What the fuck happened at Marvel? I thought this image was photoshopped.

Other urls found in this thread:

Reality has gotten so shit that any art reflecting it can only be shittier.

It is a stealth parody, user.



I mean she's got a point.
Assuming the alien species loosely adheres to our understanding of gender and reproduction, (which of course is a flawed assumption, ironically lending more credence to Jean's (??) statement) what appears to be an alien "penis" could be a tube that sucks out alien sperm for fertilization of the egg, thus rendering said alien female.

The "stupid" in stupid gender constructs probably means that this was more a commentary on social politics though.


>It wasn't meant to end this way

Does this mean trannies think they're actually alien and human biology shouldn't apply to them?

I mean, I'm all for it, now let's just find their home planet and send them all there

Here's the thing; it doesn't matter. It's an alien infant and getting offended on a damn baby's behalf is retarded. You can call it a fucking retard and it still won't understand.
It's like the dog in this video

And after that, we build a huge intergalactic wall to keep them all out.

In the marvel universe everyone is binary, even magic beings.

There is something really odd about a character thinking in more than one though bubble in succession as if they where having an imaginary conversation or something

>It's a "crossposter finds an old ass panel that makes him angry because he has no actual problems in life and pollutes Sup Forums with a thread about it" episode

>This is the same company that published If This Be My Destiny, The Coming of Galactus, Demon In A Bottle, and Secret Empire

I feel pain in my very soul

Writers decided to do away with pretense and subtext and simply use the medium as their soapbox.
It's always been a soapbox, mind you, but now it's just really blatant.
Kind of like here.

> It's a SJW
Maybe if we ignore it it wI'll leave.

I've been trying to figure out what's going on in OP's image, assumed it was an older book which would make more sense. But apparently it's from 2015 and they never really explained anything about the baby.


>The Kree have developed and distributed a mathematical equation that is empirically incorrect in-universe due to ToAA
Up there with Reed rejecting existence of higher authority after meeting Jack.
Honestly puzzled how the Skrulls have any trouble with these people.

he's right you know

How would atheists exist in a universe that has Asgard, Mephisto, Galactus, Watchers, etc and God bringing Ben Grimm back to life?

They're better at genetic engineering than at math, I guess.

Retards can be atheists too.

A broken clock is twice a day. Assuming an alien species remotely conforms to our Earth concepts of binary sexes is dumb. It's a fucking alien.

>What the fuck happened at Marvel?
The last 5 years, and 4th wave "feminism" that think equal rights is female superiority.

Armchair protesters have gotten so retarded that foreign civil rights' groups are asking them to shut up because they're an embarrassment. But controversy sells.

>4th wave
Fuck dude, I thought we were only on the 3rd wave, what'd I miss

>t-they're just joking...!


switches are fine devices

it gets worse than that bro

They suck at math. Nothing more to it.

Why are white people so easily offended?

not the point of the picture.

Im not white

>Armchair protesters have gotten so retarded
Dont bring Sup Forums into this

>Uhh... Hey guys

This was an intentional parody, Iceman was infected by a thing that made him edgy

When is the "I'm non-binary" trend bubble going to pop? I imagine this is similar to the goth phase where everyone was just riding the train to be "unique" even though everyone was doing it, but goths weren't a political movement, so I have no idea how long it can last.

This is why I only read savage dragon, it may be porn at this point, but it still better written than anything nowadays.

This one pisses me off the most. Why would a Norse deity have any opinion on Israel?

At this point, these fags are just with it because of it being a form of trolling.

Because he's literally a god of conflicts.
He doesn't actually have an opinion on Israel, he just says stuff about it to start shit because that's his thing.

I just laugh at them and leave, I have noticed that if you laugh instantly after they speak, some other people will catch up and laugh too, it may not be an argument, but it certainly hurts them psychologically.

But...why is he yelling that at those two? Da heck to asgardians care about Israel?

That might not have been Bor, though. Probably some kind of simulation.

Actually the only explanation for him jobbing so hard to fucking Angela.

This guy gets it.

He doesnt.

That was the narrator (Sera) replacing what he said.

>Sup Forumsbait reee liberals thread
>text in the subject line
Every single time. I know you fags are knew and used to reddit, but very rarely do anons use the subject line on Sup Forums. At least try to blend in a little bit.

They worship the wrong god.


How come she put emphasis on stupid? Is her planet also going through a retarded PC movement and she's a SJW back home?

I just laugh at these things and these people, their complaints are so petty, insignificant and can be summed up with "I'm a very sensitive, emotional person please treat me with the utmost of care not to upset me".


it is a joke, why are you fucks so offended

I feel like this is fine until the last panel. It’s kind of a fun idea that they are both immune to religious belief for different reasons.

The last panel is Reddit as fuck though

Heh never got why this triggered you guys so much. It’s kind of funny

I remember when it was cool to be an atheist on Sup Forums.

The times, they change.

Rather than cool it was just an arguing point. Remember when people had multiple debate videos against each other for or against religion on youtube?

I can't even imagine caring about YouTube atheist takes.

This desu!

You guys can keep posting same old marvel images but DC is honestly just as bad. but tbf it's almost entirely contained in Tumblr Batgirl series.

>and Secret Empire

>but tbf it's almost entirely contained in Tumblr Batgirl series.
Thereby making it not as bad as Marvel

>Secret Empire

Are you joking?

VERY subtle bait

>This is why I only read savage dragon
You're welcomed to it than. It is all soyboi shit.


Shit content, well written.

>Savage Dragon

>When you root for the bad guy because he has a more relevant and understandable morale code then the hero, who hurts people because they disagree with her.

She is 100% right though????????

Only the first text globe on each panel were needed.

Anons, you know Secret Empire was an old 80s Cap storyline before Spencer right? You do read comics right?

80s Secret Empire isn't nearly good enough to be next to If This Be My Destiny and The Coming of Galactus

Found the Nixon lover.

Nixon being Secret Hitler is hilarious. The actual story just shouldn't be considered one of Marvel's best.

I'm referring to the Englehart storyline, you fucking retards.

Holy shit, Sup Forums disgusts me.

well that's why it's subtle, innit

This. I love Englehart, but I really just didn't enjoy the Secret Empire story arc. Everything else he's done, I've liked, warts (Mantis oversaturation) and all. It was an okay story, and had the benefit of showing Cap as a man of principle who serves America as an ideal instead of "muh country" regardless of agreement with an issue. But, it was somehow not engaging for me.

I like to believe it's because Miller condensed Cap serving the ideal not the country into a single panel and made it far more succinct and meaningful than "lol Nixon is Hitler"

>Anti lgbtq+ orgs what like, churches and gay therapy camps?

I mean look I felt a little bad about the Chick Fil A thing too but they're still a good company and I like the sandwiches so get off my nuts

Also, how mad are the LGBT community right now that the "queers" have piggy backed onto their movements


aside for muslims and some really hard core protestant sects, no church acts against lgbtq+ organisations. closest you can get is churchs and religious orgs working against the open practicing of homosexuality and for that you have to go to places like Russia .
But then again by todays standards saying that trans people are more prone suicide is tranphobic, so if we go with that mind set supprting everything, but lgbtq+ or BLM or Boco Haram counts as supporting the true evil.

>they set up a good argument in his favor
>then have her bash him in the name of feminism

This would have been fine without the word stupid. Maybe reword the whole sentence.

Anyone who doesn't celebrate LGBT is "anti". "Tolerating" means now "celebrating" to them.

>When you’re so inept at arguing that you go into the negatives and actually end up advocating for the people you’re trying to strawman

they messed up one of the best characters for this shit series, never see oracle again and that makes me sad

Because the idea of a modern Marvel writer being capable of humor is more outlandish than one actually believing this seriously.

modern comics (yes also DC) are literally just about men hatred and feminist propaganda.
men are no longer allowed to act masculine and be competent. all women are nowadays "strong wyman" marie sues that are always right and always shown as better then the men
Where is your math now kree?

but dude, it has porn in it now

I would urionically prefer if they made Donald Trump into some Vaudville level criminal mastermind lowkey that Marvel superheroes keep having to deal with in the background. Handlebar mustache, cape and robot hands and all the bills are replaced with him. Like, just a Golden Age Supervillain for the president, that they have to confound for fun, like Guild of Calamitous Intent level corny beside the real problems. He ran on the supervillain party, had a plan to poison all the watering holes and steal candy from babies, and also build ridiculous walls everywhere, and then everyone voted for that, and now he's the president.

Just avoid social commentary and turn him into the supervillain they imagine him to be.

>there are people on Sup Forums who have folders full of screenshots of SJW quotes in comics just so they can be triggered again and again

I hate all of you and I hope all your daughters get BLACKED hard.

it's a fucking alien. Learn some biology, sex is the most fucked up process in life. Tons of species are hemaphodites, or just throw our entire concept of sexual reproduction out of the window.

Hell, in some species the females have the penis and inject an egg into the male

Hi Thor.

I want to read this so much.

I hate to go all TVTropes but Strawman Has a Point.

>implying Sup Forumstards will ever breed
too busy whining about white people not having babies.