
I just want to talk about those few freaky Sup Forums beatniks, man.

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Is Shaggy a beatnik or a hippie?

Considering scooby doo came out suspiciously around the period of the vietnam war, I'd say hippie style conscientious objector.

Probably a good thing too, even in war the vietnamese don't need to die in one of the eventual traps laid out as they stalk Shaggy through the jungle.

He's a burn-out.

Burn outs came later user, think 70s/80s.

Aren't beatniks the hipsters of the 20th century?
I remember seeing a lot of those guys on Germany.

The only beatnik I know because it's from my favorite movie

No, hipsters are the hipsters of the 20th century.

One of the absolute bests. Given the situation of the episode, there's something amazing about a fat pirate looking guy who talks like he's Lord Buckley.

it's not fair that the girl outfits are so much cuter outside the period than the guy outfit

>Hipster or hepcat, as used in the 1940s, referred to aficionados of jazz, in particular bebop, which became popular in the early 1940s.
So I was a hipster all this time without even knowing it? Fuck.

>I'd say hippie style conscientious objector.
Shaggy served his country like a real red-blooded American, it's the shit that he saw in the war that gave him the spooks.

We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas.

>traps laid out as they stalk Shaggy through the jungle

>Fred goes to Vietnam
>Studies the fuck out of Vietnamese traps
>Learns how to spot them from a mile away
>Starts making his own traps to counter them
>The Vietnamese are shocked by his ingenuity and make traps to counter his
>A traps arms race evolves, with the traps becoming significantly more complex, large-scale, and deadly
>Fred eventually destroys an entire Vietcong-held city via an incredibly complex Rube Goldberg machine made out of logs, hair, bamboo, and parts of dead Vietcong soldiers and their uniforms
>Government creates "Master of Traps" position and makes Fred its first recipient

Gotta go with spigot


Look, I'm not saying to can kill Sup Forums's meme obsession with Goth, but if you could somehow halt it for a considerable amount of time, would you be ok with "Beatnik" taking its place?



I remember the Offbeats. Holy shit.

They are running all across the country, living in a van user.

I mean, I get on really well with my friends, but I wouldn't do that with 3 other people and a dog unless we agreed on a lifechanging pact.

>Mass murder via a Rube Goldberg machine

I'd watch a horror film based on this.

>I'd watch a horror film based on this.
It's called Saw.

>They are running all across the country, living in a van user.
Times were rough for veterans after the war, user.

Came here to post this

Easily the most prominent beatnik in Sup Forums media.

Madman got into it with beatniks on a few occasions.

I'm down for that. Too bad I can't draw.

It was more of a philosophical question about this board's obsession with Goth girls, than a request, but ok.
I would actually trade it for punk, but that's me.

Punk is good.

I'd read a comic about Shaggy's time in Vietnam.

>"And, I remember, I-I cried, I wept like...some grandmother. I wanted to tear my teeth out-I didn't know what I wanted to do. And I want to remember it-I never want to forget it. I never want to forget...and then I realized, like I was shot, like I was shot with a diamond, a diamond bullet right through the forehead. And I thought my God the genius of that. The genius, the will, to do that. Perfect, general, complete, crystal, pure. Then I realized he was stronger than me because he could stand it-this was not a monster, this was a man, a trained cadre. This man, who fought with his heart, who had a family, who had friends, who was filled with love for solving mysteries...and he had the strength, the do that.
If I had, ten divisions of that man...then our troubles here would be over very quickly"

Is fritz the cat a beatnik?

He's just a slacker. Has some things in common with hippies but doesn't care about politics enough to be one.

someone should storytime Madman

>Master of Traps
I would go with Trap Master and have people appointed under him called Trap Confederates or Just "Trapper" with an added rank such as Corporal, Lieutenant, Sergeant etc.

An actual Rube Goldberg machine. Not just 'if you pull this plug, you can't leave the room, but if you don't you'll drown'.

A machine set up so that the most innocuous of movements could trigger a domino effect to destroy a stadium.

no, he's more of a drop out and, in one issue, an anarchist, if only incidentally

>actually caring about politics

Jerry Rubin became a yuppie
There's a hilarious interview of him by Daniel Cohn-Bendit where he declares to be "treating [his] body like it was the revolution", showing a closet full of various vitamin pills.
user, he died crushed by a truck while doing his footing. He said he wanted to be immortal.
Hippies where children doing psychedelics under CIA supervisation.

I would go for Norville Rogers being, at a young age, volunteer in the army passing for older than he was and wanting to get out of a problematic life.
>He avoided the other poor, troublesome kids
>Velma was one of the only friend he had back in school
>He liked her. She seemed to have figured how to reach a good life through study, but he himself would never be smart enough for a scholarship
>Kept contact through letters during the war, she would be to take care of his dog, Scooby-doo
>Met Fred in the jungles, became his assignated help for
>Was too fragile already and broke under Freds tyranic engineering madness
>Coming back home Fred saw the evil he had done. He reached Norville who brought Velma along, and set on new horizons, Merry Pranksters style.
>They all met Daphne at a be-in, who fell for Fred and so stayed with the band.
>Nickname came from her, she would try and push him to take better care of himself.

how they got into mercenary detective work is another story.