Kick-Ass Storytime 3

Previous millarverse
Part 1 → → → → → → → →
Part 2 → → → → → → → →
Part 3 → → → → → → → →
Part 4 → → → → → → → →
Part 5 → → → → → → →
Part 6 → → → → → →
Part 7 → → → → →
Part 8 → → → →
Part 9 → → →
Part 10 → →
Part 11 →
Part 12





























































Was she raped in the movie too?


No, Red Mist can't get it up.
Outside of the horrible Hit-Girl subplot, I found the second movie to be a much better Kick-Ass movie.

















>try to get into this
>get oast the first issue of Wanted
Is reading all this stuff really worth it because jesus christ this bad







Wanted isn't that great no.
Millar is a very variable writer.


I'm too autistic to skip it though, is it worth the pain?


Not really, if you're in it for the "big picture".
Unless things are direct sequels to other things, then the universe is mainly just small tethers of lore.


Alright, thanks for letting me know. I've read a ton of it already anyway and what I have read is shit.





