhero. What happens
Reminder to boycott hotel transvlyvania 3 for putting mavis in a disgusting one piece instead of a bikini
How did you like this?
The goal was to make me hate the rat/her boyfriend but I ended up liking both as a duo instead...
What are some good Sup Forums stroies about corruption?
Dan Slott Leaving Amazing Spider-Man, Will Write Iron Man Series
Carol Danvers
How would you fix the Armin Tanzarian fiasco and make him the true Skinner?
Chicken gets scared
The gifted
When will they learn?
Would you a white martian?
Time for a new crisis?
ITT: '''''bad guys''''' with cause worth fighting for
What are some of your favorite, but underrated heroes that never showed up again after their debut Sup Forums?
Whomp Update
Think of your wiafu?
Why didn't she put up any fight?
Its should be a stand-alone just like, The dark knight returns...
Forgery, the study of forge
So this is apparently considered Disney's worst movie. How come?
OPT - One Page Thread
Characters that would fit a comic book superhero universe
'Girls' Star Lena Dunham Working With Dreamworks On A Feminist- Inspired Animated Film
Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law
Regular Show: every episode is the same lolrandumb bullshit. Also the MC pines for a girl he'll never get
AT is almost over
Damn rebirth Batman books are ass
New loud house episodes tonight
Why do fans of Crossed hate 100 plus by Alan Moore?
What if buff egomaniac Richard Watterson was default richard? How would this change the family dynamic?
Wtf im a furry now
Gunnerkrigg Court
Would you a twilek boi, Sup Forums?
Draw a man
Is this Sup Forums's favorite lady bug?
Why did he complain about having a hot babysitter?
This has to be one of the greatest fan-art creations i have ever seen...
Anna and Rapunzel
How do we go from THIS
Cloak & Dagger is starting on June 7th on Freeform
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics and Cartoons
User, I want it now!
ITT: "oh yeah, that happened"
Sup Forums represented by Sup Forums shows
Would you?
Why did Rorschach think that Ozymandias was gay?
Name a cuter boy than kiyoshi
This is how it should have ended and you know it
Who was in the wrong, Sup Forums?
Cartoons with surprisingly little good porn
Damn Asami reel it in
I just want it to end and go to a better place after i die...
RWBY/RT General #1396: Best Goddess Edition
Lantern Thread
Did this really bother anyone?
The reality of why Superman is less popular than Batman and why very few normies like him is that he doesn't fit an...
Road to Flash War: Wally West Edition Storytime Part 9
Why is Angel such a shitty character? Sup Forums
Was Barriss Dark? A Sith?
Random superpower roll
Was it really that bad?
Did Williams improvise any of the lines for the songs, or was his improvisation all just in the regular dialogue?
Arrow thread
Is there any Sup Forums related music that resonates with you? Ive been listening to this for the past two days...
So why did atlantis the lost empire bomb at the box office? I remember it was pretty good when it came out...
How fast will the gems job in this fight?
Cyclops is pretty fucking cool when you think about it
Watching Cap beat the brakes off Captain Fascist was amazing
You want fries with that?
Fuck yeah
JSA Storytime: Question
Avengers Academy
How do you feel about the wild storm? Who do you think is going to be on the wildcats book...
Singlehandedly destroys the cancer called Wonderbats
Think of your waifu
"Attention! Tonight's supper will be baked beans. Musical program to follow. ...Who wrote this?"
So how come Batman doesn't get Wonder Woman's help in making Maxie Zeus get better...
Webcomic bad endings for the Main MC or Main male
Why are these films so mercilessly trashed by critics?
How many times has Adrien pounded that phat brown butt behind Marinette's back?
Two squares
Does anyone else find it jarring how fucking static the art in Marvel & DC comics are?
Quits job at Buzzfeed
Adult Swim Broadcast/Historical Archive + Preservation Project
Welcome to Angeltown
Lincoln Loud
Non-canon pairings
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics and Cartoons
Shelf (Shelves) and Hauls
Sup Forums's consensus on Before Watchmen and Doomsday Clock? Haven't read them...
What's this word you keep using..."MANNN"?
The lemon is a mighty fruit
Is Flapjack Lovecraftian?
Your fetish in animated form
ITT: Questionable Screenshots
ATLA had some pretty unsettling moments
White Tiger is a Cute
What did she see in him?
I've never read Scalped, let's read Scalped
ITT: Retarded fan theories
So how much longer till he snaps and elliot rodgers her ass or rapes her, because she certainly deserves it
Throwback to when the Guardians of the Galaxy weren't a complete joke
How do they sound like?
Promethea is being incorporated into the DCU (Justice League of America)
CBR is cancer, Newsarama is shit, and Bleeding Cool is doesn't even read/watch the things they're reporting on
Amazon spoiled Slott's story kek
The Superman Flaw
Reminder that Diana doesn't really care about Steve and would cuck him with Batman any day of the week
Why is The Dark Knight Returns so acclaimed?
Another EGS Tape?
What the fuck was his problem?
X-Men Gold #30 Wedding Issue
Power Girl #3 storytime
These three brats show up and ask to use your pool. What do you say?
Is it sad that Vambre is the only cute Sup Forums character we've gotten in 10 years?
Is she the Ultimate waifu?
This is the most fucked up show I've ever seen in my life
Why does she get so much more attention then every other member? She has the most detailed story...
Would you end up in the Leg-Up program?
Would this show be better if it had late 2010s era cgi
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
I wonder how many aspiring artists have given up on their dreams because of your bullshit...
Ugly Bitch
Avengers 4 theory/MCU predictions thread
Angelic #5 Storytime
RWBY/RT General #1395: Yggdrasil Edition
Great show, but you can already see the seeds of insanity in the writing of Scott Adams
You will never write something this interesting
How can Hawk 'Man' even compete?
Was The Long Night any good? Is it canon friendly? Was Hitch's Shulkie sexy?
Best Moana song?
How does this work?
What the fuck was her problem?
Does anyone else find old Mickey Mouse creepy?
The Just - The perfect universe for CW adaptation?
Hero Name
Why isn't Sup Forums fun anymore? Did all the interesting people leave to Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /aco/, /mlp/...
Trinity #17 Storytime
Batwoman #11 Storytime
What's his problem?
Wait are they doing The Long Halloween on Gotham?
How much stronger would Batman be if he was willing to use guns?
Reminder. SpongeBob was watching a sea anemone laying and throwing eggs from its ass
Strawberry Shortcake
It's a superhero complains about how their easily concealable superpowers prevent them from being "normal" episode
What does Sup Forums think of monster high
How true is this
Jubilee Repowered
Sith/Empire Thread
Thundercats 2011: How it Would Have Ended with Dan Norton
So, who was the real mastermind?
ITT: We diagnose Arkham patients
South Park songs
Is Green lanter the worst franchise
Post openings that are straight up Bangers
So, is this any better now? It had a nice start with those short animated youtube episodes...
Alright faggots and femanons. What was your first Sup Forums related fujoship? The weirder the better. Pic related
What's Rick's problem with isrsel?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics and Cartoons
Well who is gonna win?
Why was Caillou such a little shit?
Do you like Vanellope?
Questionable Sup Forumsntent Thread #I lost count
Toonami Ratings for 1/13/18
Want to have a Disney Movie Marathon
Forgotten Characters
Has anyone thought about the future?
What's next for his career?
You remeber all the founding members of the Avengers, right? Iron Man, Thor, The Hulk, Ant-Man, Some fucking woman...
Imagine having such vast resources and a huge army and STILL lose to a bunch of Islanders
Adventure Time
New Happy! tonight lads
Super fun time yeah
Live action Danny Phantom when?
Rapunzel: A Good Princess
Should Marvel give Gwenpool a second chance?
Best style for a webcomic
Big Jo #2 Storytime
Injustice 2
Greatest military feat is murdering a whole bunch of pacifists
Supers vs. Military
JSA Storytime: Question
Almost a year later
Riverdale Thread - We are back with the waifus and shit
Hey guys, Sup Forums's freaking the fuck out about cardboard right now...
Power Rangers #23 Storytime
How much longer till they go back to their time, die, retconned into clones or whatever and just go away?
Rogue is for _______
How would you proceed if you were paid to make a GL game?
Alan Moore vs The Iron Lady
I really want to create my own cartoon. What’s the best thing to major in...
I’ve been thinking
How would the average marvel citizen react, they're so used to cosplayers swinging through their streets
Is Rob Liefeld the worst artist to achieve major success?
Are you feeling nice and chill so far this year, Sup Forums?
I don't get it
Boomhauer = /soc/
Give a character a theme song
Red Sonja #12 Storytime
If you're an unemployed crook or conman looking to make a living off big crime in Gotham...
He is now either the main antagonist or protagonist of the last comic or cartoon you watched
Ruby gloom ended 10 years ago
I've never had that many nuts in my mouth before
RWBY/RT General #1394: Freezerburn Edition
The Autumnlands Storytime
Chocolate? Did someone say chocolate?
You are the experts on this matter, Sup Forums...
What went wrong?
Nemesis storytimme 2
Why is DC suddenly against healthy relationships?
What emotion is this face trying to convey?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics and Cartoons
One of the shows that put nickelodeon on the map
Hey, user, I heard you could draw...
Marco Diaz
What's gonna happen next?
Gravity Falls
Dan DiDio on DC’s 2017
Despite the Simpsns running for almost 20 years now, the show still enjoys popularity, despite its shit quality now...
Finally meet a hot girl who likes you for who you are
Stop having kids
Is he moviebob right?
Is it just me or is Western Animation pure crap lately? Where are all the talented visionaries...
Why is it that Snyder’s Superman has more balls than comic Superman?
ITT: Favorite SpongeBob Quote or Moments
Did EEnE have an influence on KND with the DIY inventions? Why are there no cartoons with these themes anymore?
So now that Dan Harmon is pretty much a Sexual Super Predator and Rick and Morty 4 will never come out whats next?
New romancable trolls for Hiveswap
Even Fred is sometimes okay. Why is Daphne always the most boring one?
New Cartoon - Welcome to Doozy
Why are Cinderella's stepsisters so flat?
I know there was already a thread kinda like this...
/hyw/ How's Your Webcomic? #445
Official Win-O'-Thread
Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay trailer
Mike what the FUCK
Goes to a school with hundreds of interesting individuals
Ava is cute
ITT alternate forms of characters that you liked better than their regular forms
I’ve been away, can someone give me a quick rundown on everything so far
2000AD - Judge Dredd
Anyone else think foxes are overused in stuff? I get the cultural reasons as to why foxes are used...
Mage: The Hero Denied is a third done
Abstract Simpsons memes
All-New Wolverine
Favorite Sup Forums artists
Empress storytime
Guardians 2
How is it?
The last comic/cartoon you've watched has just its main antagonist/villain replaced by Christopher Walken
Was he a bad father for working such a gay job?
YouTube vs. Up&Coming Content Makers
Her weak,old husband transferred his mind into a young,handsome man. Is she lucky?
The Girl from Dinosaur Island
This really got my spider senses a'tinglin'
Harley Quinn #35 Storytime
TFW this selfish brat got godparents despite already having 2 loving parents who are wealthy and live in a nice house
Peter Parker - The Spectacular Spider-Man
Our Cartoon President
America #11 storytime
Aquaman #32 Storytime
Scott has daddy issues
ITT: Villains from other media who'd make good Sup Forums villains
Why isn't Dejah Thoris more popular?
Comic Waifus
Venom Inc. Omega #1 Storytime
Nightwing #37 Storytime
Would you pay X-23 for sex?
Super Sons #12 Storytime
DAMAGE #1: Let's Do Some!
When will they bring back 616 Cyclops?
Anyone enjoying Out of Places?
Will there ever be a competitor to Youtube that caters mostly to animators...
They keep delaying this TUFF Puppy knock-off. It's supposedly due out next month, now. Does anybody even care about it?
The Tournament of Power is kinda bullshit. I don't care how powerful the Kanker fusion is, Rolf totally jobbed...
Superman #39 Storytime
Green Lanterns Storytime
Elsa and Anna
What is Sup Forums's thoughts on D&C?
Justice League #37 Storytime
You will never be a 12-year-old girl
Post your favorite Wolverine pic
Batman #39 Storytime
Gunnerkrigg Court
Mockingbird Thread
How does it make you feel knowing that Disney completely killed 2D animated movies with their greediness in making...
Just started watching this recently and holy shit! Why didn't anyone tell me how good of a character Dr. Orpheus is?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics and Cartoons
Star vs The Forces of Evil?
Ho do they justify him being alive for so long if he survived the holocaust...
Who do people not complain about Marvel heroes killing people in the MCU?
Scottish character starts playing his bagpipe
Big Jo:
Teddy: Oh uh, hey Bob. What's up? Whacha doin?
What is Adam Warlock's personality?
RWBY/RT General #1393: Evil AU Edition
KND The Fall
Recent Sup Forums purchases thread
Flashpoint to be directed by writers of Spider-Man: Homecoming
How exactly is she suppose to nurse it back to health?
How would you fix it
Should I go in blind?
Would you call Laika successful?
I think so, Brain, but how could we convince all of those teenagers to eat little balls of laundry soap?
Can this absolute madman be stopped?
Why did she have to die Sup Forums?
This is the worst artstyle I've ever seen on a cartoon
Why were semen demons not enough to save the Cleveland Show?
South park
Thought on her
Should a individual that committed crimes while mindraped be responsible for the crimes that they committed...
So is Louis CK's Cops Lost media now?
I miss creepy shit from Adventure Time
ITT: Censor-approved lewdness
Was anyone else disappointed with the reveal of Yellow Diamond...
ITT-Sup Forums bootlegs
What needs to happen?
Underrated Sup Forums Men
Black Lightning
Which is more important, ability to draw or ability to write?
What did he mean by this
Random Superpower Roll
Did marvel ever finally hit the bottom or did they fix this shit? I haven’t read or heard anything
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics and Cartoons
Why isn't Peej in the same tier of popularity as Harley Quinn, or Wonder Woman, or even Batgirl?
JSA Storytime: Question
ITT: The manliest Sup Forums character in your opinion
Is it possible to be more unfunny than family guy
KSBD Seeker of Thrones 9-105
Flash Live thread: "Trial Of Barry Allen" - 4x10
What are your thoughts on the "Disney Manga" line
Why is she so quirky?
What was it about Gargoyles that made it so special that people still want more of it almost 30 years later...
So, honestly...
Why 80's animation looks vaguely like anime?
Power Rangers: Shattered Grid
Finally finished this. This show was trashy as fuck. Are the comics anything like this?
'Flash' Movie to Be Directed by 'Spider-Man: Homecoming' Screenwriters
FUCK - only once and you never get to tell anyone
Hello, Sup Forums. Let's draw a mouse, any mouse! I know I should've done this in the previous thread but whatever...
Harry Potter
Alright Sup Forums, so on a cosmic-threat scale, how strong is Dr Pig?
Sup Forums, draw betty boop. NOW
ITT: Characters who we're meant to agree with but who come off as sociopaths instead
Reading comics on the toilet. Yay or nay?
Hey, Sup Forums? Quick question here...
Why are the guys friends with Bill? Whenever anything goes well for him he turns into a gigantic faggot to his friends
RWBY/RT General #1392: Beautiful Brown Edition
New cartoon
New Cartoon - Welcome to Doozy
Let's make fun of the genre we created. Disney fans and women lap it up, Why?
Kung Fu Panda 3
Who was worse Sup Forums?
Why does thor need a scooter?
What do you think of best mouse?
Kick-Ass Storytime 3
So, this is my team. ITT post your dream team for comics
Migraine Boy storytime
Sup Forums elastic characters
"For the Batcock, I'm willing to be a cheating whore", the issue
What exactly does this mean?
Ultimate Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch
Power Girl #2 storytime
The Soul Stone is in Wakanda
So this comic says within everyone is a nigger?
Latest comics have actually been funny
This tacticool shit is getting really fucking boring
Here is a new promo image for Wreck-It Ralph 2
Which one was better Sup Forums?
We've been stuck in the school for over 2 years because this guy can't go three weeks without failing to update
Are you ready for this bastard to molest the DC universe, the last bastion of comic universes not to be wrecked by SJWs?
I know comics are about suspension of belief, but sometimes its so outlandish it cant be taken seriously...
Would Hadji be considered a racist depiction nowadays?
Somebody toucha my spaghett!
Does any body know of a comic, not dc or marvel, that is an I am Legion apocalypse situation...
Thoughts on Max G and Brain Dump?
Goodness girl, you're huge
Kick-Ass Storytime 2
ITT: decent idea, terrible execution
ITT: The RAREST Sup Forums waifus
Yfw they make Pam and Jim Sue and Reed
Who do you ship Arthur with?
Work on your art/donut steel thread
So she was definitely into Nigel right?
Congratulations! You're cartoon has finally aired and ratings are positive; there's a good chance that it'll amass a...
Post Sup Forums characters and the Pokémon they'd use
Cartoon of space travel
ITT: unpopular Opinions for TV and Movies
So, was it bad, was it good? Was it even The Muppets?
Is this the best MCU movie?
Sonic Comics
ITT: Character Reinventions
Kick-Ass Storytime 1
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics and Cartoons
ComiXology's Best-Selling Comics for the Week Starting January 10, 2018
Was this show better than Generation 1?
Dark Matter: DAMAGE
Serious subject
Connie Maheswaran
They had the balls to kill of most of the main characters in Transformers: The Movie?
What went right? Why does this feel like an authentic tribute to the BKV run where others have failed?
Moral of the Story: With great power comes no responsibility...
Pixar hasn't made a good movie for nearly a decade
Would the toys be willing to drop the act if a crook broke into Bonnie's house with the intention to kill her?
Injustice #41 Storytime
Spider-Man Thread!
Character has flaws
The only people who hate this show are people too dumb to understand complicated story lines
Why do people like Disney princesses?
Disagree with someone on Sup Forums
What non big 2 comics do you love?
Why did they tease a relationship between Pacifica and Dipper and then not follow through...
Girl: oh user, you collect comic books? thats so cool! lemme see them!
So is he evil or not?
Are you ready to apologise to Rob Liefield now?
Weird Sup Forums related obsessions
Hello Sup Forums. Here is my TOP 9 of Cartoons!
Who is most dangerous between Riddler, Penguin, and Two-Face?
Hey can you guys list me some racist comics?
Honest thoughts on The Emoji Movie?
Wanted to give superpowers to the people instead of letting everyone be ruled by superhuman tyrants
Red hood
What was the point of making him 70 years old?
Niko and the Sword of Light
Is she right about the Spiderman motto?
CW DC Shows
What did you think of Ultimate Marvel?
Did she deserve better?
Reaction Thread
Thoughts on this company?
Everyone's concerned over whether or not the Duck Dodgers martians have mouths but here's the real question: Do they...
RWBY/RT General #1391: Soon Edition
Can Raps become a nudist in this series since she's a free-spirit hippie girl?
You will never play your wife's butt like a drum
What in the flying mother of fuck
Why was Adult Swim a failure outside the US?
Why was the wonder woman film so acclaimed?
Hey Sup Forums I was wondering what you thought of Gerard Way's Doom Patrol
ITT characters that ruined their shows
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics and Cartoons
ITT:Comics that really make you think
How awesome would it be if Drawn Together came back for brand new episodes...
Lets be positive for a sec
You have $100 to spend on trades and hard covers
Catching up on DC comics since I left off on new 52 and caught up to May 2015 and just finished max Landis superman...
Who else hated Johnny Bravo?
Post redesigns that are actually good
What did she have?
The Secret Service Storytime 2
What's the most delightfully devilish thing you've ever done, Sup Forums?
What the fuck was WB thinking when they greenlit this "design" for Wonder Woman
Butch please stop
What should I expect?
ITT: Shows that are really racist when you think about it
Character has an orgasm in a children's cartoon
Reminder that Frylock's voice actor is homeless now
Supergirl Talkback Thread: LONG LIVE THE LEGION EDITION
What the fuck were they thinking this show pretty much killed the idea of Transtech Transformers and Beast Wars as a...
Remember that episode where Peggy jumps out of an airplane and breaks every bone in his body?
What the fuck happened to this show?
Mabel is shit and if you like her over Pacifica then you're not better than Alex
ITT: Characters so lame that they can't even carry a book nowadays
Storytime: Adventure Time/Regular Show
West tree thread
When's the next merger hiro? I miss /cock/
So what does he eat?
What would be a good Sup Forums-Sup Forums crossover?
WHy doesn't Sup Forums like this show ? it's based
Endtown Update - Race War Edition
ITT: Early fan-works that were since debunked by later canon
KISS has had comics put out by Marvel, Image, IDW, and more...
Post Your Cartoon Ideas
Static thread
How about a hillbilly/rednecks girls thread?
Hellboy thread
Good evening Sup Forums. How are you this fine day?
LOVE Thread
Power Girl #1 storytime
Has nothing more than cheerleading training, and probably strip center-level martial arts knowledge
RWBY/RT General #1390: Best Couple Edition
Just realized my favourite ships and OTPs are all tsundere girl vs airhead boy:
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics and Cartoons
Tiggle Winks pilot episode
So what did Sup Forums do when these came on?
Marvel Disney XD Animated Series
Wolverine isn't relatable, Scarlet Witch isn't relatable, Namor isn't relatable...
HATE Thread
Did Raven like it? She didn't know it wasn't Beast Boy but, still didn't seem to be too mad about it
Stan and kyle have an emotion driven fight with personal attacks
ITT: We pretend it's October 20, 1997
Y'all ready for Super Best Friends Forever MKII?
Which Robin does Batman like the least?
Ed Edd n Eddy
Did the new 52 unfairly get too much hate?
Bumper/ID Thread
What the fuck?
This can only be the work of
Wow. Really makes you think
Huck storytime 2
Why, I do believe it's time for... Star Trek: The Next Generation!?
Bcb - Bittersweet Candy Bowl
Who is the best Sup Forums alpha bitch?
Bartman: Spectacularly Super Secret Saga Storytime
Somehow, you've gotten yourself an Omnitrix...
Gumball's 200th episode is here today at 6PM EST!
Welcome to the relationship, Sup Forums!
Avengers 4 Ending Spoiler
2017 Overall Comic Book Sales Report - Top 1000's
‘Rick & Morty’ Co-Creator Dan Harmon Admits To Sexual Harassment
Donna Troy
Bob's Burgers - I throw stink bombs at white guys
December 2017 Comic Book Sales Report - Top 500's
I guess I'll have to face that in this awful place
Name me one, ONE Sup Forums character that could beat Broly according to his fans...
So how long until the Mousefuckers get a hold of Warner Bros.?
Our Friend, Martin
How long did Ramona and Scott last together before breaking up for the last time?
What If...? Star Wars
Journalists Offered Reward to Ask Trump About US-Wakanda Relations
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics and Cartoons
What went wrong?
Is nu-Ducktales worth watching for a comicfag or am I going to sperg about how it's not like the comics?
What If...? Star Wars
Were there any cartoons you weren't allowed to watch as a kid, and why?
Is your waifu legal in your state?
Hey, I know, I'm gonna start dressing like a stripper and going out to fight supervillains
Owlturd rule 63
It's a "white male gets cucked by superior robot/alien/furry man" episode
Ok Sup Forums, I want to ask which of these cartoons resonates with you the best...
Ford was a bigger shit than Mabel ever could be
Like men looking hairless and curvy
Whomp Update
Peter, listen...
Gunnerkrigg Court
Be honest, Sup Forums. What WOULD you do if superheroes were real? What would you really think?
Seconds, by Brian Lee O'Malley Storytime Part 2
BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle Has 20 DLC Characters, 20 Fighters Base Roster
Why was the original Samurai Jack so good compared to the latest season...
What did you think of Red Hood and the Outlaws?
Wait so are only the first 18 issues of the Vertigo run released in a collected format? The fuck?
RWBY/RT General #1389: Sleepy Sage Edition
Kim Possible is the best Disney Channel series
Why was he always mean to Dale? Even when Dale was minding his own business and doing nothing wrong...
Is this the most important DC Comcis hero?
Gothic Elsa is better than normal Elsa
Very strange to see south park from a different angle than the regular 2D outside of the intro
So I saw my brother watching this garbage fire and based the few seconds I saw of it I'm gonna take a crack at...
Is this show any good?
Is he the only one to ever get Superman right?
Devil's Candy
Describe this girl using one word
Prequel adventure
10/10 body
I Hate Fairyland
ITT things Sup Forums pretends didn't happen
Why didn't you like it Sup Forums?
DC Reaction Images only, from comics, cartoons, and live action. Go!
She's getting cut from the new show, right?
How does Superman escape?
Well, holy fuck, Sup Forums. I watched this with my brother tonight and as is tradition...
Why is Batgirl also an expert mathematician?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics and Cartoons
Superior storytime 2
What is this concept of precious little snowflakes? I don't understand
Strange Magic
Why is it so hard to adapt G.I. Joe, Thundercats, He-Man these days?
Can we have a thread about the Marvel comic based Fox show The Gifted...
Questionable Content
Craig of the Creek
Why dont people appreciate comics more? it's like the best medium ever. even better than tv
Is it me, or do Timmy's classmates act...awfully not like grade schoolers
Sup Forums How is Wakanda so technologically advanced just because they have a space mineral?
Do you think there's a correlation between being into Sup Forumsstuff and being bad with women?
Is she a dog or a cat?
DC Streaming
Ava's Demon
Close Enough
Who was this show even made for?
We always talk about super hero and cartoon porn parodies but how about disney fairy tales...
Justice League Thread
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...