Would you call Laika successful?

Would you call Laika successful?


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Not especially, but that’s just because they have infinite money and thus don’t care about being successful in the slightest

What they're doing is very admirable but from almost every stand point, beyond craftsmanship and artistic integrity, they're fairly unsuccessful. Shine on you crazy rich fucks.

At making good movies? Yes. At making money not so much, I think they mostly break even. So keep buying those Air Jordans.

Still haven't seen Box Trolls for some reason...

Paranorman and Coraline were pretty good. Kubo and Boxtrolls are just passable. Compelling writing was never one of their strong suits.

It's generally considered their weakest film, but I honestly found it rather enjoyable. The humor was usually pretty on point.

Coraline > Paranorman > Kubo
Haven't seen Boxtrolls

>these niggas slept on Kubo
Well I, for one, enjoyed it thoroughly.

What'd you like about it?